Show APPROVE HIGHWAY PROJECTS According to Announcement of Bureau Bureau Bureau Bu Bu- Bu- Bu reau Every Type of ot Construction Is Represented three Ninety-three road rond construction prof In 2 28 states were approved for federal aid during October by the bureau bureau bureau bu- bu bu bu- reau reau of public roads United States Department of ot Agriculture according to a compilation just made public Virtually every type of construction 19 Is s represented in the approved projects The states In which these projects were approved and the number of ot projects approved in each state follow follow follow fol fol- low Alabama S Arkansas 3 California Call Cali fornia 2 Colorado 1 Florida 1 Idaho 1 Kansas 8 Maryland 5 Massachusetts 2 Minnesota 15 Mississippi Mississippi Mis- Mis Mis 6 0 Missouri 4 j Montana 1 Nebraska n 2 Nevada 1 New Mexico Ie 2 Ohio 2 Oklahoma Oklahoma Okla Okla- 2 North Korth Dakota homa 1 Pennsylvania 5 South Carolina 5 South Dakota 1 Texas 3 Utah 1 Virginia 12 Washington 1 Wisconsin 2 and Wyoming I 1 The longest single stretch of roadway approved In one project during the the- month was an earth road In Calhoun Calhoum county Mississippi miles Jon long Jong the shortest 09 mile was a brick road in n Stark county Ohio |