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Show 4ro curious Curious Compound Capsules combine com-bine the virtues of Big G, Pabst O. K 6anta Pepsin, and sell for $1.25 a box. Mall orders promptly attended ,H. Doull Drug Co., Distributors, 338 Main 6t, Salt Lake City. None genuine without the trade mark the Curious D. ALL MALLOWS COLLEGE. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOY8. CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC AND COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENTS. GYMNA8IUM AND DRILL. iaitLataJy UTAH DENTAL P.(l B"-s0s2s." ouuuiKcuiy Ulrt UL.11 1 ML. UUi ooden. pakkcity DR. ZIMMERMAN, MonoKor - tlcath i:itrrtet 1'otltU.lr AVIthout l'.ln IT.. MJtb otli.r Work 8ft Teeth (bent red rubber oo OoM C'nwni, IJ-k fl.Mtol.Ntf) Ilrldg.) Work, twit fasOtoMoo . TR . ,.. noli Htltnn tlOuuii VnjOUlPUTU All Other Klillne Wc, ; fTflB CIA. 13 YEAHS GUARANTEE. tp4 -VMl FIJI K Kiitalnmlon nd,Adlc8. x-Aj.Tr-;I fl Optn tills p. m. Sundayi 10 to !, r BRING THIS AD. WITH YOU AT EITHER OFFICE. " " Pianos. fl ChicKering. js "Davenport m $ Tracy," "Haddorff," A "Clarendon - "Bishop." ' J Havo led tho way for over eighty 1 1 Sb oars In piano forto construction, nnd ee V are today tho unhesitating choice of I if I 1 tho musician. I f liChickering Upright Pianos, $550.00,11 J j Chickering Quarter Grand, $750.00.T T 1 X Sold on easy monthly payments. Wo X X S Sb also hnvo a flno lino of other first- 3 S 1 class Pianos and Player FlanoB, In- 1 J J eluding well known makes as tho J J ho nljovo: " Always Bargains in Second-Hand Pianos. Utsin-ldsiiio COMPANY, 270 S. State Street, Salt Lake City, Telephones 699. --, Cheapest Store in the West! 9 SALT LAKE CITY.' - UAIQIS State Street. We sell cheaper because we buy cheaper. We go into the markets and j buy our goods for cash from parties who want money. In this way wc can sell the j same goods for 50 cents that the regular store sells for $1.00. This is no humbug but facts which you can see for yourself by Examining Our Goods and Prices. f, NOTION BARGAIN8. Good Pins, per paper, lc. COATS TllItBAD, PER SPOOL, Be. JL Gold Eyed Needles, per paper, lc. Coats Darning Cotton, por dozen, 22c. 5? Rest Aluminum Thlmhles, lc. llubher Kino Combs. 3 and Cc. , Two dozen Good Hooks and Eyes for lc. Metnl Hack Horn Combs, B, 8 and 10c. T Turkoy Jlcd Marking Cotton, per spool, lc. Talcum Powder, por box E and 10. 9 X ALL OTHER NOTIONS IN PROPORTION; ft !S. '" .- - - ..,-.. - -M r-irii-i-nriii-i-i-r ii-iiv iirririivi.)i.unA.j-jL.-..ijrjL-im.j-.iu-.u 3 A CLOTHING 8PECIAL3. TgIIoys Knee Pants Suits, 98c, il.BO, $1,75 nnd 2.00. Men's Dross Pants, SI 93, 2.B0 and 13.00. f X Hoys' Kneo Pants. 26, 35 and BOc. Men's Over Coats, fl 00, IB. 00, SG.00 and up. Men's good Suits. 4.95, J5.9B, JC.95 nnd S3. 9B. Men's Woi king Shirts, 35 nnd 4 Be. Men's Working Pants, 7B, 98 and SI. 2B. Men's Nlco Dress Shlrtu, , C5 and 8Bo. -""W"i''"W ! - - l-'-l .-.- .J" ..-.-. V.. -L-.V .-.- I Shoes! Shoes! "' f !Come and See Our Line of Shoes. We Can Save Ycu Monev. LADIES' COATS AND 8KIRTS. - K Ladlos' Iong Coats, latost stylos, 14.75, S5.7C and SC.7B snd up. Ladles' Nlco Cloth Skirts, SI. 95, S2.B0, $3.00 nnd up Ladles' Sill: Petticoats 14.75. fS Ladlos niack Satteon Underskirts, CB, 75, 98 and J1.B0. Children's Bear SWnjTjoaU, UK d up. fet Indies Hoatherbloom Skirts, look and rustlo like Bilk, Children's Juckus and Coti. fmw 76e up. 8 12.75. 'f 7 HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR. '" Children's and Missus' nibbed Horo, 10, 12 1-2 and lfic. Ludl.,,' Wxi lit)0, 18, 20 and S5c Ladlos' Fast Black Hose, 10, IB, 18 nnd 2Bc. CulMrtn' Uudljjivoar, from Bo aud up W Ladlos Heepo Lined Hoiw, 12 l-2c. and up. Ladles' Long 81.ie undsryfteU, fiom It 1-So. up. C ...... ...., hi .I,.. 111 !! . , ri-,.!-!-!,,-!,-,,-!-,- jri.nn.ii Mww.j..w.tiJ'miLWuiinM nMH M WE HAVE THE LARGEST LINE OF TIN AND GRANITEWEAR IN THE CITY AND AT PRICES ABOUT HALF WHA"T&r M YOU PAY ELSEWHERE; ALSO GLASSWARE, f CROCKERY & HARDVARE. y, U 3 WIIITE FOR PHICE-L1ST. (f, f Tho only difference In Our Goods and other stores , Js' the S dnemimbor tho place, P" F. M. Teets, V. 114, 116 & 118 State St., 8alt Lake CltyA J 'jqSL' 'I .tiLvljVhSi H ksssssssl i RKtLHRBssssssssC i j XBM " sssssfl zKEBPitiiriK0KUBBlZ!l!mE!!ttrTitn Hsssssl MBpWsatoMtei j '? rsFsr3it") ''" .' wvywKEMESPBf- GORDON ACADEMY. H 3 South 3 East Streets, M SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Private Honrdlng nnd Day School for bojs and girls. Art and Music nopartment. Hfth. Sixth. Seventh. Eluth tirades, togethor with all High School hranches. College trained teacherB, linlhldual help when nocossary. ! Kxponscs modernte M For Particulars Address: H D. B. CLARK, Principal H Gordon Hall. Visit Our Stores in Salt Lake City. H We Carry n Complcto Lino of M NEW and SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS In SEPARATE STORES. H Figure With Us Defore Buying Elsewhere. Mail Orders Solicit- M ed. Goods Promptly and Carefully PncKcd for Shipping. H NEW STORE. 254-256 South State Street. SECOND-HAND STORE, 242 South Stato Street. H Also Headquarters for Repairs for Any Old M Stove. H Western Furniture Company. jSll A. H. Crow, I 0sissssssKsflHKllcHIIAHVsssssssssss sssssssssH I' iHfililalwl' MANUFACTURER X DEALER IN i lWUflrf J0r Rfl uKfsi9mm Harness, Saddles, Robes, Dus- M mOL jtf H 35 South West Temple Street, H ?KNAPT( W I I $ HANGER CO. Wall-Paper, Paints, Etc. J Painting, Graining, Paper-Hanging, Calcimining, Tinting : H Sign Painting. ! - H Orders by Mail Receive Prompt Attention. H Phones: Bell 1781K, Ind. 2287. J 1 All low-priced figured papers trimmed unless otherwise i H ordered. H jQ 217 S. State Street, Salt Lake City. M nWKV.r.r.rxnKKvx.vXW.r..rMrMV.KKKKKVMmtir.nr- V PLACE YOUR EYES IN OUR HANDS. M g iKMKM.W,KKKnv.KKr. ivrf3Hi 6'P Tn0" HeaH- H ij . Ve Are Here. 'lvaj3KJ "ches. M I Tu' Vm, Jw Tn08e oi"y 8Pe" H h Times a yozt ife wjsna ffH S . . WteS7 That Eyo Ctraln, ! tU-UUUM".UVeUrtVjsVl "& H Alexander-Dibble Co. I y Formerly Aiexuntkr U)jtlcal Co. jH C30-31-32 Atlas Block, Salt Lake City. Doth Phones 4444. - " m Sounds Big, but it's True I If you want to talk with every town in Utah. Idaho. Montana M and Wyoming, you MUST havo M tho "BELL." Otherwise you B CAN'T! 0h Pure Gold Rings hav. 18kM INSDE. U j $& "18 kM Telephones have this OVICIDE. I isssVi............................................................................. |