Show peterson social farm bureau organized I 1 KAMAS NOTES to the jhb surprise of mr and mrs george williams a number of their friends honored ahem with a dinner party at their home tuesday evening A delicious repast was enjoyed lat later er in the eveni evening fig tables were arranged for The party included df mr and mrs R L king mr and d mrs mi samuel sarn u el mr and mrs JW J W guild gualdi mr and mrs A B caseman amr and mrs V A king mrs virginia Ca caseman zeman mr merrill MerrIT the infant baby of bp T mcneil who has ls the only case so far in francis miss melba atkinson of francis is taking veda place in the telephone office john left tuesday for a weeks visit in salt lake several high school students were sent home monday to await developments of scarlet fever mrs ellen and mr and mrs jos wilde of coalville Co alville were sunday visitors to mr and mrs dop mr and mrs jim War wardens dells baby boy died saturday morning at their home as a result of a tall fall on the ice mr and mrs wagstaff Wag are announcing noun cing the arrival of a baby girl at their home mr morgan and dave parke returned sunday from a business trip eo co salt lake otto and rulon carpenter were Co alville visitors sunday mrs emily reid entertained the ladies progressive club at her honic home saturday afternoon dinner was served at p in the guests being seated at one table seasonable flowers formed the center piece bridge was the afternoons entertainment tain ment mrs lillith williams won high score mrs inez hoyt drew cut prize and consolation was awarded to mrs laffoon the guests were mrs vearl simpson mrs C A lal foon mrs sarah carpenter mrs tean simpson mrs lorraine Lorr alne aleve mrs inez hoyt mrs myrtle pitt mrs lillith williams gale motored out irom from salt lake saturday visiting relatives his mother accompanied him on his return trip mr and mrs geo williams mr and mrs L larson and mr arid and mrs L evans were salt lake visitors sunday mrs leah holt and son left monday for an extended visit with her m other mother and sister at bingham mrs nowel peterson ot of woodland who underwent an operation operate on at the park hospital Is slowly improving mr and mrs lindsay land say holt were sunday visitors to mr and mrs jos holt mrs mra johanna goodworth as I 1 well as usual tle the peterson social farm bureau lias has been reorganized and the following officers elected C alfred bohman president reinhardt 01 sen v vice ice president wm win H wood director oscar rollins director and sam hanney director times have ch changed anaed 0 an enthusiastic thusia crowd of nearly assembled and enjoyed a snappy firm farm bureau program and darice dance at peterson saturday feb 8 farmers from stoddard milton littleton richville and morgan joined with the peterson local to make one of the largest crowds ever a assembled in ift 1 wk hiyi peterson hall mr reinhardt olsen was chairman of the meeting the program consisted of the following mr pearce plant manager of the weber central spoke on the value of cooperative marketing mr jesse C little read a song he composed for the farm bureau mr price of the weber central explained how members could be benefited by joining their cow testing organization song by roy johnson reading in by mrs rs emil olsen support your own industries ellen agren the value of organization by MP KIP brown president utah canning association francis bingham and morgan anderson also gave fine talks after the program all those present joined in a good old time farm bureau dance the plain quadrille quad a popular style of dance when you and I 1 were young maggie was in vogue during the evening sunday morning came and dancing gave way to the inner yearning of man A tasty luncheon was served lets see our local chairman so the ball ran can keep rolling |