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Show : THR STOY O? i j CUR STATE3 j Zj JONATHAN EHACE ? (c) ty 51 - Nn)-ipr Syn iU-itte.) OKLAHOMA U ,h r'""ri1 ,,jr t V'VO: -Wi "' rllt' """ l,'n" uf -jh&fy-w HoTiMim tliul Okla- V'j' '""'m W"M up. VriCj, (loud farm IuimI uvail-alile uvail-alile mine. I i 1 1 u hI cu I Act was dllll-ctill dllll-ctill (it Mini no the United .Stale bought 'nun (lie Indians, who lunl been -segregated lu Indian territory, a large I run of Home -IO.IXXj square miles tliat hull been used largely by the Indium an (mature for their cuttle unci horsey This was culled Oklahoma, a wort) vieynrig "tli.e count ry." und was ur-unged ur-unged to lie ready for sule to hoine-aiemlers hoine-aiemlers i 12 o'clock uoon of April 22. 1HM). Troops were placed on Kiiiinl to prevent uny settlers entering liefore thai time for more than 100.000 "boomers' us they were called, came froia all over (he country to obtain fneiiig or places for business. On the Nlioke of he hour, bugles sounded und die mad rush by men, women und children chil-dren to locnte claims began. The government gov-ernment had arranged land offices at many places at which claims could be filed for the farms or city lots, and (ill tlt.it day these were besieged by (ighddi mobs to register (heir selections. selec-tions. Itefore nightfall hundreds of farms '.ere slaked out and Oklahoma City and (Juthrle were well on their way to become cities. The latter In particular seemed to burst full fledged from grassy plain to bustling city. In less I han three hours four business blocks were laid out, and lined with tents in which were shops and offices. A city council was elected at four o'clock wllh over 10,000 votes cast, and (lie Oklahoma Herald issued Its first edition before all the "boomers" had reached town. In less than six months Guthrie had four newspapers, electric lights, street cars, and half a dozen banks. Additional lands were opened up for settlement In later years nnd the same scenes of phenomenal growth were re-enacted. Thus was developed this region which came Into the possession of the United States as a part of the Louisiana Louisi-ana Purchase In 1803 and which was set aside for so ninny years as Indian country. Previous to the formation of Oklahoma territory, congress had forbidden white settlers In this part of the country, and this edict was enforced en-forced by federal troops. As the demand de-mand for more land was felt and as the Indians decreased In numbers. Indian In-dian territory was added to Oklahoma territory, and In 1007 It was admitted to the Union as the State of Oklahoma, adding another star to our flag, which for eleven years had contained forty-'rtve. forty-'rtve. The state has flourished to such .in extent that It has ten presidential electors, which Is more than double that of many of the older states of larger size. NEW MEXICO -55 k S ITS name Ira &Tn? plies' New Mexl tomTO! Vli ""s h'story Is close- (k( iffiil lil l y ali:ed wltn 01d Irl r O.Mexico. It was the YsS45y Spanish wno were XvfcflJv' Its first explorers. zmir De Vaca visiting this region in 1530 and Coronado four years later. The natives were the Pueblo Indians, In-dians, although they are sometimes erroneously reputed to have been Aztecs Az-tecs as they were well advanced In the arts and had a comparatively high civilization. These Indians were conquered con-quered In 1508 by Juan de Onate and became subject to Spanish rule, being forced to work the mines and pay tribute. Missions were established and Santa Fe was founded about 1605. Except for a period of ten years when the Indians revolted and maintained main-tained their Independence. Nev Mexico Mexi-co remained under Spanish eonlrul until un-til In 1S21 Mexico gained Its Independence Inde-pendence from Spain. Then New Mexico became a province of Mexico. Thus it remained until the outbreak of the Mexican war. when in 1S46 Colonel Kearny marched from Fort Leavenworth Leaven-worth with his troops, occupied Santa I''e and declared this region a part of ti e United States. By the Treaty with Mexico in 1S-I8. the upper part of the s(a(e was formally ceded to the United States and the Territory of Mexico was organized In 1S50. which reached from Texas to California. Arizona was set off from New Mexico In 1S03 and a few years later a portion was contributed to Colorado. Application for admission as a state started In 1S50. but It was not until 1012 that New Mexico became the forty-seventh state. New Mexico ranks fourth In size among the states with an area of 122.634 square miles, hut Is sparsely populated d accordingly has only three electoral votes for President |