Show rj cane 4 FOR constipation 1 effective w J smaller mahalas doses SAFE scientific if kidneys act bad take salts says say backache often meant mean you have not been drinking enough water when you wake up with backache and dull misery in the kidney region it may mean you have bare been eating foods which create adds acids says saya a well known authority an excess of nuch adds overworks the kidneys in their effort to filter it from the blood and they become sort of paralyzed and loggy when your kidneys get sluggish and clog you must relieve them like you relieve your bowels removing all the blodys waste else you have backache sick headache dizzy spells your stomach sours tongue Is coated and when the weather Is bad you have rheumatic twinges the urine Is cloudy full of bedim sediment nt channels cha anels often get sore water scalds and you are obliged to seek relief relict two or three times during the night either consult a good reliable physician at once or get from your pharmacist about four ounces of jad salts take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys may then act fine ene this famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice combined with althia and has been used for years to help clean and stimulate slush sluggish kidneys also to neutralize acids in the system so they no longer irritate thus often relieving bladder weakness jad salts Is inexpensive cannot injure and makes a delightful effervescent althia water drink drink lots of good water ra oh L promise jue at some time tima in her life lifa cupid pleads to every ati wom an no matter what her features fea turea are a woman who Is siddy cannot be attract attractive iye sallow skin pimples timken sunken eyes life less crips are ara repellent D DR F PIERCES S GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY is 1 just the tonic a rundown person needa it enriches richea en the tha blood soothes toot fac the nerves and im impart tons tone and V vivacity to the entire system in liquid or tablets tablet at drug store send loc f for or trial pa coage pack aee of tablets to dr Pi Fi erceg clinic binic in duffalo buffalo N Y and write writa for free advice FAMILY DOCTOR MADE MILLIONS OF FRIENDS N T A az fifteen years after his graduation adua dr caldwell became famous for a single prescription which now after forty years is still making friends today dr caldwelle Cal dwells syrup pepsin is the worlds most popular PO p la laxative millions of people never n e e r think of using anything else when constipated headachy bilious feverish or weak when breath is bad tongue coated or suffering from nausea gas or lack of appetite or energy dr caldwelle Cal dwells syrup pepsin is made today according to the iriri original nal formula from herbs and other ether pure ingredients it is is plesant sant tasting thorough gli in the most obstinate abc atc cases vently gently effective for f or women and children above all it represents a doctors doctor ps choice of what is safe for the bowels W N U salt bait lake city no 6 1830 1930 44 FINNEY OF T I 1 kii V ahm tot t of bull kak ii it 11 41 amen 4 toke its iii foo t ri bilo 41 oi store t T H E F ek 4 1 abot ta 4 phillips prodoc 4 it NN ar we 4 I 1 milk of lie tl A I 1 I 1 1 t r ald eti 11 dee phillips che ra of I 1 balse cwg a 9 im adal 0 vanal V o N M 11 emja 10 1 dix ito let us hope that ta u changing style do but shirts that had bad a hurt bod r i ki hi that started at the heddi hat a goodness knows tb la t times union BE C fri ml SHE M I 1 says take hams 4 ft fla a les iiama hIs vegetable Compo in jai bil in it 11 ad 1 I and ad wnm IL awil A W do the al v boss q i jya i y siv now cow wor worling in a 1 better than I 1 have i my letter will be th the to Y some other wo MRs BE A va ri ft t meyers florida PILES pile phe guff ebers from rom bleeding itching or dilag ho ra get relief 1 e can now by 1109 first treatment T pilo ft mol y ES rue va IL quick atif met ania 3 buwald IA of pile t treat treatment meLl 11 matter bon ion 10 to give re funded worley or 1 before adis K for SDI ment on the t to 11 3 was put to tle mild and s So ondene ipso Sp to PO pt are gt if you t do not it your ayli rue rile t does ointment not carry it airo an ass gis blank belul 1111 ou t the it tp to Q R oil edff ath east south utah S susji it lake city co gentlemen 1 fin d plit Q f 1 order for one d pre Patito aff ointment to be name address tot p r 0 if I 1 condit lous that obtain A C in results apet k sa I 1 I 1 won le t recen rc lini to tu tube be to your J tory |