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Show thatXfeUadcslr.toplacToatS I t,thd.Tew,otoaoho, H Sr, had been a total Strang 1 manners of thl, communis I uninteresting to your teade&i(snSa,f hastMr prcrarcd rcWftrk for 11,' H .hoaJdyoa.dtemthcm wl'r thecplumaof yowiourS, k I wffprcsentea.hyJto'ini dcbotaUohi was a stattllnr confrW rdr'' H Mdobserted ,Sttt earpetcd floor epcuAUr wl ?' ,habby.dcska and seated t, barest 2 I mk pf ,,oW Zm ' I legislators Arter their atp(u-wr7 ,oXgoofo.haakvcUS Wi;fine cablaot.woj QdS-whJchVouTd QdS-whJchVouTd hftvd beetf considered cfcLTS approprlafolnny city bf iho! 11074: tobserrcd the; well-iseatd tnmsW? M .bear rig HhoilfqmlaAteFSLrlff ffiM plonqerf,, who twelve' years ago, kfcI f ' home, Where this elegant Hall, ani ' B city now stand, tfian'what was affpnEkHf their waggons and tents, !a th m J L bleak.wUdcrnew'df sleratii)Bsge bruA ' Apd when jiBiny of, thm tloweri. Atlt , female were pointed out to. me on the &w: 'H' now arrayed ta tmhW bU: Um. thought, ;thnt,lf anV people werd esftcUUy. titled, to tho gratification of tnnslc saj'oW B or other lunoceutA gajf dlvsrsfoD, they saSi 'B W9.w thosf, who had vbeenf fallWuI,vwahirt- B andBan'ctlfledhcarW.td d6 lth4wm 0f nnd.to.dogOodntoyheirfcnowmeaTalsjrii .-TOrtjiiBi tftifaca ' the intelligent ' chief of your Chaich", (n his lavocatI?a tl 1)1 vino Patheri topless this party pf-pistsar unto blnt.: yVhat prayer before tollf .'ihlswas ft'8tatUn,rrinovailott topoa'aiy.ff ; tlle.reminisceqots. Uuf.dprofleciloh.i: tionrffc wJiyBOtprajerbeforoaUUf Wbjraot Intel , God'biesslng'nridn our, d4nces;W well h csx doctrines, and every act of "HfeY What Westie Ignorance, and eVU darkness Ot sonl.to txcfnci- frqm..tho,.heart!a thank-ilfertngi, . the joyons ' tho .recovered ark; and ,,tha pldjncn and mrf. stepsJttdT P1?? Jehovah; filiUllkolttmbindlihtf md'untahlsilkersai, Jld'atho-dIco?fd'm p.ua'dp thesTttday; "nfsythlaie'andVMi iwesume,matlng-daficfu tor' they- c4nyt1ne1reVtiiifk tto arghiftaVtioXtonop joioui racesranajncv?r"mingil wJthewtfcr, ,J10.V morograceful danVcfs.Th?eBritit :aa"fmatedsewJ honored gentile :gueit;l4bMu f rrtTJy tqp. ifc'e, Bwor?UoaerCad nieir.gcnemanlKBaltef5 supreolrThi facoofUhohost 'iB;'chlef,.ypu'r , l'restden, wastrfttilant3 W.C;adwhosoidndIy InteuTani . deeds have 'fought xbrt'hnll' ffia ' gladness -h I f Hoped lor. t .Nor .was, he behind hand Id taitos : J&Wjoy;p?tUpdpili6r. -ing Info 'the. dance witfrja.'splrft and atlll. showing the -earwito itrh-lng to ;db.cwer, "whatever 'tho. matter la, handi hcthct leadmghliedplsitbroBih . trackl.wilderness;,or;nwVliig wltk iyouthfai buoyancy in'thegacdtlllion,: In the tho flrst'icsiachcy;&;tte thoTweivcra reididhsefVed.b obey, orders and dp acUvo dulyfiWa"tfiegay sad festive sccnes'i as UidyMrtavo.tceri-la mors ardttons-flciaa oriabp5Jut to'tfihll t a young lady, "that I havo - danced r.wi th Can apostle." Yes and. I jcrlly bolleveount I waidcn,J(ty.ftu!contmaelr4iri,na folthral la heart, tho day rnay cpmewhenyou will dance wUh'ynur; Bedcemcr. This wo,uld,;olindIllli abominable iplfemy; jn- U ett genflle frleadsV.bntViould'thdy, YaVobsetved lfli-rnon this''occaalo that' musicdW muffle, the serpent yolco of dlrtatiori,?i ftst dancing did not merely servo as an opjw. tublty for fntrvie;' that Respect dM honor, and puro'Joy pfeValle'd 'In this ilormon iali; they would be forced " ta.rcel' 'iK W tbt surely tho "diver "of cvcry-od'ranleriict gift," eonld Ibbk'nprovingiy p6nrthe s&'nS, and tlwttheiHbly'Wn&mak feastf XmC mlgbwherr nialfes"i:W:aie earth agaIn,sTia prcsentoH. an?ccMl6tt'ril.lrt thls;a1id:"iead forth A sliter ln;,a'wlull dance. J - ' ' (?' ti; .. 'eabpyemmnnlcdfewVi; iat week, too latpforubllcaaenHnouf.lsst Wu? Pft'-hoWBtci, of that chnra4r "which K 21 Jy, '? keep! wePbw.glvv-n f coTner.-Ens. v ,,,-t '-r m |