Show 4 t GREAT WAR BEGAN 10 10 YEARS YEARS- YEARS AGO GERMANY CHEERING SONS OF WILHELM WHO STARTED IT BY MAXIMILIAN fARDEN ARDEN I IBY Foremost Publicist Special Radio to The Stand- Stand and I Copyright t 1924 by bv The Tite Con Con- Consolidated adulated Press Association July 26 28 ThIs Tol TolD BERLIN B D coming week eek should bo be boone one of ot repentance uniting all nations at the graves of ot un- un un unknown knowS known soldiers For It was this week seek eek 10 years yel ago en- en engendered en engendered gendered horrors of which ue toe economic at last are to bo be mitigated in London though the los loss ot of human lives never will wUl bo be cl compensated It among the millions slain a single one made mado of at stuff like Plato Into ton Now uw- uw ton Rembrandt l Macit t Mozart Mort Hugo Goethe Pasteur Washington ton or Hum Hum- Humboldt Ilum-boldt Ilum boldt beldt what victory could ever for such a 10 loss loas The commencement of or boa hos- hostilities hos hostilities was as as due to the blind blind- blindness blindness ness flees of ot those who ho hoped to reap and glorified ar ar as the tho word of God On Austrian soil Austrian sub sub- sub subjects of ot the Serbian race mur mur- murdered murdered dered the archduke a man morally and physically sick who ho was ruled by a short short- shortsighted shortsighted shortsighted sighted and ambitious wife a former court lady He was ready for tor any breach of ot the constitution and the most bit bit- bitter bit bitter ter tel struggle against democracy democracy racy After Arter the assassination the Hungarian Count exclaimed It was WM Gods God's will We must be thankful Thankful because the heir to the throne had hl been 1 billed or because the tha opportunity was as given for tor war against Serbia 7 As this war had been planned already in the tho sum sum- summer summer mer men of ot 1913 1918 and the plan was only frustrated by ItaI the assassination was as the only pretext for carrying out the burning desire Everybody knows that this fIre could only on Iv be bo Quenched by bv rivers risers of ot blood The Im- Im Imperial Im Imperial penal German go knew when hen It rave gave Austro- Austro Austro ry po power er to tight fight Ser Ser- Serbia Serhis Ser Serbia bia his Germany would join oln that war aar and that a war ot of all nil the powers of ot Europe would en- en ensue en ensue sue It was clear to every e ery- ery body everybody what would happen In 1 1912 foreign mm- mm min minister ister ier Grey said to Russian 1 Foreign Minister Beckendorff We know that the German general staff h has s long lone since determined to Invade Belgium at the outbreak of ot war ar This ot of o Bel Belgium lum s a neu- neu neutrality neutrality neu neutrality opinion will II decide public opinIon opinIon ion and permit England to join the thu If which otherwise they would keep out ot of as long as possible Instead of o proclaiming thIs openly In those critical July Sr Edward Grey left both powers power doubting as to England s a attitude because he feared the party that was sure suro of or would make Impossible demands Despite all this the tho lie was AS as kept up at Berlin Vienna and Buds Buds- Buda Budapest pest that the of the archduke caused the war Germans and Hun Hun- Hungarians Hun Hungarians g were waro not told al- al although although al although though their statesmen knew that the tho Serbian government was Innocent of murder that It had lovon loven warned against the tho consequences of ot the tho pro pro- provocative pro provocative vocative attitude of the heir to the throne and that It had finAlly accepted In prInciple after Russian Anglo per per- per persuasion suasion the demands of ot the Vienna ultimatum Thus Serbia had done every every- everything everything thing to m maintain pac The people entered th the war be believing lieving In the righteousnesS ot of their cause belne told by emperors and kings s posing as vessels of at godly odly wisdom that It was ass unavoidable Emperor Wilhelm who for mAny years had Incited the crar of ot Russia Russin against France and England and King Ed- Ed Ed Dd Edward ward ard against Russia never dreamed that his t two to 0 rela- rela relations relations rela relations would not always alwa skeel keep the correspondence secret Months after tho the outbreak ot of the war ar VII Wilhelm helm sent to the children of ot the murdered archduke his photograph It alta II the tho Inscription Heartiest Christmas wish Ish wish wish- wishes es Cs wo we have havo avenged ed your be- be beloved be beloved loved parent Gods God's justice pre ailed Count like bike Franz Ferdinand was killed and Wilhelm a CO coward ard tied fled Oer er erthe the border dethroned Dozens ot of ancient monarchic races lost their power mostly as a 1 result ot of misused ambition or blind stupidity What has bas become of oC demo dem democracy these those 10 years Do- Do Despite De Despite spite pito the tho dead millions there therea-e therea e ae still too many people In Europe In Germany Gormany and Great Britain ln there are 24 24 more mere than the tha soil can nourish Colonies wanted wl for raw material and markets marketa for tor trade rivalry between na- na nations na nations lions cause jealousy and dan dan- dangerous dan dangerous conflicts Dictators In indifferent Indifferent different forms are arc ruling Turkey Russia Greece Al- Al Albania Albania Al Albania bania Italy and Spain In Germany Wilhelms Wilhelm's sons eons and generals who never have done dene the people any Rood good are aro cheered dailY dally while tho the gov- gov gov does docs not move Q a linger finger to strengthen the re- re republic republic re republic public Will America who decided the war be bo chosen to stabilIze stabilize ize iso peace 1 As In 1917 19 IT all yes eyes are turned toward Wash Wash- WashIngton Washington ington Continental notions nations do not dare to unite In a day dayot of repentance because they are arc afraid of ot the tho un- un unknown Unknown un unknown known soldiers ask For ht did we wo shed youthful blood |