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Show WANTED 200 LABORERS Wao.es 25c per hour 50 TEAMS Equipped with Plank Wagons for Grading Work, WAOES $4.60 FOR EICJHT HOURS. STEADY EMPLOYMENT P. J, MORAN Sail Lake City Utah NOTICE. "United Stntoi Land Ofllce oait I-ako City, Utah, June 28, 1907. To Whom It May Concern: ,Notlco ! horoby given that tho Stato or Utah has filed In this ofllce a list of lunds, selected by tho said Stato. for the ostabllBhmant or permanent perma-nent rcsorvolrs for Irrigating pur poses, under Boollon 12 of the Art of Congro8, npproved July 10, 1891, as tollows: E. V, SW. Vt, W. 8E. '4. I-o's 3 and 4 Sec. 7. C. Vt NW. V. W. V NK, H and Lots 1 nnd 2 Sec 18, T 0 S II. r. W., 8. I M.. List 222 lleser volrs. 'A copy of said list, so far ns It relates re-lates to said tracts, by doicrlptlve But divisions, has boon conspicuously post ed In this ofilco for Inspection by any person Interested, and by the pub 1-Kpnorally. 1-Kpnorally. during the porlod of publication of this notice, undar departmental In ijruntlons of April 20, 1907, protosts or,', contests against tho claim of tho State to auy of tho tracts or subdivisions subdi-visions hereinbefore described, on tho ground that the same Is more valimblo Tor mineral thnn for agricultural pur-j poe. will bo ivcolved and noted for tvport to the Oonornl Land Ofilco nt Washington, D. C. Failuro so to protest pro-test or contest, within tho tlmo specified, speci-fied, will bo considered Biifllclcnt evidence evi-dence of the non-mlnernl character ot tho tracts, and tho selections there-or. there-or. being othorwlso freo from objee-tlontlon, objee-tlontlon, will bo recommended for np-pmvnl. np-pmvnl. K. D. n. THOMPSON. Heglslor. -First publication July 17. tJ Ijist publication Aug. II fjr' NOTICE. United States Laud OHlco. Salt Lnko City. Utnh, July Wth, 1907. To Whom It May Conconr Notice Is horoby glvon that tho Slnto of Utah has tiled In this ofilco ltH,llst or lands, selecfed by ,ll)Q, Buid State, under section 8 of tho Act of Congress, npproved July 10, 1S!I. ns follows, vl: K. 1-2 Si:. 1-1 Sec 7, K. 1-2 Sec. S, W. 1-2 Sec. 17. S. 1-2 and K. 1-2 NK 1-4 Sec. 18, nil Sec. 19. W. 1-2 and W. 1-2 13. 1-2 Sec. 20. NW. 1-4, SW 1-1 NK. 1-4. N 1-2 SW. 1-1. SK. 1-1 SW. 1-4. NW. 1-4 SE. 1-4. and S. 1-2 HE. 1-4 Sec. ,29. K. 1-2 NK. 1-1, N. 1-2 SE. 1-1, SW. 1-4 8K. 1-4 Sec. :i(. T. 9 S., II. S W., 8. U M.. In-eluded In-eluded In List HA. Agricultural College. A copy of said list, so fur as It m-litos m-litos to said tracts by descriptive subdivisions, sub-divisions, lyiH been conspicuously post, ed In this olllco for Inspection by any pcrBon interested, and by the public generally. Dining tho porlod of publication ot this notice, under departmental Instructions In-structions or April 25, 1907. protests or contests against the claim ot tho Statu to any ot tho tracts or subdivisions herelnbeforo described, on the ground that tho samo Is more vnluablo for mlnornl thnn for ngrlcuHunl imposes, will lie received and noted Tor report to tho Clenornl Land Olllco nt Washington, Wash-ington, D. C. Hnlluro so to protest or contest within thu tlmo specified, will bo consldorod sufficient evidence of the liou-mlnnrnl character of tho tracts and the selection thereof, being otherwise other-wise free from objection, will bo recommended rec-ommended for approval. K. I). It. THOMPSON, . Ilcglstor. First publication July .11. 1907. l-nst publication Aug. 28, 1907. NOTICE.. United States Und Olllco, Salt Lake, gty Utah, .Augustjth, 1907., Notlco Is hereby given that tho Stato of Utah, has filed In this ofilco lists of lands, selected by tho said State, under section 0 of tho Act ot CongrcsJ, npproved July ICth, 1891, ns Indemnity School Lands as follows, viz: NK, 1-4 NI3. 1-4 Sec. 17. (Stato 448, U. I. It.); W. 1-2 NK. 1-4, NE W, NW. 1-1, Lot 1, Sec. .10, (Stato 442 U. I. It.) ; W. 1-2 Section 28 Statn 4IC. V. I. It.), nit In T. 9 S., It. D W.: SE. 1-4 SW 1-1, S. 1-2 SK. 1-4 Sec. 21, NE. 1-4 NW. 1-4, K. 1-2 Sen 28, N. 1-2 NE. 1-4 8cc. 33. N. 1-2 NW. 1-1 Sec. 27 (State 439. V. I. It.); S. 1-2 NW. 1-4, S. 1-2 Sec. 27, NW. 1-4, N. 1-2 NK. 1-1 Sec. HI (Stato 440, U. I. It.): W. 1-2, SK. 1-1. S. 1-2 NE. 1-1 See. 3.1 (Stato 441, U. I. It.), nil In T. 8 S.. It. G W., nnd Lots 3 and 4 Sec. 1 4, T. 9 S.. It. G W. (Stale 441, U. I. Copies of said lists, so far as they 1 rolato to said tracts by descriptive (subdivisions, hnvo boon conspicuously posted In this ofllce for Inspection bv H any person Interested and by the pub- H He generally. H This notice will bo published for 9 H successive weeks, under departmental Instructions or April 2fi, 1907, und H during this period, protestB or contest H ngnlnst the claim or tho Statu to any H Tif the tracts or subdivisions herein- H before described, 011 Hie ground thbt H the snme Ib moiv vnluablo for mlnornl H than for ngrlculturnl purposes, will H ho received nnd noted for report to H tho Oeneral Land Olllco nt Washing- H ton, I). C Failure bo to protest or H contest, within Hie tlmo specified, H will bo considered Biifllclcnt evidence H of tho non-mlnernl character ot said 'H tracts, nnd the selections horeof, being H otherwise freo from objectlonill 1 recommended for npproval, H K. 1). 11. THOMPSON, H Register. H First publication, Aug. 21, 1907. M liist publication, Sept. 18, 1907. H H United Slates Und Olllco, Salt Lnko City. Utnh. August 2Gth, 1907. 'jrM Ti. Whom It May Concern: '1 Notice Is herey given that thu Statu H or Utah has tiled In thlefolllco lists of 1 lands, selected by tho raid State,' tin- H dec tho Gth section of the Act ot Con- H gross, npproved July 10, 1891, an In- 1 domnlty HchoOl Lands, ns follows: H S. 1-2 HW. 1-4. SK. 1-1 'Sec. 9, W. H 1-2 SW 1-1. SK. 1-4 SW. 1-4 8ec. 10, H NW It NW. 1-4 See. 15, (Stnto 4G0, H V. 1 It,); NW. 1-4, NK. 1-4 SW. 1-1 H Sec. 10. W. 1-2 NE. II. SE. 1-2 NK. H 11 Sec !), (State 145, V I. It.); NK. H 1-4 SK. 1-1 Bw 17 (State 453. U. I. H .11): SE. 1-4 NK. 1-4. SE. 1-4 SK. 1-t H See. 17. (Stale 150, IT. 1. It.), all In T. H ! S.. It. 5 W.; S. 1-2 SE. 1-4 Sec. G. H S 1-2 NE. I). SE. 1-1 Sec. 7, N. 1-2 H NE. 1-1 See. 18. (Stato 4U9, U. I. II.). H T. 9 S., It. 7 W.; SE. 1-4 Sec. 29, SW. H 1-1, S 1-2 NW. 1-4 Sec 28. (State 451. jJH I'. I. It.); and SW. 1-4 Sec. !H, (Statu H 445, U. I. It.), all lit T. 8 S., It. C W., H SE 1-1 SE. 1-1 Sec. 23. (State 454, U. I. H It.) . Lot 3 SE, 1-4 NW. 1 4 Sec. 3, S. 1-2 H NW. 1-1 Sec. II, (Stale 415. U. I. 11.). H nil In T. 9 S., It. G W., S. L. M. H Copies or sulil lists, so far as they H relate to said tracts, by descriptive , M suhdlvlslons, havo been conspicuously"' H posted In this olllco for Inspection by H nuy perhon Interested, nnd by the pub- M He generally. ,. .,,il riihitlj:uUbuMl) RviiHiilvffllwekiWuwdetffdepftriK4" niemi"IriStnictlon5yorApl-ll '25 1B07; -lH nnd during this period, protests or con- 1 tests ugalnsl the claim of thu Stato 1 to any or the tracts or subdivisions H hereinbefore described, on Hie ground , H that the same Is more vnluablo for ' B mineral than for agricultural purposes 1 will be received nnd noted for report to tho flouora! Uiud Ofllce at Wash- M Ingtnn, I). C. Fnlluru so to protest or , M contest, within the time specified, will , M bo considered Biifllclcnt evidence of vsH the non-mineral character of said iiH tracts, and the selections thoreof, lie- 1 lug otherwise freo from objection, will , M bo reronimcnded for npproval. H E. 1). It. THOMPSON, fjH Heglster. H First publication Sept. 4, 1907. jjl Last publication Oct. 2. 1907. M 'I Smnko "IWtlinoro" , uulon madf vl clgais. For ilc overywUcru, H 1 J Jk T Suits, sklits, Jackets, hats, gloves, fV H M jfilTiCi )t Olll portieres, piano covers, ostrich plurnesVjj H V wv,,u u.xa or anyihlug that has becomo soiled oriv H (il faded, to us and wo Will 'i ' H CLEAN, DYE OR RE- ft H S PAIR 80 a a'most as good nsJS; jH tj Wo pay particular attention to work nrl X" jl gzfrom out or the city and on Jobs or 1 GllipiClOIi J; IH fXll'iO or oter we prepay tho oxpress j-i r J)V H charges. Cleaning Co., gj M Mnln otrirc. 112 :nd So. St. T& H f. ,.. , .. ,., , . (I'P- ('raml Theatre ffV H jJJ Works, ?'- W 1st So, St, Bait Uko City. &A H High Grade Saddlos and -- - - ''H nidlng Equipment, tore Hags Food Dagr Mall Ijri iH I HERSCHEL B. LYMAN, REAL LEATHER QOODB A. NOVEL- 4H LEATHER, NOT RoPQER. fM Hand Carved Leathor Goods. J Ladles Hand Hags, Purses, Uclts, Etc, H Sportsmen's Leather and Canvas jM Kfnl Leathor Is made ot mklna ot - H Imitation Leather iklns the nubllo. H 21 Eait Third South 8tret H Independent Telephont No. 2401. - H THE UTAH ROOSEVELT 8ADDLB 'SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. H . jl 'lll |