Show THE LION PAYS HONOR TO THE MORGAN CLUB the morgan utah lions put over the first community christmas tree celebration ever staged in morgan it was a big success the merchants ile reported ported that they did a larger voi vo ume of business that day than any other day of the year and everyone was shouting hurrah for the lions club A gorgeously decorated tree was erected in the center of the business district and saturday afternoon december 21 was u decided e u lad on as the gala day corp morp than 1500 people turned out for this affair and over 1000 boxes of 0 candy and nuts were distributed to the children by santa claus who of course was a member of the lions club another important work which the club put across was th the e securing of natural gas for their town after the club was successful in securing subscribers in favor of the installation of gas the wasatch gas company laid the gas pape pipes S this project was also th weans of providing employment almost mos 4 exclusively to local men who would otherwise othera ise have been n out of work |