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Show "in pur laktlssub, wo1 noticed ''at some IcngrtCtllat pdftTon of .the JVstmaster craViucport touching. tbo postal arrangcV mciits for. conuecUpg. tlitatty wltli.tbe Missouri and tho HaciC and as. Ifarl'as space permitted, wo majto d.cVoln.epntro-, vertibie statements, about" the ablisaivhlctf this, cdmirtunity has . suffered froh .mail contractors tfn thb 'easfcrajrpnb;-' by" 'tW noneHycry ofthcitni to that-subject W'recnY, ""' '"" Sp reacntlyya 0f fhfsTerfltory"kerabucdi anrdgrosslyjcalumuitcd, that many con-cludo' con-cludo' emonsfrau'eeis -Vai pud labor; lost. Wo admit that Uherc has been too niuch rea'sp for arriving at such a convic tionj yet, In-o'ur optnfouj- taino sufferance .of insult and injury; is discreditable to any pcpjple rpVccd to nono more conll-denco conll-denco inth6;finarres of trials, still there, is cnougb of the.old icaven left in na; to md.kpnt fecl.bccnly'the tedious waiting of ,triumphanyuicp. Had wo men of prtn-dplp prtn-dplp to deal ;wHh, th'p cultivatipn of pa-Ucnfts pa-Ucnfts audrsilcnt long sufferance would be comthendablo'virtues; butAvhcu no rfgh-'t'cbusijrocili rfgh-'t'cbusijrocili has any biucjiiig iufluenco 'ipoaSHchmetf, and' tho Very virtues; wjs .uaniparp inpekca a,u;dcritVcd, . aiid the moUvo- for'their nPurlshment is misrepre? stated and turned intoa 'charge of "sufr ncandifr ns tbfc Very qulhtes-senco qulhtes-senco of trwsoiJ'und rrcbellfon, wo cOnfesj that webavo itchings for "a clear stage and no favor." o arc seriously impressed wi(h the conrictipn that rmucli oftho insolcuco that has been addc io:theJHry siibined by fhis .community has been .offered on the presumptiou that wo bod arrived at the xpncluslpit tha t, our silence was as produc-. produc-. tj v$ ofgopd 'tkf piir" reinpnstrance. Some we.knqw..eate.Vtajn"jtbisppfuiQn; 0nd while wo are -willing ;tkey sboul'd quietly enjoy any satisfaction derivable therefrom, tve claim 'for ourselves, and for by far the larger portion of tbeconununity, who think as we do, tho right to speak when andbbw It suits us therels.aforcqin tfutb that will tell somo time pr other. We blame mait-cqntraetors, and tbatostly, too;, but wo.arc not over certaia that wo aro W fectly freer-from censuro oarsejvcs ou the score of Jcniency4 Wohavo.submittcd to Indignity .after indignity, till creeping stealth has gtW td.bojd'aufl unblusblng plunder. Some few citizens have discharged their ,dutie to the community and' to the common- H Wciltj ty rcpfesBting faithrqlly' lw buses, of 'Hbparent pet's J Out tl aggrd": ration ten been, ccpand broad caoagk to arouo every mail Who has a soal In; hist body, td protest in livery constitatlinai manuer against the flagrant violation of hoo commprt riglits and, benefits wjiicb belong to every being whd submits to cdn stitutipnal law and authority, On thc.ono'8ubJcet-our mails,, without naming multitudes of olber grievances (inougb can bp said and.done tatnakosome incit hjiaestno, that is itot it-j-to darq ilicir dishohesty. Wo "bav5 no. faith In the, Ethiopian, changing' lis skiit or the .lebptlrdi )ih spbfs1, 'udryctSn; qnrp men changing, their li'abltSj vMdcticYcbpw-evern vMdcticYcbpw-evern lhaiwa.bnvp.it in ourpoVvet; tobedgo liicnt in, and, limit, in soma degrcq their rntogcR. , v Wd triay be too cqnjldingstill wp think t due td tjm ebicf of a department to, sup-pase sup-pase be itduldllko to Jcudiv. tijp. practical : workings of bis plans. ' G ehcral. Holt, has the responsibility laid, upon himdf linkiiig together thirty iniih'pns. df beings- spread dyef between 'tbrtje and four million square miles of territory; to expect, tbcreforpof liim morp than a personal snpcrintend'ehco over his own bnrcan and a general Itnow-cdgoofthd, Itnow-cdgoofthd, wires, .connected, thercwitli, would bo td expect tdomuch. Mail routes are; laid off pn-biapS, bid3. fpr servjco.ord invited, in-vited, contracts aro concluded aqd lil.ed.pff andthntls the .last ofthofonto, ihcer:, vlco and the contract till 'tho Say of 'p're' n'tUoftat4ho'Trni'f Tho ;Pdstmastfer-Geiieta),;.at ctiougb .J,6oppd?es tlrot;,;cVery.thing;rf and everybody fi iii tbp .right :piaceand. the result .of yery woringqst;'Wbat.Tiff Avcdja hjsj,bnrca ;; Wby?iho jthialftptbersoi; i Wb fift.-tao8.i distant W'thafhd knoWHhylhingjiVduV our; mail lyipg scattered berb5and thcVo .ctweeaSt', ddsepb and this; city-'Jt ;is our business: to make hlm.acquainted'with tho'faetSf" . -Cv - ' .-.Qcncfal ;Hult.;sp'cak?oBjhelost f ;t'atcCwtttatooX&'i' inspires pa wtb thbnvfction'zthWhbV fs' iVtii '-'He iks;ogtb(j cost&r 'thc;f scrvico wesrotbe. fXtoMountalus fa prdsionvoftbaiserjlcp; Ifdrdif8'infqrmat'ion, Serfo( .qjfra.sffmpte dt; bprCThfi- iijall Ta. pro vldustwo days that'fe; thdictter'saelss were: brought - ii but not a -single; paper ' for "any person. Wp ould.bavp notiwdthiiju ourariiclp fa last Issue.but. wo hadj.be assqrancb thai tho whole of odr back; mail " Wattelvat Rocky jRldgctandpther stations woudbc brouglit lido thd ciyJyUli'jn sidaysand, that j,ssura Q.aetV:?A,- K!10" regiular pajkiir mail :of 3.6eUtrM iipttRn45fpnghtHdV Clen,y: the, lftatWdaiis. could bp no excuse for: its ddtontlon; Tho road wprgood enough - to permit tbp letter msll'tp bp brougbtia heforo it was due; and pnqof our citlzpns, whom, business bad taken to Rocky Riqgccamo in tp the city without change of animals In three i.days less time thpn that allowed to the mall, with their Change of animals every forty "miles. There is no expianatiop pf the present culpable course of pur mail contractor, than that which wo Oiavo tat6ditt the ontstart, that they have counted .upon our silence, our patience and dnr long .suffering. Is tbis to continue? Wo auswer, NoJ And to attain this end we say, men of business, and men who take any interest In the outside world, let your voices be heprd. nud your influeucc felt every-here, that this present mail nuisance may be abated. |