Show FOR RENT F 4 47 lOR l'OR nIn or noot i Apartment modern mo tern In every overy respect built in feature glassed d l ln In I A l con 1 Io inquIre n 1 f D H Peary Peery or Estate t Ogden Theatre office Phone Flione U 4 TUE TIIE NEW h l and apte apt and Hu Hudson lson Phone bono Jot M 2111 Mosi GEFFAS-Mosi Moal u up to date apartment In in tho the cit 3 rooms with f Or porch h ran range ranE on Grant Ave Avs Phone J 1671 17 lo V EW modern rn five Civo room brick choice Uon i 1 j 00 month Hoglo Hogle Investment Company 2406 Wa hu tg Wn ton BEVI SEVI N ROOM brick with garage nico location 2153 Ave Avo PHONE P 2602 call aU at the tho want ad adI department tal mi 01 an order for lor Ico Ice cream M 6 C room good condition I sleeping porch perch reasonable 2944 Pin Pin- glee croe ee Call all M 2183 GD 2 3 A D ROO 3 I apartments I private bath baUI Phone Phon lB V 2230 31 Jot onon Ave UL room five homo home with porch Inquire at al 2744 27 t Grant d T TSO 0 large rt front rooms BOl porch h Sid a month Phone J NICE five room house houie with halt acre ground Pacific Inquire 2744 rant irant API 1 4 rooms and Bleeping porch modern 35 00 Oil per month Inquire ill 53 LARGE mo l rn apt steam heated hot tel Ie ranio ranie gar garage bone r R I l OR Strictly bunga Bungalow low I 11 rooms porch In- In Inquire inquire quire In-quire quire St 1 hone riona im 1081 t I 1 OR One Ono tour four our room Apartment apart mont meat at al Bro BroDIng DIng Phone 17 L S G ROO KOOM t modern good condition Large LarKo sleeping porch 2642 roo Phone AI M S largest modem apartments Aulan Av lan La Frantz Franu Argyle St St Phone R B FOUR POUR room sleeping porch Modem except beat hee 2401 and fead Jackson Phone 1094 ROOM 2 house housa newly vly papered leo also Rummer kitchen inquire lilt L Hud Budson Hud Bud Hudon son on Avo Ave 3 H ROOM 8 modern homo home on benCh beo b ea- ea rage Robert C Nyo Nyc Eccles B lg I Phone ISO oS 6 ROOM KOOM house bath bAlb pa od street large lot lac Iruh v v lilS 1645 Wail lUl I 1 I IVi modern modora noua between list and streets oa on Pingree ave avo avenue nue lIue R 35 I IONE ONE E apartment at Claremont Apply No 6 G 4 to 6 p D m Silo 4 ROOM ROO modern house homo Apply 94 Binford or phone 3 W IVY and ond Maryland also algo garage Sarge I Shone hone hono Hit W 2 ROOts ROOMS downstairs for lor rent St bt vO J 1 rooms for light bight housekeeping Call list 1St St Phone J APT for tor rent al at the Claremont Phone J San 2037 J SO 3 OR OK 4 rooms and bath balls 2928 Wash Wash- ve Ii i L room Apt private bath As Ap Apply A Aply ply 50 St Apt Nn Nfl 1 1 1 2268 4 COOL room rooms and cillar and hAde lashington Avo e 1 hono lid L lI 7 L 8 1 I D pa por cleaner paint paint- paintIng painting ing lug mol enamel Johnson J J 2816 48 4 J Iap paperhanging cleaning and tinting Phone 2741 2747 N-M N N L I HD ITCHING picot edge edee buttons pinking pleating new now and complete machinery and 2nd floor door Wrights Wright's Mrs Br H Layman LAWN MOWERS LAWN mowers motors sharpened and over overhauled hauled hauled- J roL M B Smart St Phone J 3 1037 Ul b lO t TR LARSEN SONS BuildIng contractors Get our prices first Irit 1810 Wash Ave Me Phone B R HI MA I II HI Ill N y Id IU u aou FURNITURE upholstered red and an l l l Int lent roat- tresses ro renovated e eIO Smith Dedd Phone IO 92 FOR RENT 45 FOR FOn RENT nENT hEw V Apartments furnished or unfurnished steam heat hoat hot w wa water ter ranges e strictly I new furni- furni furniture ture fum-ture ture e garas R r f I II east of Lin Lincoln coin coln between beth 2 tb and arid Close Cloo to buln business district phone 2363 W Vt ROOM 2 apartment I room I-room Z Apartment nt downstairs In loree mg U rn Trl ate hO home modern u rm rates I IhO Jeff Ave NICE clean housekeeping rooms fir fir- Or tur d Newly papered d and painted J Paine I Hurst block 17 furnished or ed nt apu ILP Cool and reasonable S C C 8 S Apartments st St 2136 2131 PHONE 2893 2093 R K call at st the want ad d counter for lor an order for tor or 3 la In mer mor 3 ROOM ROOt tor for rent partly fur rushed hed and anti Grant Ave Avo phone 2458 8 W FURNISHED 3 8 room al t steam m heat heat hot water 2308 2106 Harri or SSU COTTAGE COrTAGE In Ogden canyon at t Maple Grove Grovo Furniture Included 12 U 50 60 per perI week week- Phone ONE ROO ONE ROOt apartment also elo sleeping I room privilege cooking Phone Si M 24 St St r I rooms for rent suitable 1 0 for tor one Ip or p two persons o rl Call alC lt 6 EE THREE ROOM apartments ROOM apartments nicely fUr furnished at 2220 2229 Lincoln Ave Avo Rat reasonable TWO small email room rooms tor for housekeeping 8 60 50 per month Pacific Ave LoU 6 t 1 modern homo home sleeping porch garage 2473 Monroe Phone 1396 MODERN apartment furnished or un unfurnished at St SI Phone 1604 T rs 0 ROOM modem apartment fn in In- In Inno no children a ar r St Phone g 2363 W 2353 W CLUAN cool small apartments 16 ISto to 20 23 2106 Washington Apply cot cot- cot cottage tag tage Ingo rear 4 9 FURNISHED room four modern gas u and piano Ave Avo 45 2 ROOMED bath I apt 18 furnished ui 22 23 60 hO house house- houat 2783 3 Grant Avenue LARGE nicely furnished sleeping rooms Beat Bot location Prices Garage St SLEEPING room roan cool coot and ond modern I 30 10 a month bt Washington Avo Ave ROOM THREE apartment access t to J tjI halh bath good terms Close Cloo In In Phone Phon M t 38 PLA PLA iA A Apis 2610 Wash Wb ATO Are Corn Com furnished housekeep In apt i by the tho week or malic moult S 24 COOL front froat room modern homo home bOiled board If It garage 2566 OaDE OaDES S largest modem apartment Avelan La I Argie ArC Aro Ie Ie St 1 Pione ono 1217 R TWO oan comfortable housekeeping rooms room 10 19 Phone 2083 R v St apartment ground floor noor ate family St St SilO St 10 3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms room upstairs ot it 2940 Lincoln Ave Avo Avet I Phone 2969 J FURNISHED apartment nt tor for rent Ap Al Apply Apply ply St 6 1 MODERN Shade 8 t room two month w wnM nM 2750 apartment anc Lincoln BrIGs LoS t t 2 I ROOMS OOM private bath Call at 4 I p pm pm m St MALL modern housekeeping apt also grage 2211 2212 Lincoln 3 room apartment porch arch 20 Call can St St SLEEPING room good location well furnished St 0 ROOMS suitable for tor bachelors 24 street 1134 MODERN h a apartment and rooms close In 04 St tSUi 4 ROOMS ground floor private beth nicely furnished 2786 2785 Grant Groat Avo Ave MODERN room 3 apt 1 sleeping porch ne Iy OND and 2 clean clon cool rooms St MODERN 2 or er room 8 8 apartments Lights phone 30 St LOST AND FOUND LOT LOST LOt T Gold braided bracelet brAcelot at La LabOOn bOOn July 24 VAlued as keepsake to 10 toMi Mias Mi Ruth Huth Odbert Reward Call Coil II 16 H W lObS 1483 So 1 Em Eist Salt Lake UkI J LO Young LOST LOT Yong T Young man mon s It coat light lIht brott bron bra n n with lIh green che check k on lIon Monroe roo Au Ae AuR R Return tum 2623 Ave Avo Reward 5 H gold wrist watch Jul July 24 be between between tween o Brigham a and Ogden Ro Return 2853 2533 85 Washington V I Reward A ArmY LOS Army r-Army Army discharge And ond insurance policy Return Rot to II 11 1334 Ave Avo An LOS r-Au r r An L D S 5 nursing pin Name Namo Nameon I on back I L Newman Phone J Phi LOST LOST Phi Kappa K Pol fraternity r pin IlLmo Ralph Rolph bye yo t ye on back Reward Howard Phone 1937 1 HAL ARK Swiss wrist watch at La La- La 1001 oon Phone 43 Re d U PackAge LOST LOST Package contaIning while hlf hit silk skIrt on 2 th stroet Street car Phone d Rowa l LOST bulldog buildup 5 6 months old male 4 white whito feet tet Reward Howard Phone I BOY S coat found round near Lena Lorin Farr park Call at St son 57 I PLUSH en cape cap between l nn ant Ogden Phone VV Reward 47 LOS shetland r Shetland pon pony po-ny white and brown bron pinto l Phone hono 2641 W V V 51 SelL 60 fOrT fOTT T TO LOL 10 AN AM NI UP U to d people and without Y Peony Pepay in III merits n to you Qu ou oun servIce S I En- En Ent no W t ll your and credit w take with 1 the 1 OLD Lt f the Iho st t ht dard d ra 1 Credit C mn tn m mi KII Kl rl HI Ulna cu Ge RAL loans loana oan oa on dla- dla di dia diamonds monds Jewelry gun guns tuns revolvers rifles ko ld musiCAl Instruments nta ete etc A U 11 AU 5 6 Eo llo and bonded 10 loan II Uncle Sam bom a C H U Si bill lib pron Prop S SIP lii IU It QUICk S SMALL LOANS no 10 AI ANU U up No io security or endorser Mu Mutual ual casings a lUll plan at cheapest rates rats tl av In u n-u t n Rpy Repy in III easy I COlin Coall 0 Mutual Credit a W Au Ass Sid I II Bill Phon I un n 7 lira ii insurance money on OLD and NEW borne bomo In an I apartment LouII LOii desirable lIos Also op AJO plenty local ral rates hell Relli Herrick l money Ot PEOPLES PEOPLE'S LOAN Money LoAn d oa ou Valuables Phone 1300 1235 1200 PI 5 to tl ll 1000 un en real reat Phone w 2023 02 50 LO f hone I 1151 o up to lOAn an n n real et 4 n CEMENT LIE my prices And ci Quantity doing nil On nn cement ement before work ork M Id CI Cle Jackson n t Phon 2249 SER 10 r rw w but I a I eto Phone Wm pee on sew so W DJ an dor der Woude 1674 J 7 LEGAL LEGAT NOTICES l 01 I have In my In log d described the tho fellow called for tor and proper Property I which It if no sold to the h cash aAY away bidder will be bo day July 28 26 lit at 2 Mon p I in DJ at my reel reI deuce In North orth 0 Ogden den Ono One weight eight about 90 ii colt by bay her marc one sorrel mare weight about side cide one horse horo sorrel haA ha hobbles hobble hors horse Weight on front bout about feet 1 1050 1030 j LEROY S N 0 Precinct I MO- MO Jo- Jo |