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Show GRIHTBS USED M TEA It Is easier to presorve the color of tho hair than to restore It, although it Is pOBSlblo to do both. Our grandmothers grand-mothers understood the secret. They made a "sago tea," and their dark, glossy hair long after middle life was duo to this facL Our mothers have gray hairs before they aro fifty, but thoy are beginning to appreciate tho wisdom of our grandmothers In using us-ing "sase tea" for their hair and nro fast following suit. The present generation has the advantage ad-vantage of tho past In that It enn get a rendy-to-use preparation called Wyoth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Rom-edy. Rom-edy. As a scalp tonic and color restorer restor-er this preparation is vnstlj superior to the ordinary "sage tea" made by our grandmothers. This remody is Bold under guarantee guaran-tee that tho money will be refunded If It falls to do exactly as represented. represent-ed. If your hair Is losing cojor or coming com-ing out, start using Wyoth's Sago and Sulphur today, and see what a change lr will make In n few days' time This preparation Ib offered to tho public at (U rents a Imttlo nnd Is recommended and sold by all druggists. drug-gists. "Special Agent, Badcon's Pharmacy, 2421 Washington Ave." 00 |