Show 17 32 X N N 11 1 k 1 k q i al 4 Z ak ball I 1 V X v I 1 P A ap AM W J N A X R 0 N A 1 WA IS X pt ak 4 ia vom af t 07 37 wl q aa by ELMO SCOTT WATSON ALTHOUGH the event itself A Is yet two years away preparations are going forward rapidly for malting the two hundredth anniversary celebration of ing tons birthday the greatest event of its kind ever held in this country six years ago president pool cool idse idge appointed a distinguished group of citizens from every part of the united states with himself as ex officio chairman known as the united states commission tor for the celebration of the birth of george washington to prepare a plan since that time the commission has been considering some forty different suggestions for the nation mide me celebration but the only plan that has thus tar far been definitely adopted Is that for the systematic publication of works by and about washington this plan was drawn up by dr albert bushnell hart professor of history at harvard university and historian of the commis sion cion the plan in detail calls for the following publications 1 george washington reading beading with a purpose written by doctor hart and recently issued by the commission to be circulated by the commission in quantities 2 select reading lists on george washington A proposed search of best books on washington intended to stimulate purchase of washington books by individuals and school and other libraries such lists to be circulated by the comal commission aslon especially to schools ech 3 A george washington map A sizeable tl wall map on paper or cloth costing in quantities about 10 cents each to be sent free by the commis to any school room asking for it as a means of bringing the cern commission mission and its work home to hundreds of thousands of school children and their elders 4 writings of george washington A definitive edition to be edited by J C fitzpatrick Fitzpatr lck editor of washington diaries barles there are to be three editions a mount vernon vemon edition de lux e a capitol edition exclusively tor for members of angress on gress and high executive e and judicial officials in office lit in 1027 1927 and a popular edition volumes to le e sold old in complete sets seta of t anty volumes m s or in chronological groups of three ree to five alve volumes 5 1 A george washington series it atvill be made up of about fifteen volumes of various sizes pertaining to george washington depicting washington 1119 toll as ae a western man washington as all a soldier washington as an engineer the boy washington etc to be published in a complete limited edition and albo aho in a regular edition each volume pur separately to bo b written by experts in the several fields and edited by 6 A borgo washington atlas it will include detailed maps of all regions in which washington lived and traveled and all his military campaigns making possible the location of every place washington Is 13 known to have inhabited or visited every place or estate in england owned or occupied by ancestors of george wash ington every house that can now be identified in which he stayed all his real estate and lands wherever situ abed it was early decided that the 1032 celebration was not to be a material express expression lon of the importance of the event in the form of a worlds fair or exposition of its physical resources and the development of its arts sciences and industries however the commission of fine arts and the nation al park and planning commission which are operating cooperating co with the bi centennial commission in planning fit alie principal observance of the event to lie be held in the city which bears wash ing tug tons ti nitle hopes that a number of major projects all of are closely linked with the bicentennial celebration iden idea will be completed by 1932 chief anione these are the following the arlington memorial bridge bride now well along aling in construction and virtually certain to be completed by the bicentennial year completion of the monument gardens at the base of the washington monument lent originally proposed tu in the 1001 1901 plan for washington and urged by city planners since completion Comp letlon of the arboretum and the national botanical garden garde completion of the proposed mount vernon boulevard between the we west 1 end of the arlington bridge and the home of george washington cutting through the mall of the parallel roadways on each side of the great central composition ond and advancement of the public building program to a point where the government triangle becomes that in fact Comp completion letlon of the scheme fur for making wakefield the birthplace of george washington to i national shrine und and construction of roadways and airplane landing field and wharves tor for ships at the shrine outstanding among these projects Is the mount blount vernon memorial boulevard construction has baa been commenced on this by the bureau of public roads roada of the department of agriculture it Is to extend from the virginia end of the new bridge connecting the lincoln memorial with the arlington national cemetery to mount vernon along the potomac river a distance of 1912 15 miles this highway which will be feet wide will be one of the finest boulevards in the country and will offer easy access to mount vernon ing tons home congress has appropriated funds tor for the boulevard the initial cost being abeln it has been suggested t that hat to each of the 13 colonies should be allowed a mile of road lor for such state tablets and architectural tec tural treatment as way may be desired fal A Y P exar ewasiw 04 EEL pro prom aa savior of the s 9 s y wit w 7 y y by the state with the approval of tb the e federal government this idea however Is tentative and may not materialize ri alize the plans for the monument gardens addens at the base of the foot recalls the fact that the monument as conceived in has never been completed the building of the monument in its present form underwent many vicissitudes after the laying of the original cornerstone in 1848 1843 the civil war interfered ft iab the work and it was not until 1878 1876 that the shaft reached a height of ISO feet in ISSO the second cornerstone was laid and the work went rapidly ahead until when the monument was opened to the public from that time little was done until the erection of the magnificent lincoln memorial with tile reflecting pool in between now it Is hoped that the federal building program for the national capital which Is under u way will carry forward the completion of the monument on the busic basic plans for it and the development of the mall or monument gardens extending tel iding from rom the capitol to the monument so that all will be in readiness for the national capital for the great ceic bration two years hence the commission has also undertaken to assist in the restoration of wakefield va the lie birthplace of washington the wakefield association proposes to arid add to the 70 acres which it ni v owns TOO acres more chich are necessary to treat the home borne and its surroundings properly john D rockefeller jr ir has made a provisional gift in this connection slid and congress will be asked to appropriate gam to complete the restoration although these are the principal projects in which the bicentennial com coin mii glnn Is interested they are not the only memorials to washington which illch may be completed and may be the scone scene of special observances of his birthday in 1032 on a beautiful knoll overlooking the historic city of alexandria rin dria va Is rapidly rising the george washington masonic national memorial a lOO OOOO structure erected by the mansons of the country to an honored fellow member which is virtually certain to be completed within the next nest t two 0 years an effort is being ronde made also to finish the george washington memorial building in washington so that it will also be ready for the 1032 32 celebration the idea for this building came from geor george geore e Wah hIngton himself who provided in his will for a national university and emphasized lu in ills his last message to congress the importance of tile the general diffusion of knowledge through proper institutions A center such aa the memorial will provide Is now lacking in washington according to plans the building will liae lae not only a large auditorium with a large organ but several smaller halls seating from to 2500 people the building would be made accessible to conventions of every character that may select washington as a place of assembly whether the conventions vent ions lons be international state slate interstate or territorial or whether their t 11 e 1 r character be business political religious patriotic vr ur social the memorial will be a center lu in tact fact tor for the diffusion of knowledge it will ill be sul suitable t for inaugural receptions and bell balls und especially tor for conferences between hp twedell nations RS as congress Jn intended tended it to bo be when it gave the ground |