Show milk cooling tanks are essential during winter people who make a practice of not using their cooling tanks for cream during the winter should get them fixed up and in operation noth ing will do more to improve the quality of cream offered to creameries crea meries merles than the use of cooling tanks the tank should be blied flied so that there Is room for two containers one should hold the fresh cream and the other the cream that Is being abeln held for market it Is a we well established fact that where warm cream Is mixed with the cold cream before it Is cooled that it will neither keep as well nor have as desirable a flavor ns as where it Is cooled separately many people have been using their cooling tanks all winter where they are properly constructed they will keep the cream from freezing on most farms it Is a problem to properly cool cream and hold the same without freezing unless a cooler of this kind IF IB used in the winter as well as summer if f cream Is kept in the cellar or in the kitchen it Is not only apt to get sour but will pick up undesirable odors |