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Show A BEAUTIFuL COMPLEXION Now Revealed. FREE What beauty Is more dculrablo thau nn exqulalto complexion and elegant Jowols. An opportunity fop every wo. man to obtain both, for a limited time ouly. Tho directions and reclpo for obtaining ob-taining a faultless complexion Is tho secret long guardod by tho inantor inlmla of the ORIENTALS and UltUEKS. '. This wo obtained after years of work and at groat expense. It Is tho method used by tho falrcBt and most beautllul women of Europo. Hundreds of American wqmen who now uso It have oxpressed their do-light do-light and satisfaction. This secret Is easily understood and simple to follow and It will savo you tho oxponso of croams, cosmetics, bleaches and forovor gtvo you a beautiful beau-tiful comploxlon and frco your skin from pimples, bad color, blackheads, utc. It alono Is worth to you many times tho prlco wo ask you to send for tbo gcnulno diamond ring of lat-st lat-st derlgn. Wo .' you this ring as one small rollt abi..o manufacturing cost. Tho prlco Is less than ono-balf what others ' charge. Tho reclpo Is'freo with ov-' ory ring. i It Is a gcnulno roso cut diamond i ring of sparkling brilliancy absolutely absolute-ly guaranteed, vory dainty, shaped llko a Uolchor with Tiffany Betting of 14Kt. gold sholl, at your local jeweler jew-eler It would cost considerable moro than $2.00. We mall you this boautlful complexion com-plexion reclpo freo when your order Is recolved for ring and J2.00 in money mon-ey order, stamps or bills. (Jet your ordor In boforo our supply Is ox-haustod. ox-haustod. This offor Is mndo for a limited tlmo only as a means of advertising and Introducing our goods. Send today before this opportunity U forgotten. T. C. M03ELEY, 32 East 23rd Street, New York City. t I Say to tho Agent 1 WHEN YOU GO EAST "I want to go as far i poaalblo via tho The ariument It thl; A SHORT ROVTE: GOOD ROAD BCD) EXCELLENT SERVICE) COURTEOUS TREATMENT. That U .v.rjthin, in traveling, "J 3 For Information and rates any Oregon Skort Line Ajent or addrc.a D. E. DVRLEV. C. P. A Salt Lak. City - D. S. SPENCER., A. G. P. A. I ILMIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIMIHIIl II.IIKIIMI.IIIMMMaJ.MMMMPMMMM iiWk Grand Prize, Paris, 1900; Double fafJi. Scnd coupon below, 'fl'lod out, to M m m V SvtW our ncar08t- dealer or to us and get llllllwav our Freo Trial and Easy Payment Of llllIlRfr. for ,0 rcponslblo parties anywhere II WmMnM 1fliTlfcr. '" tho UnltcJ States. Don't delay f M LmBtmJLiaM&Mj T1,,s ,B your opportunity to Becuro ab D LTJmW" tea solutely tbo best Talking Machine I Wlj 0)" 2iE made, on payments that will not be f iguM3Hm" "m fe,t- Wo accept old machines '.n part f MMgjjfj&MsHaVjF payment. A written guarantoo from nHMMnHntiiBH tbo eldest, largest and mo3t success' iflil'iyilllUillTilirr fu' manufflct,lror8 of Talking Ma . UUIl chines In the cntlro world. . SMaMJJ2flHB5ea Columbia Phonorjraph Co., Gen'l. II. II. 2 Columbia I'lionogruph Com- EK Ctrii'tahf " Mn'n "- 8aU I'lea.a nend me your Freo Trial and Eaay Payment Offer with illustrated literature. Name , -. Street and No ... City State I COMPETITI0N1,S2A. bsJRf 5 f iV,., Headquarters for all Oasofino Lamps and Supplies.' Send Description of Uoods Wanted and I S ? Lh0 n.eaL .. K- HISDMAN, Manager. X, 1103 K. Second South Street, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. ,,J J Turn Dimes 1 1 Into Dollars. J Phenominal Success of The St. Patrick Mining & Milling COMPANY OF UTAH (Incorporated). Over 15,000 already bought by eager In- Our company is capitalized at 250,000 shares, vestOW aud we now offer ths 35,000 of which 100,000 shares are set dsilc for working Shares rpmaining Of its first dlocK capital, and the remaining 150,000 shares of stock of treasury stock placed upon the market at the is pooled until at least one-half or more of its trcas-low trcas-low price of ten cents per share. The proceeds of mirv stock ;s so( the sale will he judiciously expended to thefurther car in mind Mmt Ulfs stock ., massessabkt aiul development of he property. w Inch ,s loctaed l.n H,ff tIlat privalc rt of stockhoWc is not ,iabe Cottonwood Mining Disti Salt Lake Countv, for cororation indebtedness. Utah, and consists of six promising mining claims. J-JJWj!ij!tj!t,jJt,tJt Over fifteen hundred dollars have already been The Hoard of Directors arc A. J. Smith, Prcsi-expended Prcsi-expended in development vurk since date of ihcor- dent; Hans II. Peterson, Vice-President; B. . M juration, February, 1006, consisting of over 500 Froiscth, Secretary and Treasurer; Mrs. Lcona f feet of tunnels and inclines. Minerals already Smith aud David Buck. The latter is also super-found super-found carry values in Copper, Gold, Silver, Lead intendent. and Iron. We arc now drivingfthe tunnel ahead jZxxt'TXt'TX'T to cut the mineral vein which is believed to be I!j REALLY is $1 SECURITY for 10 CtS. an extension of the well known Maxficld mine, that Remembe.. has already produced hundred of thousands of "Gool mim's fr0l K00 prospects -raw. dollars. - T'U1S wc harvest as we sow." The property is cquippc with hoisting and Do"1' k'la-v ,,u-v ,,ow' aiul Ret n on the ground pumping engines, ore cars a ' steel rails in tunnel. ,r $ 5.00 down and $5.00 mon.n. .or four .nonths buys 250 shares. ? 10.00 down and $10.00 monthly for ' ur moutiis buys 500 share. $ 20.00 down and $20.00 monthly for four months buys 1000 shares. ' $ 30.00 down and $30.0C .onthly for four months l lys 1500 shares, $ 40.00 down and $-10.00 monthly for four months buys 2000 shares. $100.00 down and $100.00 monthly for four months buys 5000 shares. CUT TI I IS OUT AND MAIL NOW. B. A. M. Froiscth, Secty., St. Patrick Mining & Milling Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. I subscribe hereby for ...... . shares .f stock, fully ru:! and non-assossahlc, of the "S't Patrick Mining & Millinji Co.," at the price of Ten Cents a share, for which I enclose $ .... as first payment, balance to be paid in four equal monthly installments. Name Address . A Date il We Cure (t1 A Cf Men For t) 1 fOK) No Pay Unless Cured rmm Consultation Free. jK WE ARE THK ApX I Leading ftjt specialists sr Not onlr in Bait Lake City, but In tha JliT whola I'aclflo Wait. The rnulta of our .HaW r 5W Frofemonsl work arc brlnglnit to our of- KBHkW V flHkw . l0!wm,1;, " avery atate and Territory !XSK53wBsW In th West. W uia the mlaeroicopa to 'Hi yJmnWjKUm tnaka our dlacnoata. It you want a par- "t3EHKFKIISy mancnt cura, consult ua. ibw ?? VJn tamt at Blood and Skin Dlieaau. Nervoui DmMii. l'iir. FUtiUa. Kldnyr. Uladdar and all Urinary Dliea.t. ju a to i Wcaknaaa and th. rult of pclflo dlceaaci. and all Private DKaaiaa 2? tin OUlt SYSTEM OF TUKATINO li lup.ri'r 5 ,. ?n tbU country and nr eurea ara th. reault of theae mothoda. We navir fall to ?Jrt our. Vn jay pa.; wa take. If you Buffer from neelecUl trim "ant of moniJ or rm unikll ?d praotlce-h.ra la an opportunity to Vttn.aerv?ce of a ,kll?.d speelallat. a craduate Dhyalclan. with yf,rt of rip. exrVrlence In tr..tin comp leafed and ipadaf dl.ordera of MfiN ONL.T. It will co.t nothfnJ t5 talk to u.f and may be the mean, of reatortnft- you to he" th and hanninaaa mfJUrr,?lhl.fn02?T &T?.",C"M" V,ry pri- Tou". only th.oc"?: Our fee being ao low. It enablea many who ara afflicted to nronir. ih. hlfheat aolenUflo medical aaal.tance Term. mad. to .u t If nectaaary ao that anyon. need not go without treatment. """"' ,0 ,nt We Want Every Man in tho Country Who Is Afflicted to Write Us About His Aliment. noura: lt.m.lolp.m.1 .r.nlnn, to l:J0( Sunday., a. m. to U noon SALT LAKE MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 180y8 S. MAIN BT., BAIT LAKE CITY, UTAH. WlllllMMIIiMMWMjnillMIIW WW California i i The Ideal Summer Resort - LOW RATES ISC P. Two Dully Palatial Trains from AJpSX a" Utnri Points. . . Ask Agents lJ;S,mr for ratos for next excursion or I HSJ111 vvrltoto Oirty j4 H. 3iirtner, D. P. A. I 1 Salt Lake City, Utah. ja naa g sa mum m i ai-a an b a aw a KKnKnnHnKKnnnHr.nKnKK.nKn;nr.KHK'.n'.'t'.t,.ttnii tt SCENIC LINE OP THE WORLD. JA CANYON of tho GRANDE S SfANORAMA l EAGLE RIVER CANYON. 5 SfOF NATURAt !; WAGON WHEEL GAP. ? BEAUTY ALL ;lj; GLENWOOD 8PRING3. Jj t.THE WAY. ,i CMJYOiroTuirGUNNTaoTj! Kthree ' ;!; i garden of the qodb. J 'THROUGH ; ! MANITOU 8PRINQ3, VTRAIN8. THE ROYAL GORGE. J fc THROUGH J JPULLMAN AND TOURIST 8LEEPER3. fc f TO DENVER. k Z T. 1-OUI8 AND K0r FoIdorB, DooldetB, ntc, Addrosi J -CHICAGO , A DENTON, G. A. P. D J Salt Lako City. 1 HVVlVlVlk'd'4UkU'rfkWVV4'44kkt'.UVlVl'4'M'4UVV(V'4"U'4VtVl'4V('.1'4V'4t'4 S I DOCTORS WHO CURE V5 J OlTalUlB aa4 afl Mxa.U aanal. aliuiw f U. VH. J Kara, K.M, Taiaat, 0lMaaa, Um, Kldaiji. Dltdd.r Jyhj; 3 and Bla, It.tit DlfUM, Ikla bit ml, Dt.la.ti, FIM, 4B Hrl a Cbana, Ilkaain.Uua, TV, Baetara, lt Uanhaad, Tar. alCtJ 4 M.K O.acnbtu, BnallU, tre.t.U. Trsublta, and atl IIbTBbbuIj C CJir.nl. Iimui aad VrlraM Dli.utt . If.p, W.nta HH'oV&ay a ahlldrta. It a traatsaat n 111 (m a .or. for 0- WSKAiB lanktl pl.M.MI II a laatk awdlalaM tt tt all KRmJp akral. al..aaa. jsXJ CONSULTATION FREE Dm. Bher.t' Eye D.p.rta.at Jw Sm talok tut f all Xr Dllt.a.a aaa fer lb. Srop.r Ittlof of (lauti ! uiiullu. ktlai la akaat at a itpMlall.l .a U. By. at T yaar.' tlaadlai;. OoatuItiUia aaa XliU ht A Special Department for Men. On. Shot. aa a BpmI.1 DtpartM.at auiastraly far tt. tTHlaaal an au. f all 1'riT.l. DltiaMi ( Ua, wL.tarr to ky loaa, . .r mdIi(Ios. Toui nta wk. a.t. ...a 11 .itny r Vi Maiaanl.ao falaala.4 b.b wb. hn. ran. U iihiui .Id mtn -wh. lad lh.tr .anal vigor nJortoaa. wlw bar. .ostr.ctod dU.n.a th. ilcilmt f Blood folioj and all tftm h ijad Uo aooai.l and aid o( oip.ti.no.4 and ktallr phTiW.nt, an aordlaOy lariUd . tMsaall thl. d.ptrlatuit and t. adrtiod rBED OT OIlABOB. bo or. li lh mx. und.r DUO. BHORKS' MODaOUC KXTRCTDS la 0 rrirat. Dtto.ua, that 70a nr arran. t. fr af Uj-'tH.J1' " "'WJ UttallmtBU. . h. rur. proir.iioa, ar Ta Bay VAX WKKM cnBED UI18, BUOnES Don4! adrrrtli. "raU." far aar ( ..aBt- "lU.l. allmonl" and lk.n .h.rr. y ". M . r9m. ai th. .mourt adr.rtliod I.c.om U. aaa. 1 U ''aqcpU. m t.tod." Dr.. Phoroi ! thai Uo "iSaa Uadfaal y B Initltntai." Dri. Ehor.l (nar.ntoo Uit an. i yT Lk B for ALL roar .lln.nti II fhoy Ir.tt yonr moo ad that fc' JfH th. fo. for a OUHB wlU ho ohoapor Ihta T " Q ur.d for .Uiwh.ro. Dri. Bhor.0 alaa faralrt Taw atadr g, 1mVjHri.-1 ltlnoo rrtEE th.ro li n. "hold ap" for "Vodlataoo" JttaJatflHBRjl after you hot. orr.ug.d iho f.o. q.aohi and Tahlro roiart JBtjQjSRie I. .nth Irltli to rob tho nnw.r but LoflUauU Bpo- tVMHH alalUt. abhor and dtnounc thorn. iilljtlllllllBrVSoW Bow.r. of anj fakir who aaldaa kohlnd a "fako Uoda 'WfKmr. at Inallluto" koeauao h. dtr. not .drortli. aadoa kit .MRr I awn noma. Thtro moat I. a raaioa for It w ra" I Homo Tro.lra.nt tJuraa. Wrllo for rroo Bfaipaoai Ual fcos. a, w. Baaou-a. I If on o.nnot 11 Con.ultatloa fraa. ' I OVr;OE IlOUKSi I a. m. U I p. aa. BroaUm T ta l adagra aad kolllat 10 I Drs. Shores & Shores, Expert Specialists. 249 EfftJtfl.gftfc,, aaBaaaaaaafaaaaMaaMaiaaaaaaaaTaMMB |