Show r. r Uncommon j i iI iI i I I Sense By JOHN HN BLAKE PRODUCTS BY-PRODUCTS HE Standard Oil company has f found a aYay way Yay to utilize all the residue from the distillation of ot p pe- pe Gasoline now one of ot the theet chief et products of ot the concern was once a by product All the coal tar derivatives derivatives de de- de- de from which many drugs and medicines medicines' are made are by products Bo So are paraffin candles and hundreds of other articles In every day use The Standard Oil company is a big concern It has thousands of ot technically tech tech- trained experts at work for tor It jit in has hns plants all aU over oyer the world world the the biggest plants of the kind In existence I Such an Institution can well afford to go 10 Into the tile business of ot making byproducts by byproducts products and to expend a part of ot Its almost limitless energies In getting all till that Is possible out of the crude oil oU which flows from Its wells But the business of ot developing byproducts byproducts byproducts by by- products Is for tor a corporation and a 8 abig abig big one one not not for tor an Individual You may fancy that you can throw oft off products by-products easily as you do your daily dally work You may believe If It you are a II bookkeeper that by spending a few tew nights writing moving picture scenarios you ou will be able to utilize all allour jour our brains Instead of ot part of ot them If It you are a young professional man with mth little to do you may Imagine that you yon can take up novel writing or artIng actIng act art Ing or bridge playing as a side line and thus get rich while you nr are arc waitIng waitIng wait walt Ing for tor success In your profession It Is la possible that you will get rich nt at one or the other of or these things But Dut If It you do do It will be you lave have lave dropped your profession and devoted devoted de de- voted Toted yourself to the product by-product Anthony Hope who wrote The Prisoner of Zenda was trained as a barrister but he had hod no briefs and wrote stories to while away be he le hours be was was waiting for tor clients He ne succeeded succeeded suc suc- ce ded as a novelist because he was born to write but he stopped being n a lawyer as soon as nB his bis first book Look was published In this world a man can cnn learn to do doone doone doone one thing fairly well The time he has hasIs hasIs hasIs Is better spent pent on that one thing Begin Begin Be Be- gin to scout around for tor products by-products of ot your brain and you will soon so scatter your energies that you do nothing nothing noth noth- ing well weH If It you OU want to write movie scenarios scenarios write em but dont don't try to keep a set of books at the same time It cant can't be done The expert accountants who are making big wages today were all satisfied to spend all their spare time learning how to keep books better Copyright bt |