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Show -cscrlblnff k ipurldai- WUva Bahfcoto Detector taysi 'Jn .tHcouhtcrfew'hWh,ain tseHy iersttngurrtitd, ttieteiaate.la.i-fhff, J'eft Jdwer'corner. hiu ftVhild'ih "the, fitnnt'nb ehe"'h.i tticfust 'i .. - ,v-: y; 4t tearn1a6;i not offensive h4&Sninhi only irperveB a jfeutle.aad ihoroiigly feinlnfeii dfeppiltTon.' ' Soiaa oaftias. Very efgnijlciintl said iliatltdoM.not mrtterhow'tjuft the ifoi bi&;ar.i;lh coyer. tbcta. Xrf 'i'-'SFi,?'-''' f '' T wfttcr Uiat.flqwttii congeal ;ltt:wlterVAn'dJthoso Vten'ttmon'bf ' friead5hip,hte:ilowjrrdsa tha"ha(c4auotbo froaen lo dyerlty?--; ''Kt'.-f -litrenies iaeat. , ?iyrit4tion' and liatWr jgm I como,.togi5tUcr; Sayilgb India? and funUloa.; tthlolttdtcrolnt.thlrifk-ei;r" - - S1jtclrcumstancca give ualho.kqcncsVin-liightlnto ualho.kqcncsVin-liightlnto tho Bccretii,of chiiracteri - '"; cthodiaihewy Wngo of btwlncssj jiunc,lu-atltjglvce.welgVitto.fliaractefj jiunc,lu-atltjglvce.welgVitto.fliaractefj . r i j ;. V; Vflmt- TOnkall rthpse - apothecary , shdpi hayoatOB floon??,' sald;Billy.tq;'jajav;thy stootUthdcViiater. ?ponr'ton1n6wi Bllfrt ItVsoJbaOf a, fe)icr,dro"ii3" fakoltt-hbrji ';a Tr;ihc4;,tfhett Wt liaydbyjew. ''jhiVlackfedge l'lijdlwYerablOroni; th'g gflcaccV oV palA-they filve. ' A " CMldhoda Isjiko ajntrror. catching and re 'fleeting hToiigci aU,,rou?(l it l Anltnptous tboughtittored.byla patent'g Jlpi-way opcr ate.uiiOaAyOuDgliearnU. water, thkown upon JwlVhed atcel, Vtalaingl i t with rust;-which noVcoarlng caa oOacoj . ' .AJHtttf hoy;kad one. clay done wrong and wns ,an?5reiitiironedn, to nik In secret 'theorgljenc'ef il llciirealy father, ill .oflKnca; Jbwi. beeii paSsfpit. Aniifonsf ia hear: lKMf1?. .W mother Uo wed to the doorof.hU room., '7n;ltfiarcUhB'IeArH'i ,LrnjfasktO baiado hotter, ttever"To'hi"anry; agftl, and-ilienf CtUhldhinko alrripllcltyj hq: added, 'r.vuiU Umiitr.1'' r , sThlijlarlp .parly,, who- has hea'tda goscF4eal tti"nigheaW b,eaat1i(aedrabjei.r ?.;lfcr.il wrote: J 'MVqi ifwiijof taatktiuivoUidj.sood', tfer1ahvdid X'K.R-a'bthe' rioin ho time. ;t"h'atthj8;motcVblnb the .moment that iim k'fwi; asoanl wlpea, tho death.damp fr&ijthol hrdwvof" the- dngrT-'we cannot;a&iatlfli6ut .miitunl help. $AtI,Vhejre jbrbtbatneed u pf "thMrfeildvt;m9ftnUani ha it jo ih8;"pwettd.grantJ-fcan,rtrfM Incur. rlnggulH;!' ' ' ' ' ;3caaty;'tllkfi.aobser!lll ipoll la ttmej glclikCis? tlHmeltrWora; imnt aYr; iIva"lSi,only.tttiubble;trlEh beaaliful lh .the .lfehtoiFaocytouchedhy tbo rongh reality ofllfo.t ftoth&gy Dope, ",thoaythfjog of ,the.i"our'T)epalr, 0$ lulda'ireJtcuiej IJo'uey, thegcl me'n.w6)hjp;ja()'n'wty, ancw gult. of ctfthei of ii-ftS;lltUe as'posstble, end:.8oriu out of fuahion) Prido.in eicellept jtutotltuto for knowledge ilonor, pistol and cbjfee fot two, (urtlng a ladyfor herjmoney;, a'.wagterms ?rlstcntJ,6(pf(f-lty" ' 1, ' A letter hMbcettpuollihed frbnxiMr. Sellew, asclentlljc geatlenian In charge pf some of. the1 aljnei In llllnofj, who U dlacover'eil1 arhiuB orllclci aaukep la tho, earth, .wlitch; verj used ft-tomo Pt perlqdby Ipeopie-ttnjuwwtt, la muklag salt from the same pring which araaow receatly brought into se- Tho totter .contain description, of utenilla anil ;instru-menti ;instru-menti found, particularly fragments, of -Jae Urgeat ancient earthen jare ev 'dbKOvered In our country. ' |