Show DOllT h I J INTEREST IN LAMONA BREED Egg Egg General Purpose Fowl Developed by Department of Agriculture P Prepared by the tho United States Statu Department of Agriculture The Lamona the new lay egg Ing lag purpose general fowl originated and being developed by the United States Department of ot Agriculture made its first public appearance at atthe atthe atthe the Madison Square Garden poultry show held in New York from January 25 to 30 where 15 16 of ot the birds were shown in the open classes In addition addition addition addi addi- tion to the and other govern bred went fowls of standard breeds the department put on an extensive exhibit consisting of models of poultry houses a display of feathers of ot the standard breeds appliances such as feed hoppers brood coops and a fattening fattening fattening fat fat- battery A s series rIes of pan panels s made up of photographs charts and placards showed the more Important standard breeds the feeding of ot hens for egg production the preparation of birds for exhibition the advantages of early hatching the Improvement red re- re d S Id H. H V Typical Lamona Hen HeTi suiting from the use of a high quality sire capons and capo culling the farm flock lock and the pedigree breeding of ot poultry A number of department representatives tives took part In the program of ot the show and gave information to the visItors visitors vis vis- tors concerning the educational it They reported an extraordinary Interest on the part of ot the public and various poultry breeders In the Lamona Lamona La- La mona moua breed many persons desiring to obtain breeding birds The department department department depart depart- ment believes It necessary to perfect them still more as regards certain characteristics and rind it is not likely that any will be for sale during the coming year ear |