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Show I. ; HB "MOtliiTAIN MEABOW , , V ; . AND MARTIAh t AW. J ;', , ;, ; It was oar Inicatlori last week, In cotri-: cotri-: V'iWnoUio! report, df Mr. Green-wb?a,'tIIiiil(tait$siottet'i Green-wb?a,'tIIiiil(tait$siottet'i to make 'a remarks ujdn the raiig-titlkcd-ot and - kttotvlcii-nont affair, the Mountain Jktows,Msacre,, Ybntevcr oflnlerest kty7, wbdd not at present, wisft par tie-S?? tie-S?? 1 e&MnJ( stress upon, It sccwa, Itewivee, HMwWt jiBgtafcr t&at the dnd sbpuld hao created so much stir- and ggraiw , ' IKta tgrave accusations am madd jjpfiriPtk tUtacns of "Utah; facts' and Me cdtwfdercd of bat-smalt Import-, Import-, WaT te.w ancient . thp ap ,. Cttwtlqa etiit-sabaatiated thd testlmoay, Ww iwldftwl tit foasaatioa for a Ja . : Mfjacraa - ; . "5 a- UWMCBt cm ro enter . iW-fe:itcni3 of past tacmdry oft th& : dtfccf side: It. Is 'a fact 6f h)ttOty os " imeltooiw it ' tWtgooa goriest 4ttcrieaa cjiizpna1 ward pi-WHtsdf mobbed,; muUiuny of them . Wflaiftfit ito Sjatc:rbourf. If la , . Zt'lifitin iiiotiskf fact aS lilstoricajljl.cor-fe"acI?WHS lilstoricajljl.cor-fe"acI?WHS arrest and impr-?r impr-?r Sti'Itckaa, that tbe samo citizens. WwA;asa iicrgecutpd by tWMood-dogu ,.oC;1IiiM9BK wcro- dcSjffoUcd of, fbeiV ' . ' A state i of their rcftfip, of the guaraateo of ihe . 8f:iMl,a tldeflaijc6-oD)ift Cousfitu . JSIOHatloivtk'Ir dearest I jnftw t?ere mtmpK yes, JUj'teuEaED.Mtot ' .- '- ia:JIM no on Jio toiieir wghwnj; ... f ; C" v ct oh wstyi W mm ':!f: .gfC ofo daffgiit .5 ' .-Jv .'AcU of Wst&ry facts that. will iieciitied kX WS''Wqa. records, Jfrtefy&cftVo? ' tBPs1oif 4 uhe. y.o;r)iWfucta. of v , fefaJj.disVqnor and. watwiinl fsgraco; ;&3Abouttl,ehl? Are tlio: fac ts :.i8(cedatjj. and ;tbo dajmiuljito ipra ,ftj - 1 gS."WSB JBolied t op for public trial r 4n$Finiit? OU m . AhytWuff is , " ... 8e?.0"foMornoti Tfieymaf bo ( AfBejrfcaBIUrcns, 1'dcy, .may he w - dlrMcscelidaiits and lawful' Loirs' fa the y ,u, 1io)yjrraucjb& "of tl'ift fallicr? -of dor courJ 'T-V; Vr-i .Who cores, though their-3best tl v ,. . - .bloodiaud that fef thehfprcdeecssors, hiSy :'IWcnfihedtoe:rrd ; " It"0 botron?. present :JohJcctJs0;perseculet"pTundcr.und;anii ?inarcdi!iujst,.rioate ifi .QWivl6o;7un'lineft 'Tcdf,aud:( foreTret uUftfifedt.fc ihc. -ia'argei ogaimt'thtmimiii hti heidiut'iu , I&alifouBdailojKjfoc politlcaliwre.workingi ,;aemlrdccs.; of by-;ottcaf jpa our'ovnalU'c'of. of r&iafr$i$ yforft'uoLofjth'at peculiarly iav'orcd Wli!rrMpOJidcni !bih1 jufifcjal jrcat.mca; who'knotv cverytjung about . l-MOTi the? M entirely itio, - ra$iAnd,of this paVtfcuiaE.matWrwa ' -pPFselvcs kpfc jpqrirally; infoVractlU "Wjh have endeavored;. It te traoj to aid ja :'c"end:- volunteered ur,' pofeesicrtiati win as ralght.bc.found proper8ubJedfe:fof ecutivdfflce'r6flio" Territciry tund kt their ora cjcpWo : Wt-ooly to. aeek--out,.but4o larrcst and Present in the V. S. Conrtg tor trial.ovj-mvhowB trial.ovj-mvhowB aceusoa. arfein aeutab-tragedy, The character oTJtaL .demanded andhecitizeas of rtah.wcre adrardsuu vtm tQ mako apyponstitutloaal-sacrilice. Our olTers .-i-nna. O-'heTcr-xitonaMarsltal wjdtoIea,jBTcn.fl,e-liott. SWlV-'Ao Ijarposc, etMnshortbrffpoWoftiroaraiy PJjlnlttir9gg(at,.. qradlebaugh al?ht fislect.Xrom the gambliug' crowd of post fmSit&W& Ahlt.-ffho'oousequenco that the citizens of Utah Larff . acted' as 'honest J men would Ja any fart of oar republic They modestly and splctflyyinca hc lupitfon of b'ayonct9, W btho, hitomi to qucstedtttraaiBed fowiiovary'to jretiro Poring tl yrild iwMOll m$ hi maiie,6o sbhcriioIso al&V Utak :iiitters wheti' mSXii If theipwsnt $eMtio and a Texiari hcr6 were Bent to talk terms of r,qcohciIiatibn, wo. remember well botjr fewntiy the leading speakers lu that toe-toqrablo toe-toqrablo tonfctcncc! urged fu an invest! gatlon, into' all tie reminiscences of tltali history j and ho it&.4hit mlcbty pc-Cttliar pc-Cttliar toltcnlucky and Teasthfc'tare$ti-gation Teasthfc'tare$ti-gation was decHucd in tho name of the Bbiefcn'pp'plo of the Uhiled States. frhor6oleiun and bloody issue of rms we neither covetcdqi- fcarcdj bat tho calm unbiassed lm of facb? was earnestly sought for. 'f ho (alo bf thd Sfoiihtaln Jlead'djvs kos then frcslt in. memofy, oifd tfifiii fraj the. lime, tp investigate the whole WattOr. So, Was it vith that, hotf -everj; as it ever has been; and stlWnppoars to bo, wifth tiaii. 1 Th .prpsecotiug cvt-depccf,jioWfivcr cvt-depccf,jioWfivcr fais'eand wnreasonable,, is alono admlttdd, ,ahd the witacsses.for tiie defense must absertt themselves Or o to prison. Connected with? this- ajfalc "ihero . ,.arfc maiiy itenis xhich' bate been ifomWuiii-catcd ifomWuiii-catcd to us.liy parties Welt versed in the mattc which would tmdpubtedly throw, a different shade tipon ir. But we decline tho extension of poif remarks ttndcr tho glimmering,, though faiiit, hope ihat;we will spmpUmo bate; an honest federal bench in, Utah.. Judging from tho. past, of course, such, ntffeveti't wouldli ,as world's Wonder. Bat politicftl ihtriguc viigif faif for oncer, ;andi oven accident- effect it. Should that time comtf the world will bo astonished not. jlittlobqw much Utah, has. becu belied, and bow easy is tho ad'1 .ministration. ,of justicq jwre.. '.Tlien, tho twaddle and lying nonsense of "suelt men as tJradlebaBgh will find their graves in the contempt of evcry honest than; and the ncxtjgreatwdudeirof tho .nation wiU bo how they bare. so. Jong been tho victims vic-tims ot ljumb'ucf; : Woiiovo endeavored o avoid ;jersoaV ;. alitics orcry way, and especially in regard r toihoso who carry with them tho, parch-mejHVi&fthOipppitoi. parch-mejHVi&fthOipppitoi. Out did wo diveige from xit(t encral;ru.ich:d thb moral character of- ihdt fe'deral appointees' or ytnh, -iflijt a-biackcommentJiry would-be haudedjpurepm VryjradtbolgallQtWcomplImci 5efgbsbuybeen :paid to a citizen pff tab"; . wCW-'bis' gurgling T tleatti'moans , us an amen to them, tho .natiot would have tlow) o arms1, jUat bfs edndemnrng judge' was importiid, and the accusations wcro "baried witli. the yicttmf, , ; StjltTUt tiWl ThffKmaisjbiKticur iarly loquciit rfccomraeudatioti of Mr. (Jreenwood's suggestions.' IVero wo . itf'Ncw York, it would be. unnecessaryXor .usto Jnrom:dWre"dir& 4hat;'tKV :Tfma: 14 reality iwi0f: cDevoidof t princyile' aiid honcstyj. as'it 1 any honestly 'c'oti-feSlcd 'c'oti-feSlcd politic li'atat jsSys Is but clouds! kithoutwter'-tolts .edjtdrsfwritofat rdridomcatous' ofVcacb oths'j-succcssj gafatUeirlivci -andpUcnt)s itatrasljlVa-AvVdrthc this-'subje'etit however, outof' Vc-p4rtMrj, Vc-p4rtMrj, Grcww $fM& ,jvay we enter tain, tho most deliciousregard, TThideals somewlmji novel )n lljiscoun . tr'nrsinlpir the nrmyin Utah- "wc dff:nw) particular Paid ,toa tfip ,Tri dry, vc Whey are, a rt.lffb.u 'Ourselves may de-flro de-flro rtO;pccuni6i;bcneGt fromvthgfr prox-'imUyj' prox-'imUyj' but ' wo : afpplcase i'q fijid our fri6n'ds shcqr.the Jfleec6': .and'grow rIchT .Thcyraaylev l)ut theyonty'atrto tlielr jptmks, "the Idlers . and vagrant Ty rnay hav. the ,corrup,tiug influences cdminonilp.oki'df hi- suchvbodies,'but if so, io they not form a. nspJul cepOol for the pn'rlficatioa of JBut If by martilwy is 'meant- htf In-tsredpcfio'i In-tsredpcfio'i pf.;arW&fy m'fllttry rjyOb. Ju, TJtahi and thqHoWt b'oiitipn of all civil' ;gprerumeuf,v.jvp.. would' suggest tho prp-pfictypf prp-pfictypf natipnal-oonH'ittbu. and' nu-anerous.amendmeuts.tortlio, nu-anerous.amendmeuts.tortlio, Constitution. Tho orn)y is b crcaturc.nud. "not thq power ?htijgpvcrnmenfcoth& Ignited" States. It;js'ori9pdfajid Buit(uucd by the people, to bo their protecldra, not their tyrauts j'nnd rulers. , 'Wo nuticipato nothmg scri-fpusfroi? scri-fpusfroi? tho. insane suggestions of tho Gotnmlssioncr, ' unless ! t vbe his. own iucar-ccratipa iucar-ccratipa inan ftsylum,. JSki it wo did; we aro bold; cnougb totoWour;heartfelt:sen-timeats4haw,q,.aro totoWour;heartfelt:sen-timeats4haw,q,.aro men 'and Americans; and with the aid of the guiding genius of our father wouhl talso caris of ourselves, and dccjrno the interference of court-mar- tiohV . " -1 ; A disposltfon to recklessness and the disregard of all law and constitutional Iglt secins -jkk ycam !:' gata 'iceu,-tieiiey 'iceu,-tieiiey in tia tliiiicd State,'. evenly yeaVs agoiwbftPwoald bava ken ihpught, of jhe coaduct tiat'lios for (wo scsilons jdisgrotcd, the fiSlloaa lfglsljitttre; " TIni. tidiift Wajitf that immortal watch-word ,o ftho jeyofution, 'sjcrns iofbafo faded away forever, and division, plaettand pQW er, is now the motto of Out leading slates mem The night of a dismal doom and dattacss, ?ccmsrto!bo,fast piosiiigrin. and the jMex e.TIskei, fs already tweeabtegpon ihe-walls of tljo naifpnat palate |