Show PIp NEER MORGAN COUNTY X RESIDENT DIES IN SALT LAKE I 1 at his home joseph durr durrant ant died j thursday following a brief illness iche he was born bom in deanshanger Deans hanger nor england june 29 1851 he came to this country in crossing the plains plain with th the wagon train in command of captain i he settled in morgan coun F ty where relie he lived until march 1929 I 1 when ho he moved to salt lake he j was waa active in work serving 25 years in the bishopric of ville and he continued his church work atter after moving to salt lake his widow hattle hattie A durrant he Is survived by his sister mrs jan adam adams s of morgan and thomas durrant Durran fc of franklin ida ile he also is survived by th the e following sons son s and daughters joseph E durrant dunant dun ant and james franklin durrant of lyman wyo john T and 13 enjamin W durrant of ogden mrs walter carter mrs clarence porter mrs lee bridges and carter durrant all of morgan mrs J albert boulton hazel durrant alvin E melvln melvin H and howard A all of salt lake 30 grandchildren wd seven great grandchildren funeral services were held in the ward chapel sunday afternoon at I 1 p m under the direction of bp daniel carter the choir sang 0 my father prayer was offered by elder wm dickson song f py jy the choir sweet is the work ik the speakers were L H durrant daniel helner heiner M H randall brough R R fry 0 F Ursen ursenbach back bp daniel carter and S S florence A quartette composed ot of ernest porter lawrence porter clara carter and mrs weltha orton sang 1 I know that my redeemer lives roscoe brough sans sang face to face the duet leaf by leaf the roses fall was rendered by geoa taggart and flaurie E white closing prayer was offered onerea by elder thos thas rich interment was in the porter vale cemetery |