Show of- of z Jo 1 oJ- oJ 0 oft oJ- oJ I A 10 10 Ie i oo 0 i Ben has leased Wm Vm Dugdale's farm for the summer and moved his family onto It Tuesday T. T B B. B Sears of or Fruitland spent Wednesday at Tabiona Mr Sears just recently returned from spending spending spend spend- ing the winter In hi Chicago and says the west looks the best hest to him after him after all l. l Mrs Clyde Davis is' is steadily im- im im Im- proving Mr Ir and anti Mrs Thad of or Hanna have moved into Ben Turn- Turn bows bow's house for the summer summer The and have all moved onto their farms until J school commences next fall Miss Minnie Maxwell la well is working at Duchesne Miss Mabel fabel Chatwin and Miss Sylvia Sylvia- J Jones ones rode to Fruitland horseback to attend the dance there Friday nightA night A baby baby- babygirl girl arrived at the home i of Vm Dugdale Saturday 22 The I seventh child t |