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Show piiAOlS COMMISSIONERS WANTED WANT-ED IN OARSON. Tjie following cxtradt from thd Tarilo-rial Tarilo-rial J?erprr5 orjan. 2l8t, is an interesting, inter-esting, exhibition of the peaceable, law-abiding law-abiding disposition; of the folks thb other sjde.qf the Goosp'Creck Monutaira. 'rosos orricrM.'. "WJthin the ja few days, lthasbcciv. ru-taoted ru-taoted iu tcia tjjat a gentleman wo.waa elcc-tel elcc-tel u justice of the peace, at fienoa, at tho pre-tjsatktl pre-tjsatktl l'eclidn jat summer, haJ wrriveJ , nd iateadcij at onco to open 'businQ$s, jind eiiforca the absurd and farcical 'Acta of the tcijbmt.urc of Utah," 'are,now and alwajr have been tbp advocate f law and order, and .sincerely hope that thi til-advised otkmpt to enforce that which has always been a (lend Jet'cr In this sectloo.nf Utah, will at onco be frowned ilownbya nntted-vqfcoof an Indlguant ftnl freopooule. Bhould the gentleman persist In his Qnljjotical uiulcrtiikini,', ne believe trouble will ensue; .wenrcfcredlMy lufonned Jials the only ofllwr ckctcij Ist summer, who has aual-ificdand aual-ificdand we sincerely and trnlv hope our In-formation In-formation Uwtnetit. 'Jh morncnVwajrecog-jafao morncnVwajrecog-jafao one AtonnOB vflldaJ, wo shall hare the whokhwd (xmxlni; in upon tis, and we are at cue Ixrand hand and foot and delivered to the 'JUIlstlnts "Let us, then, set about the matter calmly n aaulea 'SS rkre to cy a slnsftlwaidato or writ1 'fuffl by icso att4cs, What4t foe bo Motajons m oft scml-MorwowJ ,feu bo united and we muft succeed la itfoVentlntf even iho semblice of&U takolaw (j tMdof u,f ; crsMaity,Vlvp Ibput as mucc-gardfot mucc-gardfot tMpWwfresetttcd holdj&g thd pbdVo sentiments,, on tbp other aidd of thd Goose Creek, as they evidently ! cherish, for the ppdplo this side of tho famo mpuntolns. Wd own tip bowev.pr, tdsdmclbing like an, interest fn the, progress pro-gress df events, Worider If' ike Carson jfolks were M'drmdns, if tbec vrduld not bo aspluttcr. j |