Show A AV XIII I A bottle of ot on ot the th shelf at at doctorIn homo home horn is II I like having t II doctor in the tho th hous all the time It gives elves relief when the tho digestion dilution geLs ge out ot of o order ord r or the bowel tall jail to act Ono One On or to two don doea I is I that Is 19 nece to start things moving mo Ing and rotor restore that th lIne feeling ot of o niton and buoyancy ot of o spirits which belongs r to perfect health Pric SOc Sold by Ensign Drug Drop CoAd Co Ad Ad Advertisement Jt I cherI r cher Milk M in Bread is 13 indispensable As A a tissue tissue-bu builder er it is g A generous proportion of rich pure milk con con- contribute extra goodness to Home Horne Craft BREAD It gives tives the th last wholesome touch to this genuinely wholesome whole whole- some Borne om loaf lod It It means me ni a richer creamier Bread Bread-a Breid a loaf satisfying tl to its last la t tender crumb Ask A k You Your Yur Grocer Creer WISHART'S BAKERY The T Taste t T Till ll the Difference r nce 3 liB 1 D tJ ne Ibe BREAD that thu BRINGS HEALTH end HAPPINESS A CraM Crain W Raked From TAt TA Fin Finest WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR FLOURI I NONE WITHOUT TNt THE nADI MARS MIK WISHART'S BAKERY I Ol From Your Tour Dwer Dier The End of or the Trail Trail- A splendid lunch awaiting you including including ing lug ft I half dozen dozenS S Boxes ot- ot of MG Potato Fla Flakes k es II I the th end nd of f the rain bow Indeed The Tri Flavor IS Snappy The Th Flake Flak Flakes ARE ABE Crisp and stay Itay tay crisp crl p the Package I Is I Air Tight Look Lo k for fr the th M G C Box at all Good G Cro Gro- Gro Grocers Gr cers cert Flake Flak M Manufacturing Co C CD D nv r Colorado Cl r x pOTATo I NET IT C TUB COLORADO C C Shop Early One of the hardest problems we w have hav to contend with is Our our ur unusually busy afternoons To divide the th crowds we are offering offering- unusual bargains until noon Shop b be before fore 10 A M and avoid waiting Saturday UNTIL NOON KP MATCHES M 6 U RegU ular Good Boxes Quality Our Regular Reg Reg- TEA 2 lb Ib Royal Garden I TEA T EA Green the Best in Tea PINEAPPLE T 11 2 c Broken Medium Sliced Size 33 j BEEF B EEF Choice Pot IOe bc Roasts lb Ib 1 STEAKS TEAKS S Sirloin Round Roun and T-Bone T lb Ib OTHER BARGAINS I LEMONS LE MONS 19 12 7 Medium Size Solid l 19 iL juicy Lemons Lemon 11 C F WW Lb Can Old Master MasterA A AThe 1 COFFEE OFFEE C 1 50 1 The Tho Perfect P r ct Blend c SALMON ALMON S l AT MOM 2 9 Fancy Large Piat ri Medium t Cans Red Rd R d u 3 9 c P Pork or k an and d B Beans eans 2 i lIl PIerces PIerce's Medium Size SIz Cans 25 c 1 I-I I r 1 TO 10 Sacks Sachs Gold Seal Sal Quality for tor 1550 LOUR FLOUR F UIS 2 Sacks Sack Gold Seal Sl Quality for tor tor COCOA if ifA Ul UA A 2 ft 1 Lb Cocoa Carton Pure 29 c cLARD I S Lf LARD ADI t 4 A White whito Lb Ll Pan Pall Lard Pure S Lf Snow 00 83 C SUGAR 5 Lbs Preserving se Extra Fine e FRUIT F RUIT 12 Atlas A I Quart Jars Strong Shoulder 1 e 05 JARS J ARS 12 1 i Atlas 2 Quart Jars Strong Strone Shoulder 1 M e 45 s LoganberrIes and Blackberries riein In B BERRIES ERRIES Gal Tins i each 73 c ONIONS 4 Sweet s Lbs e Large Solid 19 c IN OUR MARKETS VEAL Rump VEAL Rump Roasts Rump REEF BEEF Rump Roasts RO Roast 1 nIb 01 ib lb 22 C lb 17 CHAMS 1 C VEAL Rib VEAL Rib and nd Loin Puritan HAMS Sugar Chops Chaps lb Ib 20 LUC C Cured lb Ib 29 C lb Ib Shoulder PORK Shoulder Steak 20 on C ib DRY SALT PORK PORK- PORK 20 on C TEN BUSY OGDEN STORES AND MARKETS S GGS STORES 47 5 2 1564 Wh 2654 2554 M W UT Walh 2278 2275 Waa 2364 Wash Wadi Dependability Dp nd an Bemo 2364 Wah 59 24 61 a 5 BJ I M k p 35 YEARS UNDER ONE CONTINUOUS I MANAGEMENT GETTING ALONG IN BUSINESS depends as a rule upon business business lik methods in the handling of money No successful Ogden business man nowadays would be without the con con- convenience of ofa a Checking Account Account- and you will do well to follow thi this example by carrying a Checking Ac- Ac Account Account count at The Ogden State Bank We welcome Checking Accounts small as well as large fI I Resources over 65 0 0 00 00 0 OGDEN STATE BANK BANKA 4 A INTEREST CO Gf o At o QUARTERLY ON SAVINGS 4 0 a |