Show Un M e e d d a 1 is i s t s sI I Too Good In mt Fir F i ir r s t Round Unable to Keep Up Hot Pace for Week and Slump In Match Play By Dy JOE WILL MS CHICAGO July How lb-How How did the tho Id Idea a get around that the tho th player scoring 10 lowest est In a 0 Ina- Ina round could not win alit the cham cham- championship You hear much of ot the jinx which supposedly encircles s the neck of or the tho th golf coif me It ItIs ItIs ItIs Is the th ghost story links L Let t a n contestant go co out and lead his ClI field ld In the th qualify Ing test an and he had hod as ns well ell hang hanc up his further ceremony tor for the tho wItches and the th goblins In the bunkers will terrorize him Into Int do- do feat do-feat feat the tir very Tery next day or shortly ther thereafter arter ThIs Thi Is a popular mth and many manyo ot of the star players believe b It to b manyI sO So great Is their belief bellet that I they purposely throwaway throw away strokes In order to escape winning the th medal I Now what Is the th answer Is I a golf folt med lIst In Invariably doomed Don t be foolish A A lot of ot medal medal- medal isis have hav ic 1 won on national champion champion- championships championships ships Walter alt r Travis won two national titles after arter leadIng quail quail- t Ing H II Chandler Chandl r Egan dlan diun t find the th medal a handicap back 11 In 1904 Neither did Bob Gardner In 1909 lm or Harold In iii 1911 Ull or Davey Herron In 1919 1 1 Since Sine 1310 1910 the flee women m have have gone con on to win the th nations in thIs country namely Dorothy Campbell GladS Mrs C II H Vander- Vander bock beck tt Alexa Stirling sll and d Collett Instances It If nothing else eloe these thC e In- In stances stanca show how the th Is not necessarily whipped hIpped In the tho th begin begin- beginning t ning It Is true truo tru a 1 big percentage ot of the tho m t jail fall to sUr lve the fInals A bit or of o research work would Who who I ranked probably b second show w wa a and that att third players e to I the tho th often tall fall just ju t about as a oft ott- oft enThis en n This 1 brings 1 yOU 3 10 to a probable explanation It ou are good rood enough goodenough to lead your field on open open- ing InA opening day It is 18 proof you are playing O best golf olt Tournaments vr 1 usim- usim ally a last a 0 lek Golf form torm Is elu- elu alvo row rew can n I hold the thin edge edgo or of o perfection that long The Tho Th begins b to bog bor do doa d n In the tho middle on once e the tho start r and bill big tight fight the Soon hu ho Is erased t-om t scene Sono Somo player wIll who bally perhaps will come getting better botter as the tho rounds pass and Win out not clot jinxed They Thoy merely reach ti are torn tome ahead or o time top |