Show I 1 porterville I 1 funeral services were held 1 eld here 1 sunday for joseph durrant prayer was by W H dickson three sons songs I 1 ba by the choir by roscoe brough duet by george taggart and mrs flossy white solo by ernest porter speakers were L H durrant who gave a brief history of his brothers life the next speaker daniel helner heiner george brough samuel florence pres arcs randall richard fry octave eisenbeck Ersen beck ep bp carter and thomas durrant of idaho made a few closing remarks in which he thanked everyone present tor for the respect that they showed his brother benediction edic tion by thomas rich A large number of people from ogden salt lake and idaho were in attendance at the funeral the little son of frank porter who has been very sick with ear trouble Is improving merrill and harold porter spent the week end here wm bridges was quite sick for a day or so but Is improving mrs george kershaw spent last week in park city with her daughter mrs elmer who has a little daughter born bom about three weeks ago mrs albert and florence porter are working at the kraut factory mrs octave white Is visiting with her daughter in ogden mr and mrs charles white and mr sevle sevie of riverton Rl verton spent a few days visiting here last week with urs mrs whites parents mr and mrs thomas rich A play entitled prince of liars was given here last thursday by the M I 1 A all present enjoyed the play very much mrs jane jana adams has been very isick sick for or the past week but at present is a little improved mr and mrs joseph adams returned to their home in bingham tuesday attar after spending a few days with his mother here mrs james hay hayes es of bountiful who recently burled buried her husband is here with her par parents wits mr and mrs george florenee florence she will make her home with them for a while |