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Show HERITAGE OF CIVIL WAR. Thousands of Soldiers Cont cted Chronic Kidney Trouble Whl In the Service. The expcrlenco of Capt. John L. Ely. of Co. E, 17th Ohio, now living nt 600 East Second street, Newton, Kansas, twill Interest tho thousands thou-sands of veterans who enmo back from tbo Civil War sulTorlng tortures tor-tures with kidney complaint. com-plaint. Capt. Ely says: "I cdntrnctcd kldnoy troublo during tho Civil War, and tho occasional oc-casional attacks finally final-ly dovcloped Into n chronics caso. At ono tlmo I had to uso a crutch and cano to get about My back was lama and weak, and besides tho aching, thcro wns n distressing retention of tho kidney secretions. I wns In a bad way when I began UBing Doan's Kidney Pills In 1901, but tho remedy cured me, and I havo boon well ever since." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents n box. FoBtcr-Mllburn Co., IJuffnlo, N. Y. |