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Show , essisstiliritlioatrti SpenlijjVj.nmi the, jfrogpecfctjt tlVcfiifblil is-, Jnivfiejij ;i: ' jr&ydr.UbWustogt States tirtl'jgjiwii Vornjriglyj ciase "ttnrappeiilyHibUe'ruU I t&b6CGlirifitu5n;.anrl thereon' cjkiniiiil'ex:? I cmptioalfroih-'tboilbUnaioV'Oiiili I 12th? thij'McmlJcrJ.froni :cwVft:lB ki(,aj)aClarI?. lwd.fjuit an hjttifestlrrg Up'q7fniwhictii;tbV Ju ed and jm ccecded vittV&Jit a eplctitlid. row. HaVBu's1 piStoJ accltjchtally, bft attja, fcU'ow bi4'l)W-poWct 'b& txf agnat for pVepdratWn 0 general light TbeflpprfpoodeUt,n1IudiiigHto,tbe tfie Houseloday in conscqncnce ofv,tbp sfghtof ;ptstoI.(j 'Xbo.?iugl? crpcikof an insumcot ittngilW i excitement-vouJd iafetreul'ted' lC .felpoay scenej-'afrepttiig not,only t1felifa. Jf "men, but- also, of "the nation.; Tt" is fielteved 'tlini most of tlm fflcmbersf. tbq House , go totbelr. daily; datier"wttliMfldlyv'eap'ons,fas -ui'ctf gef to tattle x jPot a feyf uiomcnts the fca'iie.dti tHfldoQaiinjparallelcd', , Hfqfc of-plsVotfwadiaiihptlyhcardithdmos of-plsVotfwadiaiihptlyhcardithdmos :WoVdscre u'tfcKfd ;aridr"th'o-wlldcst'i)a-- Bioa display ' " " 5, . 'Tho'saniodayTity th"o'!tSenat, jidgo! ,Dougtasad;liard595lki Ml ,lim tbrough"''nth& Squatter.SoxcireJgntyQues-, tfdiu?' In!bueiofhLs'"8pcebhcs ho denied' iia.tbe" action ,of the:- Supremo , Court, in tho'Dred-Scottxasc was. nocisjpu.wjdch beiri'g!thq Ilepublicaii ground, his chances ;ot Cliarlestpu are very $mall. Senator Seward has returnedjo. Washington; Wash-ington; butjecps; silcneej, llis friends Etate, "that wliilb tho present tfseitcmenfc cotttmues'he'wirmaintniji that silence,- Wka War. i)eparfjmeiit hai received a telegraphic, despatch from ilnjor IJcint? ltinan bfirqffnsVillo, giving, an account of "his "breaking up of : Cof tinas' band on tlie.Tcxran' frontier, a s By thia mail tye have a fuU account of a-teriBlov,caasi'ophV'by the falling of the ferobertou;.: at, Lawfcneov AIusgt On,tbo l0th"ult., when the mill, vajyn full Veration vith upvards Of GOO hands ugacedal,wrk'flieyhple huildiug ,fell iorkilling directly tv larger number of ptr-wns;1bnryioga ptr-wns;1bnryioga tilljargcr nnmber and Vouiiding &ome""h'uhciroas. The recital of thd affatrlUdrreltttioih of the dreadful on-dljlpafofhe'Jmlburied.and on-dljlpafofhe'Jmlburied.and -wounded' is perfectly lmrrowif) ia thcr feelings. Wb do rJKfi remember reading auythlngBO pRiu-follj1 pRiu-follj1 inlere&ing. " TheiaiesV account rln-derpHih,uniberpfrdettd'ffc rln-derpHih,uniberpfrdettd'ffc 95): missing 10.1; badly woundcdTltJOrsligh'tly wound-ed,llQpo:alvaead wound-ed,llQpo:alvaead and woa'udcd, M4i 4Atherp;pre,quito a, im'mbfc of people in thu city and Ticmify from kawreuco thoy 5 m ftsttif 'tn'tlctrmsor'tha'patas-trophbb'ykllikgahls" 'tn'tlctrmsor'tha'patas-trophbb'ykllikgahls" . ; i 1 ifcdifUcultj" oirjrctl ' Wetwecn Ecrcral gct(tlemeu on tlid Itihult; atrltall! Blu&l on llio' Wgd. 'of Austin county, TexaU whicli. terminated fafaRyt& twp pf them pr;.Se.H,,df Iicdn;c6nnty;.shot;riri R IXermlptt, wl)okecrtt storb; at; t'hd Mitt. hnd P.r. SUtl-.-wm in, turn idt's by. 5tr. Dickson( ,a cforlr In ihb -employ; , of MrV Ikri'dorii -'. ' -;7 t hq IXoti. 0. T Faiilbicr, of tfrginta, haa been, appointed, lniitcr tp, franco in tin .place, of ilrIqsottiajcctitly dticeaSed. Jidticds' from 7nrncasf,t Venezuela td :tlio ITtli Dec, .report -thecohiiuancft of tiro civil war jij iliat'-fepHhUc, nnd tlib fl&i feat of thebel SottinpvntVlJab Inside, province if ; J?a'teeJdmir' by Gcncfid.Jiiu?, leavhig' 20D tlcftdlbH tlw -field,. General Rahibi at'jtlto1 Jiend of the' gdyprnmeni forces in jtho wcst:df the Jpepuulicg entered' iQualiar6,JH tn atfi bfTfdvofnl6rr and thd rebel Frtjleonetreatcd.tbwnrdsi.fIJaH-' lias.- TiiQ,r Caracas' itcwspappr hro "en ageft lrt & 'dlgpnssiioij "pin. ,pjotiipny!jienli qupstrnhf1,. and whether goferiVmeiiisV need orat). pyit m oeTcly, lit wliichiihey (BX'fhati'ge-' insnlts1 yery rnncltVinf(ertH"t;hii 'rdwdy-tyje of deJ)att;vA(TarsaU.;d,ver' the .couutryiVfiincittl-and , agricultural, wereiu a, mo'sl'widtclicd plight', 'Senor Rojas;, atrcsent jre'sid'ing in'NewTdrk hadlwea .Icptcd td Congress- v Jv 1- i- rhe Dircctpr tif tho Mint, having- been ittlerrogat;dd'as;'tp a: rn'tndred ehange-in .(he 'devices 6f ! thral Silver .;cbin'or tlie.conutry, replief that there will bo do phangp-in either the half or' iquai'tcr 'dolr lar pieces at the present timp; - ,THo dimp;' howovei', .willappeaiinrd riewj audim-lirpvedfdresa audim-lirpvedfdresa . iirlg.v-TadcVjprcfi ' 'feath on be rcvprsp -viH-givo plade to a "more, approp'rMb and.ha'tidnal-one,tljp'iiig ncstpoft:pompdse.dJd4:theVchef"p iipna-pCprtr cbuh'try3iitcrsperaed'Itli 6ak;lette ha'ietnhlenia'tlc'df' strcji'gth Sn'd ,dtirability;;4:Thte IcgondtTniipd: States of VmtricayilW b jrapsferrfd frpntttje' reverse; of. iiipTdinvhcrpH tQhobbyewpkprErjnc ayiceTptfHrib bb changed, hu.t'tho.pXecu.tipn'bMhp"'' epmewltat. imprpretliTlie:; d'evieesaiioiv tbV.half dime Avjiiipdtiform.in, nil.,,parucuf far except' th&dcnbMoati to "the dime;- " - -l'pJ'-'ff |