Show I I r After Letting Her Ambitious P Mother Show Her All r rt f t T TP r 3 P 1 the Marriageable J e tr Noblemen t I A En land a II I I I wy H II Ls 1 I w ii Ya t n I w s i i 1 s t r i r 0 q 6 I 5 r The Cathedral of fg ohn t Husband the darn I a id the Hoffman millions are aret area a c JyM M y Jy c cc r sy c l EVER since Miss Hiss Marian Hoffman EVER i was I a as left when hen stilla still a school girl with I an income of a year to support her until the time came for her to inherit the whole of her late fathers father's great fortune the society wise wise- wiseacres wise aCl acres es have felt sure aura that she was as des des- destined des destined tined to marry mairy some man of title More than once it has been predicted that if the Prince of Wales Vales married a commoner and one not of his own na- na nation na nation tion hon the Hoffman heiress heness was the one most likely to be his ros bride There seemed el everything to support the view that Marian an Hoffman would marry some man of title and very Iery probably probably ably an Englishman Her mother Mis Charles Frederick Hodman is fond of life in m England and gave gale every ery indication of one of that country's nobility tor lor a son m in- in inlaw law m-law law Even before Marian made her debut she was as v as taken to England for long visits At the estate and in m the London mansion II which her mothel mother leased Eng England Eng Eng- England land s fashionable society leally saw more of her than Am Probably no other American heiress II who ho ever eur ventured into society across the Atlantic was quite as favorably ad advertised as 1 Marian farlan Hoffman The tact that her fathers father's will gave her t a year to spend on herself and that eventually she would have a much larger income was as enough to attract the at- at atI attention at attention of hundreds of veil lell born but none too prosperous Englishmen And besides all alt the adl advantages of her I herI I gleat wealth the Hoffman heiress is an exceedingly charming 1 young ung woman woman- woman lust just the sort everybody thought well fitted to be the bride of a man of title and preside over some al castle and a palatial London town house Wealth beauty good breeding and a clever and ambitious mother to lay mat mat- matrimonial matrimonial plans toi fOl why her her why should not the Hoffman heiress hen hell ess marry some noble nobleman noble man nan and perhaps even a member of o Y royalty ro alt Itself itself bo ao the wiseacres I thought but as a avery s very VelY often happens nowadays sine I pretty young oung h heiresses got the habit of o f I asserting their right to love lo whom hom the Y I choose their ideas have proved all at 1 wrong rong Miss Mies Marian larlan Hoffman is s not to be b Princess This or Countess That or Lady Lad Y Elbe Else She is to become nex t November the bride of one of her own ow Aymar Aymar Johnson a son o of f Mrs Bradish Johns Johnson n and a member oa o ofa f a family long prominent pi eminent in New York k society And behind the announcement of this th is engagement lies hes a story rich in III lomance a a story of a beautiful young here Is who steadfastly refused to give her hi r heart except t to a II man she really loved love d and who finally had bad the courage to di dis disappoint s 1 appoint her mother by choosing a plain American instead of a man of title But not all of the credit for far the suc suc- success success su cess Of Tt this romance must be given Ni 1 s S Hoffman Mr Johnson is desel of ofa ofa f a large share for the with wit h which he h pressed his suit in the face oY of the general belief behe that the heiress w 58 to be a II nobleman's bride II I Of course there was no lack of till tillmen titled ed men who laid Lud their hearts at Miss Mias Ho Homan's Hoff ff- ff mans man's feet and of many them were nere men m in whom Mrs Hoffman Houman would have bavo be in glad to accept as a son law Cut But the t he heiress would ouid have none of them According to the society gossips Ma Maan Mari Man Marion ri an on Hoffman was quite willing to let her mother show her hei what England and a rid other European countries had bad to 0 offer tier In the way of prospective husbands husbands- In V It was quite as if the heiress had sai said Im from Missouri mother Show me Although of course being the very well bred young loung oung woman that she is she probably probably probably ably never expressed her feelings inthis in inthis inthis this slangy fashion So Mrs Hoffman Hodman n took her daughter to England and proceeded to put her r inthe the way of knowing all the marriageable men ciao both young and old in m titled so- so society so society ci ety Wherever Marian went there were ere dukes and princes counts and earls carls to pay her homage and in many cases to WInd WIndup w ind up by whispering wordy of love In laher her ears can Mrs Hoffmans Hoffman's society friends felt that she was as determined to landa land a titled son law and el every cry time she dashed back to America fora for a F brief visit they expected to hear the rho Wows news of Mariana Marians engagement But that announcement was not forth forthcoming coming until the other day dav da and then as ever everybody body knows the hero prove proved to be an American instead ofa of a 11 titled Englishman Two years ago when Mrs Hoffman and Marian Manan returned to the United States for a longer stay than usual many expected that things weirs were not ruining out quite as Mrs Hoffman the ambitious mother had expected when hen she led her daughter into a prominent place m in English fashionable society None of the noblemen whom she had succeeded in bunging to Marians Marian's feet had proved acceptable to that discriminating Hating young lady And several other still more desirable men of title had refused to show the tha m interest terest in m the American heiress that had been con con- con dently confidently fi expected of at them Ah said the society gossips Mrs Hoffmans Hoffman's l title hunting tour has proved U a Ua dismal failure e Pel haps she will have to be content witha with fora tora a pi plain piam am American for a son-in-law son after all Some of the gossips go sips declared that it was all Mrs Irs Hoffmans Hoffman's that fault fault that If she would keep mOl more moie e in m the background and not show herself so eager to annex a title foi the havea family Marian would I have n a great many more suitors and some that she would find much more pleasing In English fashionable society satiety match making match making mothers work ork with more mOle tact and delicacy and it 1 was as said that some of Mrs Hoffmans Hoffman's bold doneY moves had done more harm than good to the sort of romance she hoped for her daughter More than one on one highly desirable noble nobleman man was lias said to have hate smothered a gen gen- genuine ume fondness for the Hoffman HotTman heiress because he feared that the happiness of such sucha a would be ruined by too much mother mother-in law Rumor at this thil tune time had it that the best Mrs Hoffman could hope for in the way of a titled son law was the for former mer mar Maurice Burke Durke Roche who ho had reo re recently Gently through the death of his father become Baron Of all the no- no no noblemen II who ho had shown an interest in the inthe very Iery independent heiress ho he seemed to be the tho only one who had any appeal for her While Baron Fermoy is Just the sort of husband many another another- ambitious American mammi would be delighted to toBee see husband bused her heiress daughter have for a bus bus- hus band he hardly measured up to the lofty standards Mrs Lira Hoffman had set b set t for her law in son law The gossips think she was well ell pleased when nothing came of the rho Barons Baron's interest in m Marian Back to England the Hoffmans went t once more Marian larlan still true to her prom ise lse promise to let herself be shown what hat there flier a II was as a available ble in the way of a titled hus lies band husband But just as on p previous occa aces occasions lions the habeas met none whom ah ahr she e r I American Citizen t t l r I Who Started L Loving ving It r J tj f Her Long Ago 9 r 1 J y I t 4 r rr r f V I I w I tir Miss Marian r r o 1 t G b t s t Krumbhaar p- p pr pa i r n v a Cr tS t'S Hoffman the s a c t r ai r d future Mrs Mra t II feL 3 r r P Aymar Johnson Johnson- Johnson jt o j 1 ta a I 1 I I It N Nr t r v aa x I I p r rc c ci i a an A n t I v a MM MMA r A ty e a 4 r ti M y t ta a rt rf w s g P ad A 9 d A I iff f Miss Mis Hoffmans Hoffman's jf fJ y father thought 11 1 that a C Cr r f year was not a s 's fJ penny too much for her to spend on 4 j ff herself even while she shet t was stilla still a school girl cared to promise to love honor and obey At last she is said to have hale told her mother that it It- 1 was as hopeless to scour the British Isles any that longer longer that bhe she had decided she preferred an American for husband Mrs Mis Hoffman HotTman was tremendously disappointed pointed But Dut she could not feel angry with her daughter for she had to admit that Marian had kept her agreement and patiently let herself be sho shown n as many eligible eligible Englishmen as an ambi ambi- ambitIOUS ambitious ambitious mother could produce It was a great surprise e to Mrs Irs Iloff HotT- HotTman nian Hoff-nian man when hen Aymar Amar Johnson almost immediately Im- Im Immediately im immediately mediately asked for her daughters daughter's handShe hand handShe handShe She had never suspected that there 1 was wasa wasa as asa a romance on between Marian and the young man nian She had never dreamed that while the heiress was yes weighing the merits of various arlous titled tilled Englishmen she was secretly themI them with vuth I Ith the untitled American whose wife she sho knew she could b be if she sho would say the word But Mrs Hoffman not to be outdone in sportsmanship by her daughter gave her consent to the match as seedily and andas andas as enthusiastically as it iI she had ne never neer er had her hei heart set on having a titled son son law law m-law Her friends suspect however that it is the hardest kind of a blow for 1 k if r m t I j fv Miss Hoffman r 1 a x s a is not only one h Y Ya o of the richest 4 a I 4 ti 1 4 s sq but one of the f r 1 f 1 most charming r a t l 14 be e j r wr f i b t 2 r young women lt w wJ ws wo J o vi i in American s i v of ofin 4 I fashionable so- so society 1 f I t i q as the J I I 1 1 Prince of Wales 3 Ii k p i j and man other w J a j d daughters a ugh t e rs r's heal t in the t r r rd d d dwa ay wa she would l li have liked It i ti Al y to togo goCel go y Cel she shei i f cannot accuse h hJ scy J t w MIss bliss Marian r F of having h a v i 1 n g c fw fe failed to give r o c- c i Baron Fermoy who was careful con con- consideratIOn con consideration thought on the verge of ofa a love match with Marian Hoffman to walking at Newport with another of the American beauties what hat England he failed faded to marry Miss Hope Beale had to offer in m the mother to see sec her ambitious plans go to smash liko this Mr Johnson is a 1 well ell born and In every way most admirable young man But Dut he Is only a plIn pam American citizen en Ho He has no high sounding title and ho he can lead his hj bride to no ancestral castle where hele generations of ha h s a titled forebears have lived and where in III the darkness of midnight the their r aristocratic ghosts are reputed to flit about For Tor a woman as fond of English life as 11 1 Mrs Mis s HotTman is an and one 1 who v ho was as eager to have a 1 title in the family these are alo almost unforgivable defects But Dut she is too wise and devoted a parent to tomake tomake tomake make any further effort folt to herl her Ulde i I l trio tho way or of prospective husbands For years she has spent most of he time in England meeting meet meet- meeting ing mg all the most desirable of its mar mare men But Dut among them all she has found not ne no with whom hom she boo be- believes be believes she could bo as happy as sh she IS sure she olio will be with this fellow citizen en enof of her native land It is whispered v that young Mr John John- Johnson son John son ha has been one of the most patient of lovers lIe He is thought to have havo hal e avowed his Ius love foi the HotTman heiress and to have bave virtually won her heart t long ago Out of deference to the quite differ different ent ambitions she knew her mother had lot fOI her Mrs Hoffman insisted her lover wait for her final answer until sg i p J R i Q L I tP t tP tt tafter P t i iJ 1 after she had shone for a few years in English fashionable I 1 society Now Mr Johnsons Johnson's long period of waiting and has come to a de- de delightful end His love has proved than any England had to offer the Hoffman hen ass The wedding this fall is to be held enough in the Cathedral of St John the Divine The bride to and her mother and others of the Hoff man family have been generous con to this magnificent piece of church architecture J |