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Show A Definition of Success. Hbw havo the hypothetical scientists scien-tists nnd tho exponents of unbelief benefited themselves or humnnlty at largo by sowing tbo seeds of doubt broadcast In tho 'world? Tho real scientists sci-entists do not fall In this category, for they are believers In ho real senso of the wordj they know too much, they hnve seen too many mysterious manifestations mani-festations of the Dlvlno crcativo aw-or. aw-or. Now, thoso who havo disposed of tho Illblo and all evidences of inspiration, inspira-tion, havo written a great many books and somo of them have won what tbo world at largo lightly calls famo. According Ac-cording to tho ordinary measuros that aro applied In such cases, they havo been extremely successful, but real success means tho benefit ot humanity human-ity In somo form or other. If no such benefits can bo shown as the result of their labors, their success Is not equal to that nchlovcd by tho direst poverty nnd tho deepest Ignorance Joel Chandler, In Undo Itemus' Magazine. |