Show OJ r J JI I r II I tr oJ- oJ r oJ- oJ r r 1 r oJ- oJ r s r l z I MOUNTAIN HOME IE o A A. finc fine bab baby girl arrived at the home of Mr Ir and Mrs Clyde HOJe Rowley Rowley Row Row- Je ley on April 14 H. Mr 11 and Mrs Irs Harvay A. A Pace have been to Duchesne during the tho past week They took toole their little son Rex to have ha his tonsils and adenoids adenoids ade ade- removed remo The little fellow fello is getting along all right light t Ada Hauberg returned home Saturday Saturday Sat Sat- urda after aCter having ing spent the pas past two months in Altonah and Mt Em Emmons in Mr and Mrs firs D. D 13 B. Farnsworth Farn worth Jr r. r have ha arrived home o le after aHer spend spend- ing mg some nine Lilac ai at I Ve We have been having some beautiful beautiful beau beau- weather latel lately and every one seems to appreciate it Mr 11 and Mrs Thomas Thayn have m moved mo ed back to the farm Bert Wilkins and Will Smith are areat areat I at home again after arter spend spending ng the winter i in l Park City stott tott and ane Alta AHa Jenson went wen went to Duchesne Sunda Sunday to see Miss Jenson's Jensen's father who Is Is' just recovering reco recovering ering from an operation for Arnold Burtleson and Orson Mott Iott were up Sunday looking at the I cowl country try Dave Housekeeper and Irvin anc and Scott Bunce Dunce have ha gone to Price The rhe Sea Gull girls have been organized organized organized or or- or- or and ha e chosen their officers officers cers cens for the month as follows Marjorie Marjorie Mar Mar- ar- ar jorie jore Mecham Meehan president Viola Mitchell 1 vice vlee president Edith Hanberg Hanberg Hanberg Han- Han berg secretary A surprise party was held Sunda Sunday night in honor of Belle Mitchell Mr 11 and Mrs Jowett Fortie have moved to Boneta |