Show YANKEES DROP DOUBLE DOULE DOU LE CARD VW Van it ts tv TV PIRATES BLANK NEW YORK NATIONAL AL KEAGUE NI EAGUE Y W I 1 Pct New York I I 61 34 42 Chicago 6 40 52 H 41 St 46 2 Cincinnati 60 50 50 00 St Louis 41 66 58 Philadelphia 37 57 3 4 Boston Boon 6 itCO 60 1 da 8 Results At Brooklyn Brooklyn- Brooklyn 4 4 Brook In 1 At New York York-Pittsburg York li G New NewYork NewYork ew York 0 called at nt end en 1 of sixth darkness At St PhIladelphia Philadelphia St Louis 6 Philadelphia 3 Cincinnati at Boston Game earn call call- called called call called ed end ot of fourth ran rain Today's Schedule at Boston Chicago at Brooklyn Pittsburg at New Nw York St Louis at Philadelphia NEW YORK Aug AUf The 1 l Nationals National won their seventh game ram here her Thurs Thurs- Thurs Sa do da defeating New Nw York YOlk S 6 to 0 lit In III six Innings the tho th being called because of ot rain and dark dark- darkness ne ness floss The Tho Th score cor R Il RH H T 1 Pitsburg burg S 1 10 9 0 New York 0 5 I 0 Called sixth inning rain Meadows Batteries Meadows end and Smith Watson and Sn dr PHILADELPHIA Aug Au 1St 1 St Louis made It two front Philadelphia Thursday by y batting Mitchell from the th box In the th Inning and scoring enough h runs rune runato to win 6 to 3 S The Th score acore R Il H II Ii E ESt St Louis 6 t 11 0 Philadelphia 3 S 1 12 0 Batteries aril ard Gonzales Mitchell Couch COUGh and Wilson lIson BROOKLYN Au Aug Aut 1 l- l Chicago 1 evened up the th series erles with Brook Brooklyn lyn winning 4 to lo 1 l I IThe The Th score icor R B H if E B Chicago o C 4 4 1 8 1 Brooklyn 1 i 6 l i Keen Batteries Ken and nd nd Hartnel Decatur Robert Roberts Ruether and To Talor lor Ii LJ W tY L pct New w 57 43 70 H 4 43 Detroit 65 48 43 1 St Louis Lollis 49 47 Chicago Cleveland 47 61 51 Clo 1 Boston 4 46 fi 58 53 45 Boston Philadelphia 43 43 64 54 3 Philadelphia 40 40 Ji l 40 Yesterdays Yesterday's ne lle uI Its l At St at Louls First Louis First game New NewYork NewYork NewYork York 1 J St at Loul Louis 2 second game New Nw N w York 4 Rt Si Louis T 5 fi L At Cl Firs Oland Firs game I l 7 nl 3 sec sac second sec second ond game ram Philadelphia 3 Cleve Clee- Cle Cleeland Cleveland eIland land 4 I e-I At Washington Detroit Detroit Washington 1 I Do- Do 0 At Chicago Boston Chicago Boston 4 Chi Chi- Chicago I De-I o cago 5 Today's S Schedule Boston Doston at nt Chicago New York at St Louis Washington at ot Detroit Philadelphia at CIA diet i eland ST BT LOUIS Au Aug 1 1St St St Louis took both games of o a 0 header double double double- doubleheader doubleheader header from the New HeM 1 1 ork Yan Tan Yankees Yankee kees kee Thursday J Ernie Wingard Ingard won his fourth victor victory of at the th sensor 0 oter 01 er the I Yankees In the tho th first game am hold hold- holdIng holding hold Ine Ing New York to fh file fite e hits hit with Ith excellent support ort Danforth Dantorth pitch pitch- pitched pitched ed good rood ball In the th second secund game holding the th Yankees Yankee to six hits hit thirty third Babe Dobo Bab Ruth drove dovo out his hi thirty thirty- third homo home horn run of ot th the tho season In Inthe inthe the sixth Inning of the second game and his fourteenth fourteenth for tor Jul his previous record tora for tor torn fora n a single month First game rame R It II I It E New York YOlk 1 I 6 0 oSt St Louis Loul 2 8 t 2 I Batteries Hoyt Batteries Hoyt Sha Shaw I key oy and andI I andI Hotmann Wingard and So lIe erold I Second game tame tameR R Il HUE HUEI H E I I New NewYork York 4 6 t l i Bt St Louis S 6 9 i 2 I Gaston Batteries Batteries Gaston and Danforth Dantorth and Seve- Seve Sv I reid I DETROIT Aug AU Washington 1 1 Wa I nosed Detroit out of ot second place here Thursday Thur day when wona won wona a a pitchers battle battlo batti with h Colllns Collins 1 to 0 I Tho score R U IL H E B BWashington ton Washington 1 4 0 Detroit 0 0 3 0 Zachary Batteries Batteries Zachary and Bud RuI Collins and Woodall CHICAGO Aug Aur 1 1 Timely hit hll- hitting tint hit ting by Harvey aho ho Is substituting at second cond for or Cap Cap- Cap Captain tam tain Eddie CollIns Colllns coupled with witha witha a double steal by Sheely and Archdeacon enabled o Chicago to defeat Boston Ii 5 to 4 i The Th score R Il H II E U I Boston i 4 6 2 Chicago t II 10 2 I Batteries ton Ion and Pie Pic Inich Mangum and andI I Crouse Croue Aug Aur 1 Cievo 1 Cl leve- leve leveland land ve-land land and Philadelphia even Thursday Philadelphia Inning I the first 7 to 3 11 1 and 1 Cleveland I the second 4 to 3 In ten In 1 J Irl lr l game cam R H Ii U e I PhiladelphIa 7 11 1 Cleveland 32 3 9 2 I Heimach end and Per Por- Perkins Pr kiDS kins Uhle Uhl Roy and L Sewell I Second game cm R B H II E EI I 3 12 o 0 CI I 4 11 1 I ITen iTen Ten I Batteries Batteries and Perkins I Metes I her r Messenger er er end and I L Sew Se SeI Sw- Sw I ell eli II |