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Show The Cocart Should Go. Tho goenrt Is killing, says u writer In the Now York Press. No man or woman could sleep In ono; and It Is a crime to mako infants sit up ten hours a day In such contraptions. Tho In-funt In-funt should bo allowed to Ho down flat on Its back and havo a good snoozo. Whcnovcr I feel a llttlo stupid on n hot afternoon nnd allow myself to Bit In n chair and nod 1 feel a Bort of tugging tug-ging at my heart and am dazed on awnkonlng. It Is not healthful. Tho siesta of tho equatorial regions Is novor enjoyed sitting. Tho sonorltiv and tho scnorn recline. They also relax. re-lax. Their llttlo sleep lasts about two hours and It Is nil sloop. Let tho child llo down. It Is bettor for it to havo its feet abovo Its head than its head nbovo Its feet Get rid ot tho gocart Immediately. |