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ana helps T A 49 of t t 0 alil kl il to cora br 1640 lk a bl rahe tk draw out infection I 1 a I 1 A ir isit u at t and pain but relief t 4 Ties brt trice is surprisingly hl as ur the south iiii soa 2 complete ri ii lla bana att whether natural and 4 40 find end A i i world vaga txie o t 11 11 girl at the top in health test millions of boys and girls all over the world thousands of them right here in the west are being bein restored to health and strength by the 11 h purely vegetable tonic and laxative known as california fig syrup and endorsed by physicians for over 50 years children need no urging to take it they love its rich fruity flavor bothin nothing 0 can compete with it as a gentle bu but t certain laxative and it g goes 0 es further than this it gives tone and strength to the stomach and bowels so those these organs continue to act normally of their own accord it stimulates the appetite helps digestion A kansas mother mrs dana all alre ire monroe st topeka says connie bonnie B Is absolutely the picture of health now with her ru ruddy addy che cheeks eks bright eyes and plump but graceful little body and she stands at the top in every health test much of the credit for her perfect condition Is due to california fl fig g syrup we ve have used it since babyhood to keep her bowels active during colds or any childrens ailments and she has always had an easy time with them she always responds to its gentle arg urging ing and is quickly back to normal ask your druggist for california fig syrup and look for the word california on the carton so always get the genuine cuts burns bums bruises 0 try Han fords balsam of myrrh all dealers dealer are authorized to refund lout our money lor for the first bottle it il not suited lulled aik wr r div 0 rBt biar Bi Tr tl at t in 1 if MON ara drawe the n country eair if it non li aba inual inU tl tk th tak R NA with erith 1 M all abe k toe 11 t ti clorn the tb shil illy orz and na weave w the 1 to the ib tron region into elly by 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ot of ica diseases of 0 liver and 0 io to examination mada mad b by aixa bl balci laboratory findan finding gs free COM t faour to t 8 6 00 it SALT TAKE Sun sunshine all winter long AT the aw 0 of f tho wot days clear starlit ol 01 dry kriol of splendid roads soon gorgia poo EK cx A scones finest holes the edrol tat ka write croo cra A chatley ALM SPRINGS C CaSt farnia ri dignity is s admirable it make fun of 0 it V rn ZI I 1 siv si 11 A As we grow gr 0 old 1 aj 1 qa careful calef al wata b i we should keep I 1 na of our kidneys adl t I 1 d disorders is orders are too serious 17 I 1 keays signals ja early pays to heed the dro jg or t too oo 00 frequent kidney excretions eions a nw S feeling lameness stiffness and 4 ean wo 4 11 elji are timely warnings I 1 58 W to 0 p promote 0 O mote normal kidney k kidneys i 1 y i in n cleansing your recommended ed the wod world pills used and use doan s s over sold by good dealers everywhere V tj lon ayo af Vo troit W gunn cunn hai carrlon Harr v mrs 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