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Show AGRICIfLTUItB. The iruo vfcalth oi any nation consists in the, perfect development of its. agricultural agricul-tural resources. 0 nqbf the prime causes of the splendid success of-Solonion's reign may -bb attributed, to thofact ,that;thb 'peplcnqtibeliigwostcd by.desplatlng rwars, turned theirchief attcntf6n"to!th.o' iuUuro ;6f thosoilJPi ,tcctibn'6f walled cities, Jhcy-cdusidered it ''thcgrcateV lstration-pf wjso andequUahIe"awsJ'th mlghtdwelupjDn-t heir-abundance ilpoji :the 6pot. wheru. ht WafprpduqcdX J C v 7 ' J - " C ; Afterv rcnowicdTthcns,"had, by her' arrpgdncc brought upon hcrsclfra Jterriblo retHbutibrij;nud;thpp tho safciy of lifo badi taken refug'ewithin her Avails' th'ey'lppkcd foftli witli- jlcspairnpoij;. the pUlagdand-cpnnagratipCpf, their plunder-; ed homes and. unprplectea' fields, which stern necessity had constrained, them, to giyo up to tho ravages.-of an invading army. In the paltny jlays of llonie, tp'bo a good husbandman was. considered the highest praise, aridjje wfio, neglected the proper tillage of hist ground, was subject to tub animadversions of the censors; Cinciunatus and other great, Itomnn Generals were called from, the plow to assume as-sume the arduous duties of .military commanders. com-manders. Even tho Senators commonly lived In tho country and. cultivated the soil with their own hands). In tho precept and example of our own TVushlngton, wo have the ossurance that agriculture is the most ennobling of all pursuits. But for tho enterprise of .those, ivho follow this vocation, vo-cation, the "march dt empire" toward tho golden.. gates of tho .Pacific, over the gl6rioU3; prairies of tho "free and lound-less lound-less west,'" jy'ould gpdn, cease ,to tako its yoydTii rgjgedhUlideR. of the At-lantlc At-lantlc 6lope wjnehibypatient, pereoyeriu tail, now. groan beneath their..oyn .productions, .pro-ductions, audjTurrisli support, for. ;a vast population, were it not for this same en terprise, would ogam' become barren wastes and fruitless, fields. . I5ut for thd pturdy farming pioneer, his progeny jand successors, tho great American Mississippi Missis-sippi Volley would to-day bo almost as desolate as when Be Soto and his stec.l- clad warriors discovered and took possession posses-sion of it in tho name of the Holy Virgin: and tho haughty Court of Spain4 S'et.after all that has been and ia being done, wo are not an agricultural. people to that extent ex-tent wo should be. Too many, throng- tho great avenues of trade and depend upon commercial life for support. If one-third of tho capital and credit now invested in trade in this country, could be turned to tho more perfect developcraent of her agriculture, ag-riculture, her wealth would far exceed what iui or oyer vai, and commerce, instead of being crippled, would stand upr ou'a more substantial basis. The idea that farmers ''need not know much" is entirely en-tirely erroneous, Thoso who, work the soil can and should bayo cultivated minds. It Is tho manifest duty not only of professional profes-sional and mercantile men, but of farmers, to surround their children at tho first dawn of reason, and.continualIyaftcr,with incitements to knowledge. Givo a child a book,and wo carenqt how doll a scholar he, may be, he will read it-it is a father's 6r'a,roother'8 gift j As ho grows in years,, and. tuorp labor Is rctpitred .of- Uia) let him havon, leisure hohr.' etcry(Vday.-rto!. tcad. Letvthatifiodt; be sacred frpmalL Ihiru "sion.r lly. presenting hlmjjvlth'pnu.dr two b&6t(V, r f ;no;morb);d yiiry .ycdraHd lgi vhig means i b'Wcasionallyb'uy dnyMiriselff his rdonijWill ';sooit' contain fa small library.. Surround. lilu ,wlth,gdo(1'iictsiiabcra rind periodicals,' ahd. thcyf wjir'b'o-dadAiJiC6 Mia work a'?4patelr? ptland uppn.liisj'dwju. account "nitidpply the" 'lirocecds'td his Owju,'beuoDtf$' Farriers', if.ypd will pursiie. this course: wUhj your .sonsristead. . of lounging In, public places rainy' days' and the, long winter eyenhigsthey; wjlllipjin .their owii rooms freVuriug.ujiT knowledge, wbich-wlll makef ihcm gd.aiid;' great , in any statioii. wTry Vollaf: !2Yewipaen. rv1 ?,'-??".'-' -:t !;it. A? ;ti-j.,''.!. ..jv'i j s4. |