Show I CAR CAB MAINTENANCE FIGURES IMMENSE We have bave It on the 1110 authority of ofA ofA otA A M itt Mog e merchandising dl of ot the Automotive Equip pien association asso oton that during 1923 motorists spent 25 per cent cant more moreon moreon on Ib lr old cars In operation than they expended In the purchasing of new can ears When we remember that l fact disclosed d ot of tour our million cars the mon money poney spent on OD car main not pot only begins to look like a a tidy figure but also throws an aD Interesting light on the truth that the th longevity even o the low and priced medium car advances from year to o year The rhe act that we can cart absorb tour million car cars C ra while motorists keep their cars In operation for tor an In IncreasIng increasing Increasing creasIng number Dumber of ot years certainly augurs well toe for or the tha stability of the |