Show CROWD APPLAUDS VAUDEVILLE BILL Entertaining Program At Atthe Atthe the Alhambra A Theatre This Week Another highly entertaining vaudeville bill together with a 0 moving movine picture drama dmn of lr unusual Interest Tom Mix Ml In InE Eyes Ds es of or the ul Fo served to bring large crowds crowd to the th Alhambra Alhambra bra bra theatre Thursday for tor the open open- opening open open-In- Ing shows how The Tho Th program III alit a be begh rn gh ghen en with matinees and ind evening evening performances today and Saturday Virginia Valli In The The Th Signal Tower sill Bin be bo the attraction start start- startIng starting Ing Sunday Nolan Leary and his company present In one on ot or the th more mor elaborate orate acts a 0 new com comedy dy Yes Mean l No The Th son eon of or a hard hard- hardheaded headed hard headed business man Is told to prosper by I learning to say nay no IIo take takes charge ch rr of or the th business for his father for tor just a 0 few rew min min- minutes minutes min minutes utes but In that brier brief time nearl nearly upsets upset the bushes Kl and wreck wrecks his hie own romance The Th whole thing thine I is isa Isa I Ia a laugh from beginning to end nd Richard Hutchins Ed Helen K I Johnston and William Marble are In the th able supporting cast Bright colors color flashing action and touched ot or f mark the billet and dancing d revue presented by th the the file e Co Co sis sis- sisters is- is tera tern The Tho leading JIU Covey who simulates simulate awkwardness a In on one ot of o the act One Olle On ot of o the heaviest applAuded acts act on this weeks week's week program Is that of or two musicians ns Moro and Yaco Taco One On plays p pla a violin I he other a piano accordion In- In In d Ith their pleasant plea har- har harmony inon har-inon mony Ion Is I a great reat collection ot or com com- comedy com edy antics and remarks The Id nu lence lute e them so well w ll that en ores are arc demanded Clever graceful dancing and humorous monologUe u tn In favor for Billy Purcella Purcella makes his best Impression with a a triple time buck and wIng winf dance one on ot of the cleverest t seen this thil season Three Thre pretty young women who dance gracefully In a 0 a variety or of pretty though h rather scant cos- cos costumes costumes cos costumes are Included In the th opening open open- openIng opening ing ing- act presented by La Ia and company comp The Spanish ec- ec eccentric ec eccentric c centric and classic dances seem to tobe tobe tobo be those most enjoyed enjo ed by the crowd r E Es Eie ea e of or the Forest le Is I a story ator or of a forest ranger rancor who risks In- In Injury injury In Injury jury and oven een 01 e en his life Ure In prot protection protection c- c tion ot of a 0 woman The scene wherein Tom Mix as s the th ranger rang rang-eris Is H pursued by a mob and Is rescued res- res rescued res rescued cued by an aviator alator a lator Is one on pt pf the most thrilling In cinema annals The rush ot or the th mob and the posse pOSS to the mountain cabin shel shel- sheltering sheltering the girl pro provided further and the th climax comes when i Mh scores 0 over o cr the tho ruffians and gaIns the th love Jove ot or the girl tirl The Tho bill Is made further enter enter- entertaining entertaining enter by the accompaniment or of orthe the enlarged ed Alhambra orchestra under direction ot or J Albert Erick Erick- Erickson Erickson son Erick son |