Show i 0 Q HUGE NETWORK OF HIGHWAYS When Federal Aid Sy System Is Com Corn There Will Be Miles of Roads Prepared Prepare b by the th United State D Department of A Agriculture When Wilen the federal aid highway system system tem tern provided for by the recently enacted enacted en en- acted federal highway act net Is completed completed com com- there will be he a network of or roads miles In length covering cring the whole United States The rhe time required for the completion of the system will wIlt depend upon the rate at which the necessary federal funds are provided say officials of the bureau o ot of public roads United States Department Department Depart Depart- ment of Agriculture which administers administers administers adminis adminis- federal-aid federal money An Idea of ot what these roads will mean to the country can be he gained by studying the effect of roads built In recent years and ond picturing what would happen huppen should they be torn up and left In their former condition Should these roads go buck back to their former furmer state and the motor vehicles which have ha come with them disappear there would be many changes Many Inny suburbanites would have haye to move Into the city and there would be a decrease In value ulue of ot suburban real estate Cities ClUes would have trouble In getting their fresh milk and food tood supply Much luch farm land would decrease In ink k r rs s S. S Completed Concrete Highway value alue and find the effect uti un rural ruml social life would be serious In fact tact motor vehicles and und the thc roads do which to use them form such an on important part purt of our economic and social life that It ItIs ItIs itIs Is hard to picture to the full extent what would happen Since all this dependence nce on highway highway high high- way wo- transportation has come tome In a brief period of years and with the construction construction con con- of ot miles of surfaced i highways of ot which are on the proposed federal-aid federal highway system It can be understood what further changes will take place as the system grows to miles mUes In length and rind other roads are built branching out from rom It |