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Show I RINCSTERS ARE TO STAND TRIAL H Fourteen of the Alleged Pennsyl- H vania Capitol Thieves Are to be H Brought Iuto Court. H Defendants Are Charged With Consplr- H acy to Defraud the State by Meant B of False Invoices Congressman H Cassel One of the Men to H be H Harrlshurg, Pa. Warrants for tbo H arrest of fourteen persons Involved In B tlio state capltol scandal wno Issued H on Wednesday by two Harrlsburg al- H ilcrmcn, on Information furnished by H Attorney (lonural Dodd. Each of tlio B defendants was charged on several counts with conspiracy to chent and K defraud tlio statu by making falsa In- B voices, nnd four of thorn aro also charged with obtaining money under fnlBO protonscB. Tho men for whom warrants woro Is- J sued Includo all of tho eighteen per- HBH' 1.0ns and llrniB, Including Congress- HHH man Cassol, montlnned by tho Inves- B ligation commission In Its report to H Governor Htnurt as being Involved In H the eapltol rontrnrts, with tho ox cop- B tlou of Finnk (1. Harris, former state V treasuror, and Edward I). Hnrdcnbog, B former auditor general, both of whom H won- members of tho board of grounds H nd buildings that awarded tho Cassol H' 'ontractn; George C Yolm, booklceep H rr In Shumakor's office, nnd tlio pre- H sent deputy superintendent of ground! H'' "id buildings, nnd tho International H Mnmifacturlng & Supply company, au H alleged "dummy" bidder against San H dorson |