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Show IP . :fln?n,'.: $oeM!d aad Coniina for ytars, tbtf jk6 ef rdall rcaafng ana jiealtihff uik ; . w,taecqdteataof8cnae biatoncnl or sclea- : i( . tiic twrok; The- iJff-Iiand ffort$ wclfo a4 Lsomciimea its a eornlMtJ. at others; i taat baraj with the oxca and iorgeff r iww.thfe.great.arfc 'of. artr, flmt-r-aw ' --"J .Ww (: tUo pnmar ,80(1 leading tm T S'Tli; ,iat sUmnlatocl tuo foifwoirdi aud: y"ed.and taoolded itxf cnitro destiny yoliog-M-tttJewan, the v , vs--v; dys paas-'veltboat' exctcistug your s v "0S?- of Speech. Jflicrfr 13 nb,, power ' Jikeifiat. of oratory, QssUi controlled- :ea by exciting, their fears; Cicero. l)y - &. . ptiotihgstUeif afectiona, aud swaying ilwfr pns?ipnst TIjq Jaflueuta of "llm one rlhed."St,lt;UsaUtlior thatof tBo other tkaci to. tula dayj ienry Qhy. ' t -ISjcnNcc ' l?Ami9,iIif; ilobett Stc-Veasott Stc-Veasott loarc3 no ritmlly'belun,d lifnv Ilia i " r ladled muny years agd.and ho rcmalued ' ;. fidoweriBo that tlio. direct lino from. , j"'?, OeorgVtephenson'( the- etnineiit IJiig'iislj - - agineo bas;dted.oat.- Jatnea-WntViho 'r.-p-iVy-.. tnotcd.Br.itlsb. iittftriileffcnoJswud'antii'. '.V'JIk appears, .thate men tioted, lor; iuecK? j-V-; ahMjonlai, likq Manyofithbser-fd'uionSj 4 J f iia.Ujwature. Eclenco . and. goveniiueut- in rcaCBtatnjJMVfid,GhUdr:c(rdpa' ,ft - " f " KPjjJaftfp their. iiamcaT SunkspcaroiMUtorif cJjaepn, Kew.tout: narveyiPope,Haniiaold,' tPUt,-.Eox, QrcyjCowpcriCblHriSjThomsQn; ;Goldsmltb, Qhy,Conovc;BimBtBlsli'6p; 5BatterXbcket-'' Btobbs-Adam.; Smith,' Beuth'atBt Davy.Gibbon, Sir Josll'ua Jtey' ..vnolds, Plaxinao, ; Sir; WomTDaWrehcoj, nd othcravell.kridrh;.io,fam .jannals, .bayp no lineal repifcsctativcs iow" fJK'f.0 . 4mmblo'arid bb'scura?- apprcnticc-a "poor and neglected orphaaTa;SBc6fF''ndby- Wm- werd xi tbet- tbougltlcS9 and gay wjicr mm W - espisd.ytr.fue-iii ragr, bqcanso oH its i'at- IJjp? , j-tera?-yeajur&'aU-tflt(ilVgVQfc aj'irjd,-nit fij'h-'. Untutored. tHoiigb.it may beiitilafij-yoa virtuous a3ntXinrede3ircna anjjon- ffl&- ,yes?hc'at? -J)eend updalf, baft' "of' tliesof lW" -;!yMAbja.iviatcd bb ifiuo-mayi Ift1 op ecr"d;"oa maygrojiY 4o an- fiiH" an.dayiveu7cacb,yQurprimOjer bycalilsiiiadc; bufc :.yjrluons "aims, pnro '.. : taesires""and;lionest hearts nro iocf few'nof-: Wm T v-to ,bo 'wftntcdlariirCues bIioII always i aSf 'wapo-abotit as'Srfth. a,itiantlef'ol jV ' '' 6CnutyvBball.Tiot: always .vail yoii Jrom ilia fflS-?-";' " iianltitudei Becliivalric Wturcbihbai Jtifcz.y-', circumstance" xBa active, bowever Iffi". wlmaybyyour epbero "ofcUo'ni 3 Ig.f:-'--, . iWWicnlargftjvUUveryjnoment, ahd-jour mrt-ynflnenco will have coastaat-litcrfase IM,::- irbri?S? stalwwtlaborera together -SEffj0 uS;tbrougb iridun.; ".toihrowr'.bndges across rivers' tb V lW7S? landlththe. great iron 'ays X: vyithcity ;Haofict js tbo ovcreodr of m-;' Whpip moaerecling.palaces;-prison houses , ' tbarTacijMd yillaV .HnugVraiU at tfi H v , - slopm, ; wbicb,vth.stealtby power, la'weav- r'?Jia" 'OIJdroua -fabrics-of coltoa.and ; m& fe:SangcVjlabors at tbo furuaco1 and pIo'pocrctotbbBatiTO i'ridoleoco ffr", ori.iaan Into strcuuoua and jnccssant ac- $--' "tivitf. Xet food be abundant-and easy Kit-" flr Wgljest eflforta aro depen- f- . '."ewononr lower iippulses iu on ladissolu. ! 3 V XlrluainneJr; , Vt tbe iecessities F food will force man to labor, which be i V t" and wiU aroid, if possible ' , IxDBPBSttENCJf bp 'PntctaiJXofd JSrskihe wtitf.tifstioguiahed thrdaft life fot indepehdenco of principle for1 BcfapaloH? adherence to truth. Ho once explained tbo xulcs of bis conduct; -wbivk, oagbt to bo ungrared deeply oa every heart, fte said: "It was a first commam! and council pf mf earliest youth always to do what lay conscience told me to be a duty, aad leave the coaseiiuence to God, 1 shall carrjr with e the jmamf, aat, I trust tb6 practice,, of the parental lesson, to the gtarci I baye Hitherto followad lt,aBd, I have no reason to Complain that tay obe dienco totthaa leeft a temporal sacrifice; X have found it, on the cbhtrary.tho rbad Co prosperity and-wealth, and shall, point out tho same gatU to my children foetheV pursuits $tAiis.r-Aboat fioventyyeaw 8go,8omo Htcfi lu Massacliusetta4 thennuknowii and in obscurity; ''began to.ntako naili by cut: ting slices out of troops, and, gripping these pieces by commou vice, '.ftc'aded them whit fieycral stroke of tlio. hammer,, BJ progresslvoiinprbyemcbtftalitting mills i were ljuiH, and the shears and heading-! tools' were perfcetcdj but- jsUH'Baya'ihc! Secretary of the Stattf-of ' Hassachus'citir, frorqwlibso, report this is1 tafcn,'much labor arid expense wero,repjMto inriaking Haii8.J' Jim first nwcjiino ever made for cutting nails, it is said, iyaa invented by, a shop-mate f JEli Whitney's; called Ben-juram Ben-juram Cochrane,; Tfiis fateutor died at llatavia,X Y,Ja 1840. in a rlpebidag, HiS.machinocut out thb bail without k hcad Previous lo tbq date at lit invention inven-tion f L1flO)4 halfe bad Itfca punched out Of pktea,by hand In Connecticnt; tlicso alw.hadnolioad, Inlbil6thoig6ifious Jacob Perkins and Jonathan, Jilifs, of Massachusetts, erected the first machinery for cutting and lieauiog nalla at Ond oper alf "It If 92, cnt uaila tverolirstinade iii'Engtaiid by macbfncry.two.rollers with diea. bqlng .employed for1 the purpose, Oncdialf the Impress,, waft,,.mado.in cali rolierwhcria.they canto ''fir contact, the Wank.wero d ia atthojopi aiidtlibJlu--Ishednnili dropped out below "na ittf flicain-. "rollcrsTeyolveoy " . |