Show 3 I. I i J F q oi o I o to al 1 a q i 1 DUCHESNE oo m 4 0 t 1 I I. I rt 3 o 1 0 ot- ot ot p I r. q J i Natale the Italian who owned the the brickyard d near the upper r Stra Strawberry berry bridge h in Duchesne died diedt at t his at the brickyard on June 1 He had resided here since the spring of 1915 lie lIe- was about 65 63 years of age was industrious andell and v well ell liked in this community He manufactured mo mot t or of the tile brick and lithe lime used in Duchesne Relative from Irom Helper came and took the body out for burial Mr Ir and Mrs II H. A. A Pierson entertained entertained en en- Sunday in honor of Mr Ir Joseph H H. Benson of or Price formerly of pf f Duchesne The guests included M. M 1 D. D Morrison lOrri on and A A. W. W Clemons demons A marriage license was issued bythe bythe by bythe the county clerk Monday to Josepn Joseph Shanks hanie of ot Utahn and Miss Martha Gilbert ol of Arcadia Alcadia fhe board of 01 equalization will in 11 Duc Duchesne T Tuesday June Jane 20 Q This will be the last opportunity to to present claims claim tor or oi adjustment adjust Mr lr Ray Thacker l and d Miss eru Osborn o ot- ot Mt Emmons visited their sister sifter Mrs H. H A A. A Pt Pierson l Il st eat eat- Sat t- t du Murdoch Murdock is at home again aft after the Wasatch 1111 cin during the winter Air S ioe oe Benson Benson a a government employee on the U. U S S. S mail mall service and z n an n old time pioneer of Duchesne lias iJas been spending his vacation vacation on with us Born Dorn to Mrs Otello Robbins a baby girl Friday morning Mother is g getting gating along ailing very nicely but the thel l ha baby aby by is seriously ill at the present i ine ne I. I Leiser and wile of Salt Lake are visiting veiling in Duchesne Mr Leiser is a dealer in ill hides and aud does doe a very good iness in Duchesne D. D J. J Thompson and wife of Altonah Altonah Altonah Al- Al tonah were Duchesne vis visitors lOls lOl's the fist hist of the week weel Mr 11 Wm m H. H Fitzwater our postmaster postmaster post pOS master has received a months month's vacation vacation vaca- vaca tion from om his work by the govern govern- ment He Ho has hus gone to Salt Lake to wend spend it Hi His Hio daughter Nora ac accompanied accompanied ac- ac companied him rim While In Salt Lake Lalee she he will have an operation for ap ap- ap- ap Mrs 1 rs J J. J R. R Lewis has gone to Salt Lake Lalee for lor medical treatment She has ben ill all winter and spring Her many friends friend wish her good goodluck goodluck goodluck luck and a speedy recovery Mr Ir and Mrs Fred Johnson have gone gune to Helper and Price for a short visit Mrs Nelson elson of Tabiona has been seriously ill at the Sweatman hospital hospital hos hos- pital for several days She improved improved ed od some and was was' vas vas' moved to Sau iah Lake Tuesday where she will be operated operated op op- crate on George Shelton wife and children of Roosevelt are the guests this week weel of Mr 11 and Mrs James Hair Miss iss Glenda Pickup of Standard Utah and Miss Clarice Clarke Hair of Ver Ver- nal were the week-end week guests of or tr UI 4 T I The l Ii geir Florence Marsing and and Bessie Bessie Fitzwater I were were- end week v guests guest at t Pine line Crest a beautiful beautiful beau beau- it place place- to a short vaca tion lips R Helen Ross Rosa of or Utahn and her hex l. l Terry t 1 pass passed r d through Duchesne for tor Of Salt Lake where Miss MIS's Russ Ross will attend the suns ter cl session of or school at the U. U o of or U. U I Mrs rs Floyd Wheeler and son o ot of Nylon Myton visited last week with her parents Mr 11 and Mrs 11 W. W J J. J Seaton Homer Lydell has returned from his school at Golden Colorado where he lie has been heen taking a mining course A farewell party was given Mr Ir and Mrs Mis F. F M. M Shelton and family Tuesday y evening Games and re refreshments re- re was waB the entertainment i or the evening We e are sorry loose to lo ose those these good citizens front our own We need boosters UI like c they are They will make mako their home at Talmage for the summer JIrs A. A N. N Alt entertained the the the- luncheon and bridge club on Thursday Thursday Thursday Thurs Thurs- day last The Time rooms were beautiful beautifully I ly decorated in lilacs Mrs H. H M. M Walker Valker won the prize Mrs Lockhart Mrs l Robbins and Mrs Fellars were hostesses at on Tuesday The ta tables Ies and rooms were decorated in lilacs and Irises rises The rite favors and place cards were vero in inthe inthe in the same color cola scheme Luncheon was S served to 40 guests |