Show If a tta l r J JI I Pea ci Mj I t Put Even the Crippled Love Childs Child's Plea Could Not Save Mrs De Marco From Punishment for Stealing a Baby With Which to Deceive Her t 1 My Q Fw I 1 I II I q x a aI tW i 3 4 EPp 4 Y S r j ja jY jv o a ar a v f fI a R P Y a aw w a NS s i f y I l w qty i t r Y liy r I lu j jA S 1 4 u J NW b Y l I I 1 I t i A V 1 1 1 2 q i i 1 sy syi i tP a d S 'S e 0 l 1 t I d lA lAt t 7 e r t 7 1 i t 7 V L L Ly LI J j jj t j 1 k I t tt t I x xI I 1 Mrs Mary De Marco overcome with grief after confessing that she stole 11 the Mondell Mandell baby to fill the place of the one which was denied her 1 11 J 1 and andon on which she believed her whole happiness depended y u NE afternoon last May bits Mis ONE Harry Harty Modell Mode 11 tuck e her ten- ten old seeks baby into its carriage carnag and wheeled it to the sidewalk aly lust Just out out- outside out outside side the little store which sh helps her husband huband to run at No South Six Su- SuI Six Six- Sixtieth Sixtieth Street Philadelphia And then the stage t was as all nil set et for I aliat proved pro a most drama of denied motherhood Mrs Modell had done the same thing on many pre ious afternoon afternoons Her baby was as perfectly safe there she thought From hel hei post behind the counter the could keep a watchful e eye eve e on the child chile hile bIle she attended to the busi buSi- buSiness busi- busi business business ness of the stole stoic e If it awoke and cued she could be at its ts side in m an instant But this afternoon J I Mrs JIrs rs Modell Model hap hap- happened happened happened to have to watt walt on a number of I customers in m quick succession She he was wasp p so busy making change and doing up bundles that for ti tie five e or perhaps ter lor nun min minutes utes she failed to glance out at the car car- carriage carriage nage When finally she did she was amazed to see sec that it was empty The tm tiny gIrl girl ho who ho had been sleep sleeping so peacefully there just dust a short time before e was gone goni I Mrs Modell v ds is but not alaI alarmed med She thought cne of her neigh neigh- neighs neighbors l bors s had found the child awake andri and J ri taken it away So she he hm hurried rl d tom house to house to see which of he hc friends had bet hei daughter dau But nut the bab baby was nowhere here to be 00 f found and after a thorough search of the I neighborhood the now fi fl antic mother clod that t r strange n with Ith blonde lair bur streaming sti earning over hoi hN shoulders should should- shoulders shoulders ers had been seen sean to lift the child out of the carli gc and disappear down the street with it Mrs Modell sent foi foe her husband husban t and he hurried to the nearest police statIOn Within an hour the whole city cite was alarmed and before nightfall the police of other cities had been b en asked aked to help solve the strangest kidnapping mystery m ster on record Even then before the reason for the theft of the baby girl had lad become known the case caas was 1115 It was unusual first because of the childs child's age and second because of its sex ers foi fn ransom rat ral ely steal i girls as the tha history of the famous cases will show and they also alBo avoid very young children for fear Cear of the tho I tetra tra death hazard When the stories stones of some t twenty nty wit Wit- Witnesses witnesses witnesses nesses had been brought together the parents of the child began to fear that the kidnaper was a demented woman Her trail was follo followed ed to a point fifteen or twenty blocks from the scene of the then it was aas as lost A But within forty eight hours it t was WM picked up again Through h the persist persist- persist once of several women who ho had seen seel Mrs Mary Do De Marco Maico hurry into her home the afternoon of the kidnapping Z with uth Ith a bundle in her arms the police were wele brought to the Dc Do Maico Mat Marco co home The They found the front door unlocked unlocked unlocked and walking into the hallway hallwa hallway called Getting no p answer they went up to i ithe the second floor I fy There they found Mrs De Marco in m bed bcd wItha with a baby by her side When they told her the they were f j looking for the pi 11 1 l- l f fr r HT K Modell baby r Mrs De Marco Mar Mar- Marco co laughed hell at them a This is my child It was wasP P born la last t Monday she said You have hate made a F mistake See my doctor y L The police went ent away li yih tw convinced I th that t a mistake l had been made they I 1 hey were aero ere ereso so sure s that at this time w i they did not coven cn visit the W doctor whose name nama had Y been given them The search search was as earned carved else- else f r where and in m leWal s Yr were wel e offelo l for the return n orthe of or the stolen child Ml Then the women omen neighbors of Sits MIS 8 De Marco he became came mOl mare e insistent that she had no baby of her own oat D D C went Vent back to her home Anthony Gorman Goiman DC De Marco the woman s 15 husband met them in Ire tle hall hall- hallway hallway way ay and threatened threaten d dire consequences Ir if they hey disturbed bed Ins his wife Ife this is our b biby he h- h said in III i lish See the doctor if you lou ou do donot donot donot not believe ets us The TIle child id w was s born last Detectives saw the doctor He TIe JIo tn- tn in formed informed them that Mrs i De Marco 1 hoid been ahalt marl man led only for a year anda and a halt During all that time he said Bald her husband had been demanding a baby HIs insistence had finally driven en the herto woman nearly crazy and brought her to the tho verge of nervous prostration After the ph physician h hid hd id explained to Mrs De Marco that it was Impossible for her to have a baby of her own she asked him to help fool her husband She p planned to get a very young infant from somo some asylum d al wanted the physician to assist her in III deceiving De Maco Mareo into thinking it was actually his child and hers But the doctor was Mas 1 a out of the city when hen the occurred and knew nothing of what his Ius patient had done in III her desperation until ho Jo read tho the newspaper news news- paper s accordingly the tho police made a thIrd visit to the De Marco home and this time the father of the child went along to try to identify the tha baby He recognized it instantly In spite of his claim chum Mrs De Marco still in bed with the child in her arms insisted that he had made a n mistake eruA n rn r 7 r t The crippled V boy limped his sob sob- sobbing sob to where ta t 4 s bis 1 o bing bi ng mother stood before belore c the j ju judge u d g e J if f Please dont don't k kJ y kw w f send my moth moth- mother mothr S r er to prison t he cried re she could give a aG p G fathers father's name v q De Marcos Marco's one S thought in life M f g of 4 was to have a achIld achild p s Y chIld of his own i lT S SR R k rj R t i As the months sent ent by and there wass was s Prat no 10 sign of his wife gratifying his desIre desirer r t he grew more and more a 7 dissatisfied and with t p anglY J x r t het hel A New NewYork NewYork York mother mourning over the t ofa ot of achild a child that was but later recovered She excitedly told lum him and the that she would fight for her Modell became at her pas pas- passionate passionate vehemence and to pacify the woman admitted that he had made a mistake But at the same time he whis whis- whispered whispered whispered to the police That is my baby Dont Don't let her hurt the child After the womans woman's arrest she q quickly confessed her guilt And when the story of how the she had been driven to the dread dread- dreadful dreadful dreadful ful crime of kIdnap was told In Incourt incourt incourt court there were many who thought that If ever an erring woman merited for for- forgiveness for forgiveness it was Mrs De Marco There is no doubt that the mother of tillS this child suffered untold agony said Mrs De Marcos Marco's lawyer in urging clemency for tor her but the de defendant had no idea of the agony sho was causing I 1 wish to tell you of the tho mental attitude of this thib woman at the time she took tho the baby I 1 have to go III into to hei het past Ten years ago this woman oman became the mother of o a love child a boy crip crip- crippled crippled pled from birth Eighteen months ago she married De Marco She lowed loved him and she oho saw a chance to herself before the world by a lawful wedding and by having another child to whom whoa 1 F For r a long leng time this om t om- om oman J an leally really thought she he was going to become become a mother When she learned flom om the doctor that this would not be possible she a ame obsessed with Bith Ith the Idea that she mut in m some sonic way aay ay pretend to have ha the child hei het husband This womans woman's life he has been a nell hell hell be- be because because be because cause of the impossibility of mother hood Her husband was aas as constantly nag nag- nagging nagging ging and criticizing her As hIs I linger anger grew glew he lie frequently chided her about the disgrace of her crippled crip Crip- Crippled crippled pled son She began to fear that unless she could satisfy her husbands husband's demand for a II child she would lose lObe his love and her chance of a respectable future Goaded by thIs thia fear her nerves got the best beet of her and I believe she went temporarily insane All the circum circum- circumstances circumstances stances of her crime show that she took thIs baby for unselfish reasons not for ransom or meanness She took it be- be because because be because cause she thought that was the only wa way for her to retain her respectability and hold her husbands husband's love This woman deserves pity She isa is a hearted hearted broken wretched creature She feels herself ruined and thinks her fu future turo ture will be bo as much of a as ae her past has hat been The story the tha lawyer told of how this cruelly tortured woman had been beeR driven I to the stealing of another womans woman's baby eVidently made a s profound impression on the the court But remarkable able as fhe the facts that had been presented so BO dramatically were they could not save sae sa e Mrs De Marco larco from a prison sentence We will assume that this woman is a abiding law law-abiding citizens said tho the judge The Tha 3 r r z zt r t s aR J Raa xA t l v l lw w a ar aTt r Tt C Cy y v I 1 a I i 41 9 t e q r i o Mrs Harry Modell and the weeks old baby which Mrs De Marco stole court is not unmoved by what has been said in ill her behalf At the same timo time I 1 Iam Iam am bearing in m mind that the mothers of our city must have no fear of their little ones being taken from them This unfortunate woman must be punished for what she has done The Tho court must take into consideration the misery and anguish se she has caused the parents of the child she stole As the tho Judge was about to pronounce sentence pathos added its Ita last poignant touch to what seemed the complete ruin of unhappy Mrs Da De Marcos Marco's hopes year old year ten crippled son broke away from the tha court officers with whom he had been sitting fitting and limped to where the sobbing mother stood in front of the tho judge Please dont don't he cried hie ids childish vOice rinsing ringing rin shrilly through the court court- courtroom courtroom courtroom room room please dont don't send my mother to prison But the little love childs child's plea could not save Mrs De Marco any more then than her lawyers lawyer's had been able ablo to She re se re- re receIved received an indeterminate sentence of fromi from fromi l i lj j i two and one half to Ih five fie e years In Pennsylvania kidnapers s are usual usual- usually usually ly Iy sent to to prison fOl for tor twenty years and the lightness of Mrs De Marcos Marco's sen sea sentence sentence tence leads to the belief that she will lecerva further clemency from tho the law When she has served six months of her term application may be made to the judge who imposed ithe the sentence for fora fora fora a parole It is regarded as a certainty that this application w will well l be bo made by citizens whose s sympathies have been aroused by this strange case What consoles Mrs De Marco even more than the prospect of early freedom Is the attitude her husband has hs taken My wife only did this to please me says De Marco I am going to see her will herI v do all aU I can to get her out of prison I have everything When these words were repeated to Mrs De Marco larco she was overcome with joy At last she knew w that tho the sacrifice which has brought her hor to a prison cell has not been in vain Her husbands husband's love a home f for r her son and the chance chanco to live down the past put are still BUll hers hers hers |