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Show NOTICE OF HEARING i , UKI'OUE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF UTAH In the Matter of the Application of Utah railroads for permission to advance rates on conl and coke 15c per ton. No. 5 1 Notice is hereby civen that the application ap-plication of J. A. Reeves, as Chnir-man Chnir-man for the Utah Railways, for the I permission of the Public Utilities ' Commiss ion of Utah, to advance-'rates advance-'rates on coal and coke 13c per ton, based upon record as made by them, will be heard before this Commission at its office. Room State Capitol Blclg.. Salt Lake City, Utah, on Tuesday, Tues-day, July 31st. 1917, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. By order of the Commission. Dated at Salt Lake Citv. Utah, this 20th dav of Julv. A. D. 1917. (Signed) T. E. BANNING, (Seal) Secretary. |