Show analyzing A V with the new science of Sylla syllabics bics by C J COFFMAN it V dean of all the enumerators enumerator betty if puns were nere allowable we might say wp we could bet on betty at any rate you seem always to be there when anything Is going on and this too Is because you are not cot only invited but your presence Is demanded popularity should be your strong point as it certainly Is bettys betty cute cuta natural to you uie little note nose this popularity can be enhanced through b tm the expressiveness si veness of your eyes or cute little litlie nose you sou are one of those persons who can get more expression in the wrinkling of your nose than lots lot of people con can get in their whole face among the old fellows who used to boss egypt the word ET in meant bant timber or tree I 1 mention this merely t to 0 indicate how solid and dependable you really are under the surface sometimes people enjoy your company so much with your light h apart part ed gaiety that they might not give you credit for the stability which Is really yours indeed you may be unaware of it yourself until some great issue brings it out the two bettys of motion pictures betty compson and betty blythe both illustrate what I 1 mean they seem to take life happily lightly and yet yei have the stability that must be hack back of every person who accomplishes the big things of life so play your piano read your novels but hold yours yourself elf in readiness for the one big cliance chance your real business it in lire life by dasing basing your career on t the he dramatic or possibly the literary I 1 feel sure you will make no mistake blanche white was her skin and fair air to look upon must have meant you blanche an ancient meaning inclining of I 1 your name si signifies ni white as does the more modern spanish blanco but ut I 1 like to think of you in the meaning of an old word made from the latter part of graceful shout your name CUE ders der of blanche that would indicate an army of dream or the dream army you certainly do give the impression of an army when you put forth the strength of your dignity tall and graceful with beautifully molded shoulders almost soldierly in aspect and carriage you will find end that dignity Is your strongest asset some of the ancient syllables formed of the letters in your name indicate the word hand when you do choose to belp anyone you yoa can do so with a mighty hand access to important people by way of your dignity ought to be quite feasible to itou A peculiar weakness which I 1 am sure cure you will overcome Is a sort ot of blankness which comes come over you in the attempt to be dignified you must avoid any tendency toward a cold fishy stare or any inclination to freeze up the other person who may be inferior to you I 1 am sure you will see the need of being gracious blanche and will know how to do this without losing adv of the value of your dignity taking tile the separate letters of your name the B indicates tactfulness and diplo diplomacy ncy the L shows expressiveness and ability to handle a crowd the A gives you prominence and lead the N develops liveliness and the ability to manage long journeys the C finds a commercial value in your power to express H F inclines to successful management of money will while the R broadens your view of the world world and its society blanche bates a great actress in her time and blanche sweet of more modern attainment exemplify these thin things fc 1930 newspaper Newe paper union |