Show PRISON OFFICIALS WILL VISIT OGDEN Ogden ha has hai been asked a kd to co or op crat crate crato In entertaining delegates from various part rt parts o ot of th the United States to th the American Prison con cre con con- congress congress gress to b be held at Salt Lake from August Auguet 15 It to 24 Inclusive Secre Score Secretary tary Jesse Je s S Richard Richards of ot the th Ofden 01 den chamber chambor of o commerce an- an announced an announced Saturday night It Is planned to take tak the th visitors on an tour of ot Ogden nand and the th canyon James DeVine D warden arden at th the state prison Is the chairman In charge chart of ot th the event The chamb chamber r of ot comm commerce rc di directors dl- dl directors rectors will take tak the tb matter up at their regular meeting ine next Mon Mon- Monday Mon Mon- Monday Monday day it Is 15 announced |