OCR Text |
Show j)t t--rtfBUmtB,D, AwraoairrJ , y,tf " r" -h Tr ' 1 f 2'.' ' --J, j !!! fH, J'J- -" J' - - . 'tt"t' ',.rE0,:I."Selt enacic(l,by,tlie0overnbf;ftud IogialaUve Asmbly,of:tUo Territory Of Utah; That"onud.aftcr tho Urstilbaday. of: Marcli; eighteen hundred and ttstyi'no perioh shall l0 petmitted, to trianufaitttre for'sale,; or. bsallbvrj ed to sell, barter .or.othirwhiis dbpoia of, ."any 8pirUuoii,yi0'6u;,: or - malt' liquors; .witlibut flret obtalnlhg Jlccris' tlibrtfurtw hereinafter herein-after ,proy Jdedj r except , UioV ptoprIut6yibf thfflnit' Spring UrYwcry'Iri. UtAU "" Couiit," nndsthoso', .Aprcwcilca r Svhkh1sla"r'enbw 'eai tabliihedatl'ftirlield neaCanig I"16yd, In Cedar. County, rho-,ahalt-be entii led to maiiu-C faCluteV and sell, at thpir: respe: tlvoestftblisli-meats tlvoestftblisli-meats ale and bevr, upon tlie paymeut by theiu for n licence; not cict'edibg three! hundred iiol-lara iiol-lara eacJj, jbr annu.ra,ashaU le determined by ;ihcir 'respective bounty cburts''v'- V I "Bee.i2Th"e cohrityontt In theicrespectlve ; countiea'are herebyautliorired to, grant : licen ses, as contemplated, ln,tho Urst section of thia uct, provided alwaygvtliat 8ald"co'urui uhatl be -fully iitiiilicd that thi applicantror applicant a:e.of good moral f character,-. a'afe and proper persona to be'enttusted'wUh thoafdrVnatd hunt-Bmj, hunt-Bmj, and that It is expsdient for tho '-publio good' to.crant Bucb liccusea. See a. Said county courts Buall fix jhe price, of any and every such license by thVm granted, aud shall require payment for,. the eaxqe invariably inva-riably in advance: uon the applicants present, ing tho county trcasurer'tt receipt for the -turn renuircd by the boutt for such license', the said court triuy .issue or' cause to be Issued tho do-sired do-sired license, for .any term apt sxceediiig oue 8e'ct'4.';TUe'tdftee'wVetef wny'.llqubra 'riameS tn tho first sectloti ot tbU act jiro Intended, to Iks manuti9tutedl.uia, m.rtred ox. .otUorwlsa disposed of, pluilt be nanSed or described In the license; which license shall alsa state the UInd or , ktnda 'ijof. : lln,udr: to be inanufaetured, soldrrtered' or,dipac4 of; aud jald;coun ty;;Cotirt8. niay" ' annul; any such-llccnso Vat pleasure for tv.vlblatfon of thisact.o'r the lorms otthe.tcense, orvhenevr 'they .shall detut the public gobdirbquiresit. 1 v'' . 'f See.jli; q sueli Ileen'se shall be iransfarable, unleia sanctioned by the county c6urt,ahd the said-county coutts'shallcailse to be endorsed on the twk'ef .cverj".sucli license granted by thetu . these, V6fdVi!nottrunsferabIutitesssadctioiied byHhov county court,!' .hlcbUhnll 'be.offl; clally signed by Jhe'.clejki' -. ; Bec'0;'Wany pcon shallrfofate the prd rUIons of anyof the preccedfriff iectldnaof. thfs act,, heshal forfeited pay for the,'use ofthe county wherein Vuch violation shall have been committed, upon complaint of any citizen of the county, befyro atiy'Juatfco of the peace having jurisdiction, any sum pot exceeding one huudrttd.dollars for each aild every such violation, viola-tion, to be recovered ai ah action of deb. t. Sec, 7. If any pcrson'shall, barter, sell or dispose dis-pose of any intoxicating liquors on the dar of the week commonly called Sunday, he shall forfeit and pay for tho use of the "county wherein where-in such offenca shall haye been committed, any sum dot exceeding twenty dollars for each of fence, upon complaint of ' any citizen thereof, to.be recovered as provided for in the sixth section of thiejict.. . Sec. 8. No provision of this act shall, be so construed as. to Interfere In any way with the tights of the municipal authorities of incorpor atett towns and cities. Sec; 9, "An ordinance regulating the manufacturing manu-facturing and vending of ardent, spirits," approved ap-proved February 12th, 1851, Is hereby Trepeal. ed. Daniel H. Vixi8, rrtsidmtothiOauntil. JoiW T-1TUJR, Sptaker oflhe Hume j" BtpmtntaUmt Approved' January 20, JS&Ql - A. Cuuuisa, AN ACT . HqKtfUat) certain AiU gwnttnif. herd graywb, and authorizing the. Cowity CourU U retmre hidtfrom ike immtJuttt vicinity of StUleHtnit, Sec, 1. Bo it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory ,of Utah; That all the acts having the following title are hereby repealed, namely! "An Act granting unto. Miles weaver and. Ifrankling Weaver a herd ground in Utah, County," appro ved January 10, 1855. "An Act granting to lleber U. Kimball, Jed. ediali IX. Grant, Simuel Snyder1, and their associates, as-sociates, the right f ground for herding," ap proved January ID, 1556. "An Act granting a Tanche and herd ground unto Brighaiu Young and Thos,4lthoad,e, approved ap-proved December 18, 1855. "An Act granting unto Brlgham Young, Trustee Iu Tiukt for the Church of JcsusCbrlsl of Latici DaySaTnts, Cache Valley for herding and other purposes," approved December 18, 1855. "An Act granting unto Brlgham Young, Wilford Wbodruu", Luke Johnson, James W, CummiiiKS, Samuel BenIon,"Vliluim A.' Hickman, Hick-man, Jee 0. Lltllo, and Claudius V- Spencer, llusll Volley for a herd ground and other pur posts," approved.December 27, 1858. "An Act granting unto James G. JJrownlng, Erastus wiigiam, sen,, Jamea Brown, sen., Thomas Dunuj and Irn Farr, Ogden .Yulloy ior a heid ground," upproved December 27. 18t5. "An Act granting ?into rhintaall. Young, Albert P. Itockwood, and Jesse Hobson, I're-tuout's I're-tuout's Inland, in Great Salt Lake, for herding and other purposes,", approved p$eeber 27, WW. , ' ''""''' 1 ' ""' ' -' ' i'; " ' L 4Jsi4riX "t! -'i,-" ' K ','Aa-Act 'granting BSjaIa V, SoWwow, H ''iZ-'.A K'fl and Isaac-Motley the'rlgUtof ,cetirliii,iitiH-, l.-Jt , "J', 1 11 district? -of Santaquin, hretPfO-klowa, a , -'tA m.i: r. i, H SummUCrMk, with IU natural teiHUcai ei- t: ' . ' ;v ! II UWUhiog a herd ground, &o ," approved 1' ' ,- $ -"-yl Iw lrAg AefstaaUngto fellas Smith; Jc- 'Y'Z 4 'if , Cnin.'Samuel V.1Uchards( and those ,whoa,l' i rf;- WifW. ItheyjrnayiwsbelatejviUUthemiUjo rUbt,f; 4 t ,iff$ ; t- i..h il'IW herd,sround In Juab County," approved JaBa-t-.r- J -i'Mr'WM mVs, 186ft. ,j , - ' . ' .. ?, :,-r'..''.;;' . 'isim "An'Act'grantlpg'wntoThoaaifJthUtttoa,.;! -A-J"f iaW the south )t ot Weber Valley foil a herd -VA'-f .p B ground and Other purpoges,"' approved Jaa ,3, ; v'r-'J . I m An Act 'granting', nfttd' Franktta J,'M,t-' " -.hS, ' J' ": f -I if chatds, Silas Wchatds, Isaac Mbriey, Jan( O.' ' 'Vf'j Snow,. Aaron Johnson, XOrchzo 11". Match, aad ' , 3- V' -'. if Xconanl E. Harrington, a herd ground IP Ced iM ' tL ,. 1 ft- f? iaBdJttbCountW-PprovedJah,8,.1856il . U'-kA-,xv "An-Actgmtttlng.untoOrsoa lVatt, Orf8? ' ''.?'. "f j-A 4 -ftTO E; Bat,12dwla p. WoolIoyrtevlJUter.MU',; -T 3 '.1,3 Vincent ShuttlefT, and Enoch llccsc, a portlo , - - t .J -?."' I J IS pfConeltock Valley for a herd ground aai. 'vh..' -' 'M other purposes," approved Jan 6; i860, 1 ' - J".",'km "An Act grttutlnjr unto ,Err T. BeatCHi, S'.'Sf-' ?' ', M W -William H, lloopcr.liomaa S. Wllllawi, OttVt . -Vy , , j; iff .bert.AVcbband jUVidCaadIaid,.heIgrodft4 4 - t if fff in Xon.c- Itock-yaUcyj" .apptoved -January, ., , , If ''Actgraritlngunntd.-John Stoker,1y"lti T- ',. ''ily If llamSrolth, John and, AbiahAV'arde'-,.,', & S Vfffi 'worth, ftho;northi end, of, AVbber YalJ foria-'V;' ;, ." .!'$frfl herd grputtdrdnd'.othet purpoeS,".;approveI ,' i; !SIs ji818M4';S"-'' -'-r'." -"-i-.C-'- ,SJ fm , "4AUf Act granting, unto Jacob O,. Blglerj' -'IhS (arIc?llrIiryntt,.Gobrge'fV, ,Bfftdlby, Israel t Wl-M lIoytnUd.Villiam'Carer;tt'Jicrd ground: layjw - rV Juab Vallcy.'apprpved Jan..l2,.185(,.v- fc J,A - M , yiVAnActi'grautlrig? a herd .ground -Tsi v - f " '-t'M M i IIb:olClmlnlI and'ildlut .PMket'af fr - , - ,s .ISI S rpov'Jan.l2,..186B;;!;,-JBWkv-,-'i' .k r':r v- AWm i5t::JAii ActgmntiiSBa,herd"gr6undto XoteaWMsjiJ s-- ftr- fMM Show; 'Franklltti llichardg, rhlneaa ,H.lic'"ri'''.-A - - "'t mMa vYoungiiDahlel'epcnccr.-Eil n. Tierce, OiurlM-C.5 l t SM W':.aiubbard and. Jonatbia BrovratBg'- $ ' ,f H k.J-' msm proved Jan.Sl2,,185gr -C ; ' . - v'. ' ' - 'ftfH '-'Xh Act granting untd vYiH!aBi W. Phelpa - ,.f Mm And D;ugh McKlunoy R,herd, -groBad,.aB-. V Wm proved Jan.. l'i, I860, . '? "-KfJ -.. "An- Act granting untoTredelck .Kesler.i - hcrd'ground,?.apptoed Jp, 17, 185C , ,y. f-il isl . -"An Act -grnntmg'.iuiito the Sanpete' Coal i .1 tl Company herd ground la Sanpcttf County ' tl approvU'Jaai';17, imp 3Ma'.1'' . ' H i V An -Act" granting. UiitovHebcr CKIsaball'ij , (I and- William,' JdcBride a berd . groundp If if proved jin.,nw&i&ttf(y??': ry-If I JohttSStokci'; AVIIllam "Smithy ftihmVrjKe U I ahdi Abiah:-r(Isw6rtb,'iitbeiiiof thread. pf;f ; 1 Weber Valley for aherd giound-and.ftther . f ; purposes;"' .approved .JahvS; 1850; approved - $ Jau;61857, -. -f --'vi -V-V-Sji5 ' tl ,rf "AnActgrantlngnto Set1jTa;iUalr;'Joh.''. Bro'wnTl'rcstonThoniM nd AlonH.;Blalr t I ejhwd ground lriWsUfttleyttpptoyedJaBi, j; ,i4,-:i857.".":'. ' ; &$J& ' I i An Act' granting unto TxiteMt).'Vowg , -1 i herd ground l Great Salt lak Cou6ty,;tJtaViS, ' , j 1 'rerritoryV?,pprovedJan.: H1807. ' ;". I'-.V ; 1 'Anil'gnmtlnBttwtollufuaq..Al!eo. "wa I roz6V.'UiundAmoaThorotonandtUchard,- , j UobIUBn herd groUnd.In Iron aud Washing v J(fl ti;ti Counties; Utah'Terrltory,-; app'roved, ' ..'" v .JH W;-1867:- 3 I h- ,V V. ;5 -t f t WM "An Act gran tlrigr untd .Xcwls Itoblson ,th : , 9mk right o lerufn; lands' for a herd gvouud, farui-ff . 1 W3 . lug and other.pu'rposes; Ini Green River Co'ua-;; 'tyj" apprbvetl Jan.' 14', .1867".". . 11 SfH ;'tAu Act .granting, unto Warren S.Snow; i Ams George Snbw.JeVcwlahllatch', Daniel B. jrunfc- -f H and Jolin" L6wry,-Juu,'t 'beVd,rgnuud.-la San. Mm JPetetrUityopl)rovc4-Ja'nf;14, 1867-. . f f W fi -f ,An Act ataenUing. 'An Act granting ,tiata . ? 'R mmaia'WYhtlpt.MiA HugU" McKlnneyaJ f ff. herd ground, approved Jan. 12, 1850;;.aiH' . ffl proved Jan?14, 1857.,'X' -Jh -i H;?- --r-t ? fff -' "An Act granting a; runche and hord ground , 'K unto James' W Snow, ' James Adanis, Chart sf .'jHF Carrol, Ocorge; W.-Bcan,; Edson Barnejr, JSfS fflr liara ltFolliitand'PhilanderColtbnippproV 3 Sfi edJan.l5,1857r' - '.rL hl'&'J&i'. f ml "An Act granting unto Orson Pratt, sea,, j MS Ezra T, Benson, Juhn Itowberry, Thomas Atkiti ' . aJ and Hezeklalt Mltcliell a herd ground la-ITod. . i y w elo County," approved 'Jan. 8, 1858. . -., "An Act granting untdBrlgham-Young.'sen.. Wfit and others Aivenpaii A'alley lor a herd ground 7. .Ya and other purposes," approved Jan. 8, 1858.1 4 i ?c1 "An Act to' amend 'An Act grantlng'unto ! ;-S Seth M. Blair, John Brown, Preston ThoinM X And Alonsoa,BlaIr a herd grouudJn.TtuiU , t JJ Valley, " approved Jan. li, 1857 j opdrdviid j ,fJ Jan. 14,1868. 3 ' - -4 y fj "An Act granting anto Lorenzo Snow, Jo- athan C4 Wright and Samuel Smith; Box. Elder .- N4g Valley, Iu Box Elder Cpunty; for a heid ground i , JJ , and other purposes," approved Jan. 18 1858.- Jf'M" See. 2. All tliat part of section first; excopff . jii'-'i Ing the enacting clause of an act entitled'-"An,- . lips Act granting a herd ground and making op proprintion for military purposes," approved , f :-J Jan. U, 1857, 1 hereby repealed. :. x i Sen 3. In case that any herd shall be,fouaiI t iwM 4ipbnthe,rangeln'flreneighbbrhoodor vldnlty' ofahyeettlemcntlnthls'lVrrltory.cncroachlng't SiM jor-lntrudlng updn, the range wcessary1for,4h5. i J3 animals of such settlement; and the' owner, pfj, , 1 such herd sltall refuse or neglect to remove th' 1 ame, when required ,a to' dp by. , selectmaBv 1 ?,f of the proper county,-tho coun.ty court of such A H j county ihcreby authorised, at the ex pens "of M the owner of such herd, to. cause the. same to. h '1 Ue removed to some more distant locality,' bi 'M yond the limits of tbesummcrand wlnterrangeil f a or hay gjounds, necessary for tbe'uppbrtoff '"I I tho atocfc 6f that or any other Betticnienti g', I S gec-X All laws or parts of la wa' conflicting rMSl 3 with the third section of this act. ate. .hereby: if 3 repealed. -. a Daxik.II.Woxs, . : X 5 a rraiJent fif the Council.. . t i joustatwb; -; - - hhi Speaker of lit Ifouu of Mtjprttentatitti,! . ; f "t 1 Approveil January 20, I860. '?: ,; f illS A, Cpiiuisd, .- ' . MpSt & GoKrhor tfVtah Territory ' ; , rJ |