Show S Prince Edward Going to Pay Visit to U IL S 04 j Society Agog With Gossip of Royal Roya Trip to BY IW JI R J Special S lal ent to The Tho I Cop 1121 tD 11 1 I b bi 0 The dated 11 88 ASHINGTON July 26 Iam Fam Family ily lIfe lito lit of ot the tho W White bite louse house Is Iser l er Quiet lhee days day Colonel Coloni John Coolidge tho the presidents president's I I has hos brought his hl lilt to a ston slon At hi his mother mothers mother's side sid still sUII re- re mains re-mains mains maine her eldest Idest son J John to keep keel her Ier r company during the absence of Mr Irs Stearns Steams long Ions a II standby In irs tu thu family who aho ho has hes ha prolonged her ila I is t tat tat at Boston BIG EVENT IT AUGUST 24 The ne neat n t t really big bit thing on tap So 10 o far tar as the th White Whit House Hour family Is II concerned Is the th formal catlon cation ceremony on August 2 24 j While hitherto both the th president t and Mrs Mra Mr Coolidge have hT studiously Including the ih family In various big bl events event connected with their official career It I Is thought not unlikely that thet John may be b h r for tor the th momentous gathering Catherine beire ire on August 24 ft With Ith no less ls than three u campaigns about to get ft going In Inthe inthe the quadrennial race rac for tor the th pre pre- pro pr WashIngton by and large Is far from dull Inasmuch as one ot of the th chief contenders Is In the th White Whit House Hous and another anther not 20 blocks block irons Irom base bast In the th very nature of things thing we w find ourselves il tic the storm torm enter Center of national POll poll- tic poll Big Bir wigs from all parts paris of oC countr country are bearing down upon the tho capital and there Is I a 0 program oC entertaining being out that would make mak mighty Interesting r C reading K if ono one on could get ret a n lineup upon on the tb guest or r listen In on n thu Con ral discussions dl cu lon Mrs LaFollette according to present plans plant will stop top ut at th tho home horn until well w H in August Augu t before returning to VI a There are ar two very s S- S tho 11 and end very forceful u born and brought up In politics who In a 0 pinch could play the th rolo rob rollof of oC hostess to 10 so it I Is hardly likely that the tho th finous hot hotIn in WYOming avenue will itself deserted even then th n E ABRO ID D U For the th first lr t time limo Urn In many II a amoon moon smart h has left th thu politicians to their oss 0 n device Europe somehow ha ha got ot the th best belt of things and literally c c or body U IJ over seas Tho The grand attraction I am nm told Inhere In the th latent possibility nf af making a 0 royal or near oar near ma matrimonial alliance Princes potential potential kings marl manya A commoner well sell ell cUes aftel all su dont don't consider suet t plaits plain commoners common Were We're Wr both elect and elite by of ot our star etar tar spangled heritage I or acquired millions million That as a amay may II 1 may It remains that Washington's big company of ot wonderful s Ido not to a bevy of absolute ly ly Iy the th most advantageous debut debut- antes and debutantes aub-debutantes on oUt our oUtmost most tripled ambitious hOve hiva trip trip- trIp lied led It abroad 1 PHI'S CE COVING COMING 10 V U S I Rei-ard Rei It if you please the th Im- Im pre tv group roup presented at the tho thi British court this thi leason ason thai ye- ye re j fleet reflect that Baron w I I wise wis Albert David Pati ick etc eto I Prince of ot Wales Wale genel out and I out democratic goodfellow Quito quite outspokenly delighted with Amerl I CAn cir J Ij Is com coming In over for fOl a visit to his hi ranch In Canada and Is als alsO booked d for tor or the th International polo games on n Long Lour I In August tand make mak lour our own own I 1 am is 18 l oln joing to 10 be unusually gay ay Brigadier General and d Mrs Mr Cornelius Vanderbilt and nel their daughter Muriel sho ho have been exceedingly active in the smart circles surrounding the th British royal family are arc returning after atter a long along aloni continued European sojourn and one on of o the tho cholst tidbits of goSsip running at the th moment among the tho th smart marl assemblages a jut just home from Crom rom a season eason In don generally winds up with with It be b thrilling If It tho th Prince l married a little Vanderbilt girl h nOME HOME One dIstinguished hed widow not nt In the Inthe European Cl nr aa l f reckoning Mrs Irs Rich ard lord To Townsend jut just closed her het h Washington home this week Th other day I saw her daughter r Mrs Peter Goelet Go lct Gerry Townsend who looked perfectly stunning all In unite ahito 0 oser er the th love love- ly by lovely ly dinner dress drus s which was wa extreme ly Iy extremely simple aim pl She wore wor a as a a wrap rap a three cot flared shawl hawl a a Spanish shawl hawl In shimmering black silk with allover ous while whit roses rose embroidered all II over It The black silk fringes which swept w pt from Crom the th edges edge of the th shawl was easily ea ly halt half a 0 yard long lo S S The rho promoters promoter ot of the League of the th Sacred Heart Hart will meet meM with Mrs T D B Rvan Ilvan at her hom hornat at the th Virginia hotel hot l Wednesday at ot 2 o'clock S I S II Mr and lIl Mrs Mr Ralph D B Roberts Robrt and children accompanied by Mr j r I 1 ind nd Mrs A V Gill and family r will sill leave leav Wednesday for f r Macu Mackay Idaho fin toi a e three thre neek camp camp- camp In lag hip tup |