Show 0 0 0 I oro 1 V r l' l t. Ie or I Ie 1 Thursday Ross floss Bartlett went to Leeton and Whiterocks in connection with the proposed seed cleaning plant The Roosevelt Culture club entertained entertained entertained enter enter- their husbands at the residence resi rest dence of Mrs Rae Ash Ashton ton Friday evening Cards and games were the lie order of the the evening Mrs E. E P. P Evans an and W. W I. I L. L Woolf won the first prizes for most points while the Rev M. M M. M Fryer captured the booby prize The Tile party was given in honor honorof of Dr W. W L. L Sutherland and wife who are arc moving to Idaho V. W. A A. Miles went to Green River Friday to look after his sheep I Friday afternoon the town boys met the Duchesne high school boys in a track meet on the high school campus The final score Ole was 68 to 61 points in in favor of the high school All the business houses closed during the hours the tournament tournament tournament ment was on Wm Vm MacKinlay l and Win Wm Anderson Anderson Anderson Ander Ander- son of Vernal were in lu Roosevelt Saturday Saturday Sat Sat- shaking hands with friends and advertising Vernal's May Ilay da day festival Mr and Mrs Leslie LesUe Ashton and andson andson andson son Lowe of Vernal were week-end week visitors with Clare and Rae Ashton Ira Bryant of Independence was In Roosevelt Saturday on his way to Salt Lake where he has been summoned summoned sum sum- to act as a juror in the federal feder feder- al court The Beehive girls under the su supervision supervision supervision su- su Mrs Ray Dillman assisted assisted assist assist- ed cd by Mrs Mary larr Caldwell and Earl Beck Deck went to Whiterocks Saturday to take in the bear dance There were 34 beehive girls in the party They returned to Roosevelt Sunday ev evening tired but well paid for their outing Monday Mrs James Prince and Camil family left for Cor Provo where they are aro moving and where Mr lr Prince has haK leased a farm Carm Clarence I. I Johnson made a business business business busi busi- ness trip to Duchesne Monday Plans are under way for foa the improvement Improvement improvement Im im- provement of oC Roosevelt's City park Lawns will be started and anel trees set net out not along the various wall walks s and anel baseball grounds The work is to to be he carried out b bj by the Boy Scout Mrs W. W L. L Woolf will be hostess hostes Friday next for the regular meeting of or the et Culture club Warren Ross and ld family are preparing preparing preparing pre pre- paring to move to Price Wednesday A. A Birch and family motored to o Whiterocks Tuesday I |