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Show I NO WATER AT I A FIRE IN I SALTLAKE M Salt Lake, Dec. 2. A fire which H for thirtj ininutos threatened to de- M vclop into a conflagration and in M -which throe firemen narrowly M escaped death, took place shortly aft- M er two o'clock yesterday afternoon. H "when the resldenco of J. W. Rogers, H 103: East South Temple street, was "badly damaged by tho flames and the residences of P. D. McKeon, 1041 East M South Tomplo street, and Gratia H Flanders, 1045 East South Temple M street, were slightly damaged by H flames from the burning Robors rosl- H dence. The total damage is estimated H at $2200. M The sensational and dangerous fea- M turc of tho fire was that -when tho M headquarters firo department reached the sceno, "whilo the roof of the Rog- M er.s home was a great blaze, fire hose was attached to the street hydrants H aud the hydrants were turned on. H There was not water and the big H hose remained limp. As this informa- H Uou spread through the crowd of by- H standers, many of whom were prop- M erty owners who lived near by.'a wave M of fear passed through their ranks, M Thomas Hobday, superintendent of H the citv waterworks, was notified of H the condition by Firo Chief William n Glore, and two automobiles went in M search of water. As the fire raged h fiercer, Chief Glore called every fire H department in the city to .the scene Hj with the exception of No. G, which H was reserved for an emergency. H 'As tho roof of the Rogers resi- H denco continued to burn, the atljoln- H ing houses commenced to smoke from 1 the cxtremo beat. H AH tho chemical apparatus owned M by the city was called into commis- H Rion and it was solely due to the largo M quantity of chemical that was car- M ried on the fire wagons that the blaze M did not spread beyond the control of M the firemen, the greater number of H whom were helpless Jn the absence of H water. The condition looked so scr- H ious at ono time that Chief Glore con- H templated sending for explosives in H case it should be come necessary to H destroy surrounding bouses to prevent H the blazo from spreading The altun- H tion was doubly grave, as the resi- H deuces in that neighborhood are. close H together. M Aftor thirty minutes' fruitless. search H for water while the fire was being H held in temporary check by tho use M of chemicals, a hydrant which con- H talned the long-sought fluid was lo- H cated at the corner of,Tenth East and 1 First avenue, two blocks from the burning house. A hose was hastily stretched from this "hydrant to the burning house and the firo was extinguished within a few minutes. More than 300 gallons gal-lons of chemical fluid had been used in holding the blaze in check. |