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Show w BLACK ROCK NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Walter James, their two daughters. Beniti and Helen, also al-so Mrs. Willard Burbank, spent Sunday Sun-day afternoon and evening with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brownfield. Wm. T. Brook, who has been with A G. James has left our midst. Walter James and Mrs. Wilier-' Burbank left for Salt Lake Tuesday evening. Mrs. Burbank will go on to Hagerman, Idaho, where she visit with her niece. Mrs. Clara Trovers. Tro-vers. From there Mrs. Burbank will leave for her home in Seattle. Mrs. Jas. Milllken has gone to S Lake for a few days. Mr. C. Daniels of Morrissey has been here several days on business. Mr. Walter James and daughter. Beniti were in Sciplo last Saturd |