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Show CHINA BREAKING CHAINS. Imperial Edict at to Establishment of Parliament. Poking. An Imperial edict was issued is-sued Friday nuthorlzing Prlnco Pu I.un. who was Chlncso envoy at tho St. I.ouls exposition, and Sun Oil Anal, In co-operntlon with tho grand council, to frnmo resolutions for tho establishment establish-ment of n council of deliberation to aid tho government "so that tho foundation foun-dation may bo laid for a parllamont." Tho dowager empress says that In tho establishment of a icprcsentntlvo government for China tho opinions of all must bo considered, and though the upper and lower houses aro foundations founda-tions of administration, tho throno is unablo to establish them In China at present Hoth Chnng CliI Tung nnd Yuan Bhl Kal, since coming to Peking on their appointment as grand councilors, hnvo urged tho establishment of a constitutional con-stitutional form of government, recalling re-calling tho fact that this reform has been promised and that China and all tho rest of tho world expect to seo It carried out. Slomorlala to tho thronq from tho highest officials throughout China continue to reach Poking In largo numbers, urging tho throno to grant China n constitutional government. |